of the Hills Fisheries Science Center
5103 Junction Hwy
Mountain Home, Texas 78058
Telephone: (830) 866-3356
Fax: (830) 866-3549
E-mail: hoh@tpwd.texas.gov
Heart of the Hills Fisheries Science Center
near Ingram, Heart of the Hills is home to the Research Section of TPWD's
Inland Fisheries Division. Our research improves fisheries management and explores
what is unknown about fish, their environment, and current and potential
anglers. In addition to conducting independent applied fisheries research,
we provide guidance and support for projects conducted by our fisheries
hatcheries staff.
Please note that Heart of the Hills Fisheries Science Center is closed on all state holidays.
From this center, we conduct scientific investigations and provide support and advice to:

Identify and recruit new users of fisheries resources

Maintain and enhance sport fisheries

Refine sampling techniques and data analysis

Determine habitat requirements, limiting factors, and enhancement techniques for fish communities
Our research aims to conserve aquatic resources and provide better fishing for the people of Texas. The work we do provides valuable knowledge about fish age and growth, behavior, ecology, genetics, and reproduction, Administrators, biologists, and hatchery managers use this information to make strategic decisions affecting fish population assessments, regulations and stockings.

Information collection, reporting and research are produced with support from the federal Sport Fish Restoration program.