We are in the process of updating this webpage to reflect the current Federal and State Listed Species in Texas. Please visit the following pages to find the information you seek, or contact Kevin Mayes for more information. Check back soon!
Federal and State Listed Fishes
in Texas
In Texas, animal or plant species of conservation concern may be listed as threatened or endangered under the authority of state law and/or under the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA). Species may be listed as state threatened or endangered and not federally listed. The state list only addresses the status of a species within Texas. A federal listing means that a species is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range which may encompass several other states or nations.
Candidate species are those organisms the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has sufficient information on to propose as endangered or threatened under the ESA but development of a proposed listing regulation is precluded by other higher priority listing activities. Unlike species listed under the ESA, candidates receive no statutory protection.
Species are ranked (Global and State) using a conservation status system established by NatureServe.
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department's Inland Fisheries and Coastal Fisheries Divisions maintain purview over the following fish species. Inquiries about rare, threatened, and endangered fish species should be directed to those TPWD Divisions
Common Name | Scientific Name | State Status | Federal Status | Global Rank | State Rank |
Arkansas River Shiner | Notropis girardi | Threatened | Threatened | G2 | S2 |
Big Bend Gambusia | Gambusia gaigei | Endangered | Endangered | G1 | S1 |
Blackside Darter | Percina maculata | Threatened | G5 | S1 | |
Blotched Gambusia | Gambusia senilis | Threatened | G3G4 | SX | |
Blue Sucker | Cycleptus elongatus | Threatened | G3G4 | S3 | |
Bluehead Shiner | Pteronotropis hubbsi | Threatened | G3 | S1 | |
Bluntnose Shiner | Notropis simus | Threatened | G2 | SX | |
Chihuahua Shiner | Notropis chihuahua | Threatened | G3 | S2 | |
Clear Creek Gambusia | Gambusia heterochir | Endangered | Endangered | G1 | S1 |
Comanche Springs Pupfish | Cyprinodon elegans | Endangered | Endangered | G1 | S1 |
Conchos Pupfish | Cyprinodon eximius | Threatened | G3G4 | S1 | |
Creek Chubsucker | Erimyzon oblongus | Threatened | G5 | S2S3 | |
Devils River Minnow | Dionda diaboli | Threatened | Threatened | G1 | S1 |
Fountain Darter | Etheostoma fonticola | Endangered | Endangered | G1 | S1 |
Leon Springs Pupfish | Cyprinodon bovinus | Endangered | Endangered | G1 | S1 |
Mexican Goby | Ctenogobius claytonii | Threatened | GNR | S1 | |
Mexican Stoneroller | Campostoma ornatum | Threatened | G3G4 | S1 | |
Opossum Pipefish | Microphis brachyurus | Threatened | G4G5 | S1N | |
Paddlefish | Polyodon spathula | Threatened | G4 | S3 | |
Pecos Gambusia | Gambusia nobilis | Endangered | Endangered | G2 | S2 |
Pecos Pupfish | Cyprinodon pecosensis | Threatened | G2 | S1 | |
Proserpine Shiner | Cyprinella proserpina | Threatened | G3 | S2 | |
Rio Grande Chub | Gila pandora | Threatened | G3 | S1 | |
Rio Grande Darter | Etheostoma grahami | Threatened | G2G3 | S2 | |
Rio Grande Silvery Minnow | Hybognathus amarus | Endangered | Endangered | G1 | SX |
River Goby | Awaous banana | Threatened | G5 | S1 | |
San Felipe Gambusia | Gambusia clarkhubbsi | Threatened | G1 | S1 | |
San Marcos Gambusia | Gambusia georgei | Endangered | Endangered | GX | SX |
Sharpnose Shiner | Notropis oxyrhynchus | Endangered | G3 | S3 | |
Shovelnose Sturgeon | Scaphirhynchus platorynchus | Threatened | G4 | S2 | |
Smalleye Shiner | Notropis buccula | Endangered | G2 | S2 | |
Smalltooth Sawfish | Pristis pectinata | Endangered | Endangered | G1G3 | SNR |
Toothless Blindcat | Trogloglanis pattersoni | Threatened | G1G2 | S1 | |
Widemouth Blindcat | Satan eurystomus | Threatened | G1G2 | S1 |