Tradinghouse Creek Reservoir 2016 Survey Report (PDF 417.3 KB)
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Tradinghouse Creek Reservoir - 2016 Survey Report
Prepared by Michael S. Baird and John Tibbs
Inland Fisheries Division
Waco District, Texas
This is the authors' summary from a 28-page report. For a copy of the complete report, use the download link in the sidebar.
Fish populations in Tradinghouse Creek Reservoir were surveyed in 2016 using electrofishing and in 2017 using gill nets. Historical data are presented with the 2016-2017 data for comparison. This report summarizes the results of the surveys and contains a management plan for the reservoir based on those findings.
Reservoir Description
Tradinghouse Creek is a 2,012-acre reservoir located 15 miles east of Waco in McLennan County, Texas. The reservoir was constructed in 1968 by Texas Utilities Generating Company (Luminant) to serve as a cooling-reservoir for electrical power Generation; however, the power plant is no longer in use. Bank and boat access are good, yet handicap facilities are absent. Habitat features consisted mainly of natural shoreline and emergent aquatic vegetation.
Management History
Important sport fish include Largemouth Bass, Channel Catfish, White Bass and crappies. During 2009 and 2010 we confirmed the complete loss of the Red Drum fishery, caused by the dismantling of the power plant and loss of artificially warm winter water temperatures. Red Drum stockings were then discontinued and Red Drum regulations were removed. The management plan from the 2012 survey report included annual monitoring of hydrilla and giant reed. Both were monitored through 2014, yet never required control efforts. Since 2013, management efforts have focused on posting appropriate invasive species signage at access points to try and prevent the spread of zebra mussels into the reservoir, and supporting the statewide PR campaign “Clean, Drain, and Dry.” Approximately 20 bamboo crappie condos were placed into the reservoir to complete a habitat improvement project during 2015. Recent management efforts include full aquatic vegetation and boater access surveys conducted during summer 2016.
Fish Community
- Prey species: Threadfin and Gizzard Shad were present in the reservoir in record/average numbers respectively, and about one-third of Gizzard Shad were available as prey to sport fish. Other forage species included Bluegill, Longear Sunfish and Redear Sunfish.
- Catfishes: Channel Catfish catch rates were below the historical average for the species. Body condition was good and improved with increasing length. No other species of catfish were observed.
- White Bass: White Bass catch rates were below the historical average for the species. Body condition was good for all length classes.
- Black basses: Largemouth Bass catch rates were well below the historical average. Body condition was generally good. Few individuals approached or exceeded the memorable (20 inches) size class.
- Crappies: White and Black Crappie were not sampled with trap nets (i.e., the standard gear) during 2016, but were collected in low numbers during 2017 gill netting. Body condition was good for both species.
Management Strategies
- The sport fishes in Tradinghouse Creek Reservoir will continue to be managed with statewide regulations.
- We will continue to maintain invasive species signage at access points and inform the public about the negative impacts of invasive species.
- Access and vegetation surveys will be conducted in summer 2020, and electrofishing and gill net surveys will be conducted in 2020 and 2021.

Performance Report as required by Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act Texas Federal Aid Project F-221-M-2 Inland Fisheries Division Monitoring and Management Program