TPWD District Fisheries Office

8684 LaVillage Avenue
Waco, Texas 76712
(254) 666-5190
John Tibbs, Biologist

About the Area

Nearby State Parks


Comanche Trails Park Lake

Fish Habitat Structures

Add short descriptions. All descriptions of depth and distance from shore are dependent on water level and may change throughout the year as water level fluctuates. Coordinates are also available in downloadable files.

Coordinates are in decimal degrees
Site Latitude


Depth Description


-101.472453 4-6 feet 12 – 20-inch-tall root wad structures laid out in a row, 30-40 feet from shore
2 32.222778 -101.472318 6-7 feet 3 – 20-inch-tall root wad structures
3 32.223853 -101.472136 6-8 feet 7 – 20-inch-tall root wad structures, 30-40 feet from shore
4 32.223508 -101.471882 8-10 feet 5 – 40-inch-tall trophy tree structures 30-50 feet from shore
5 32.223835 -101.471309 10-12 feet 5 – 60-inch-tall trophy tree structures.
6 32.224417 -101.471334 3-6 feet 18 – 20-inch-tall root wad structures laid out in a row, 30-40 feet from shore