- Licenses & Regulations
- ShareLunkers
- Fish Identification
- Fish Consumption
- Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center
Water Resources
- Texas Reservoir Levels
- US Army Corps of Engineers
- Texas Water Issues
- Golden Alga
- Aquatic Vegetation
District Fisheries Office
8684 LaVillage Avenue
Waco, Texas 76712
(254) 666-5190
John Tibbs, Biologist
About the
Nearby State Parks
Texas Lakes
Wheeler Branch Reservoir
Public Access Facilities
Return to Wheeler Branch fishing page
The county park offers a boat ramp and shoreline fishing access. Day use fees are required. No overnight camping is allowed.
A: Wheeler Branch Park |
Wheeler Branch Park
- From Highway 67 in Glen Rose, take Bo Gibbs Boulevard and turn north on County Road 301. At "Y" intersection veer left on CR 326 and follow to park entrance.
- Paved 2-lane ramp
- Day use fees:
- Somervell County residents - $5; residents over 65 - free
- Glen Rose ISD students and children - $2
- Non-residents - $10; children under 13 - $5
- Open all year
- Operated by Somervell County Water District (254) 897-4141