TFRLCP Council Meeting

Schedule for March 2, 2016

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Commission Hearing Room
4200 Smith School Road, Austin, TX 78744

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Council Meeting

March 2, 2016
10:00 AM

S. Reed Morian, Council Chairman

  1. Action Item - Review and approval of minutes from January 28, 2016 Council meeting. Presenter: Ted Hollingsworth
  2. Action Item - Consideration by Council of staff recommendations regarding applicant eligibility, project eligibility, and eligible project costs in Texas Farm and Ranch Lands Conservation Program project proposals. Presenter: Ted Hollingsworth
  3. Briefing Item - Overview of the Texas Farm and Ranch Lands Conservation Program Grant Ranking Process. Presenter: Justin Dreibelbis
  4. Action Item - Consideration by Council of staff recommendations to award grants for conservation easement projects. Presenter: Ted Hollingsworth
  5. Action Item - Consideration by Council of a schedule for solicitation and consideration of project applications for the remainder of the 2016/2017 biennium. Presenter: Ted Hollingsworth
  6. Public Comment Session. The Council will receive comments from the public on any matters within its jurisdiction. Speakers will be limited to three minutes each, with the total time for public comment limited to one hour.