TPWD District Fisheries Office

PO Box 835
Canyon, Texas 79015
(806) 655-4341
Caleb Huber, Biologist

About the Area

Local Information


Palo Duro Reservoir

Quick Links: Fishing Regulations | Angling Opportunities | Cover & Structure | Tips & Tactics

This area is experiencing a drought which may affect fishing and boat ramp access. Before you go, check the current lake level or contact the controlling authority for current conditions.

Lake Characteristics

Location: 10 miles north of Spearman on Palo Duro Creek, a tributary of the North Canadian River
Surface area: 2,413 acres
Maximum depth: 77 ft., mean depth 46 ft.
Impounded: 1991

Water Conditions

Current Lake Level
Conservation Pool Elevation: 2,892 ft. msl
Fluctuation: Severe, 4-10 feet annually
Normal Clarity: Turbid, visibility 1-2 feet

This area is prone to drought and low water conditions. It's a good idea to call the controlling authority, Palo Duro Ground Water District, ahead and check water conditions before making a trip.

Reservoir Controlling Authority

Palo Duro River Authority
PO Box 99
Spearman, Texas 79081
(806) 882-4401

Aquatic Vegetation

Scattered stands of native emergent vegetation and stands of flooded timber

Predominant Fish Species

Lake Records
Current Fishing Report
Stocking History
Latest Survey Report

Lake Maps

A general information map is available from the Palo Duro River Authority (806) 882-4401.

Fishing Regulations

All fishes are currently managed under statewide regulations. For walleye, this means a five fish daily bag limit, and only two of those fish can be under 16 inches in length.

Angling Opportunities

The reservoir has limited boat and good bank access due to low water levels.  Channel Catfish are the most popular species.  The successful management of other gamefish is difficult due to poor water levels.

Species Poor Fair Good Excellent
Largemouth Bass yes      
Channel Catfish   yes    
Blue Catfish yes      
Crappie yes      
Walleye yes      
Sunfish yes      
Fishing Cover/Structure

The reservoir has extensive areas of flooded timber and flooded brush, and some areas of aquatic vegetation.

Tips & Tactics

Water levels can and do fluctuate dramatically. The reservoir is relatively new and has turbid water, especially in the upper end. Walleye are available in limited numbers but are not actively managed due to low water levels at this time. Channel Catfish can be caught near the dam in using traditional methods such has cut-bait and various prepared dough baits.