Water Resources Program

Program Summary
TPWD's mission is to manage and conserve the natural and cultural resources of Texas and provide hunting, fishing, and outdoor recreation opportunities for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. As the agency primarily responsible for protecting the state's fish and wildlife resources, TPWD is in a unique position and has been given statutory authority to fulfill these requirements and its mission.
The Water Resources Program provides technical guidance, scientific tools, and strategies to restore and protect healthy aquatic ecosystems through collaboration with internal and external partners and stakeholders.
Every aspect of TPWD's mission is impacted by water. Texas has 191,228 miles of rivers and streams, 1,100 reservoirs, approximately 3,000 springs, 7 major and 16 minor aquifers, and 8 estuaries that span 3,359 miles of coastline and cover 2.6 million acres of estuarine habitat. There are 191 species of freshwater fish and over 200 species of marine and estuarine fish living along the Texas coast, and nearly all species of wildlife use this water to drink or as part of their natural life cycle. Texans use this water for drinking and in our homes, growing our food, in the manufacturing of goods, and to help generate power. TPWD participates in the management of water across the state.
The Water Resources Program provides technical guidance and policy expertise to the agency and external stakeholders on environmental water issues through four program areas:
- Stewardship
- Facilitating environmental water transactions including:
- Dedications to the Texas Water Trust
- Freshwater Inflows to Bays and Estuaries
- Sustainable Rivers Programs
- Maintaining the Environmental Flow Information Toolkit (EFIT)
- For more information contact Monica Polgar (monica.polgar@tpwd.texas.gov or (512) 389 - 4333)
- Facilitating environmental water transactions including:
- Water Planning
- TPWD participates in regional and state water and flood planning efforts by serving on the regional groups as non-voting members and by reviewing the regional and state water plans and flood plans.
- Ensuring that the needs of fish and wildlife are taken into consideration in the state and regional water and flood plans.
- Updating list of ecologically sensitive streams and rivers
- Legislative Items
- For more information contact Vanessa Chapman (vanessa.chapman@tpwd.texas.gov or (512) 389-8048)
- Technical Guidance and Consultation
- Permitting Actions
- Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES)
- Surface Water Rights
- Interagency Biological Workgroup
- Texas Surface Water Quality Standards Triennial Review
- For more information contact Carly Rotzler (carly.rotzler@tpwd.texas.gov or (512) 389 - 8195)
- Permitting Actions
- Monitoring and Research
- TPWD is committed to using the best available science when making decisions affecting natural resources, aiming for more effective and informed outcomes. Monitoring and research are key to assessing trends and impacts, predicting future conditions and emerging threats, and guiding adaptive management of our natural resources.
- The Water Resources Program works with internal and external partners to develop the scientific insights needed for sound decisions related to water and aquatic natural resources.
- For more information contact Lindsey Elkins (lindsey.elkins@tpwd.texas.gov or (512) 389 - 8715)
Team Leader
Marty Kelly
(512) 389 - 8214