Tradinghouse Creek Reservoir 2020 Survey Report (PDF 541.9 KB)
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Tradinghouse Creek Reservoir - 2020 Survey Report
Prepared by Michael S. Baird and John Tibbs
Inland Fisheries Division
Waco District, Texas
This is the authors' summary from a 28-page report. For a copy of the complete report, use the download link in the sidebar.
Fish populations in Tradinghouse Creek Reservoir were surveyed in 2020 using electrofishing and in 2021 using gill nets. Historical data are presented with the 2020-2021 data for comparison. This report summarizes the results of the surveys and contains a management plan for the reservoir based on those findings.
Reservoir Description
Tradinghouse Creek Reservoir is a 1,793-acre reservoir located 15 miles east of Waco in McLennan County, Texas. Water level was 2 feet below conservation pool (445 feet above mean sea level [MSL]) during the summer 2020 vegetation survey, at conservation pool during the fall 2020 electrofishing survey and near conservation pool during the 2021 gill net survey. Habitat features were dominated by natural shorelines, as well as native emergent vegetation.
Management History
Important sport fish include Largemouth Bass, Channel Catfish, White Bass and crappies. The Red Drum fishery was completely lost between 2009 and 2010 due to the dismantling of the power plant and consequent loss of artificially warm winter water temperatures. Red Drum stockings were discontinued, and Red Drum regulations were removed. The management plan from 2012 included annual monitoring of hydrilla and giant reed; both were monitored through 2014 but never required control efforts. More recent management efforts focused on posting appropriate aquatic invasive species (AIS) signage at access points and providing technical support and informational materials for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s (TPWD) “Clean, Drain and Dry” campaign. Approximately 20 bamboo crappie condos were placed into the reservoir as part of an artificial fish habitat addition project during 2015. Management efforts from 2020-2021 include the addition of artificial fish habitat into the reservoir and aquatic vegetation, boater access, electrofishing, and gill netting surveys.
Fish Community
- Prey species: All major forage species were collected below their historical average catch rates and 69% of Gizzard Shad were a suitable size for predators. No Threadfin Shad were collected.
- Catfishes: Channel Catfish catch rates were among the highest on record, mean relative weight was good to excellent, and most collected individuals were of legal-length and available to anglers. No Blue or Flathead Catfish were observed.
- White Bass: White Bass remain a low-density population however mean relative weight was generally good.
- Largemouth Bass: Largemouth Bass were collected in higher numbers than the previous two surveys and the proportion of legal-length bass nearly doubled from 2016. Mean relative weight was generally good across length classes.
- Crappies: White Crappie remain a low-density population however mean relative weight was good to excellent. Black Crappie are still present in low numbers.
Management Strategies
- The sport fishes in Tradinghouse Creek Reservoir will continue to be managed with statewide regulations.
- We will continue to maintain AIS efforts.
- Access, vegetation, and electrofishing surveys will be conducted in summer and fall 2024 and trap netting and gill netting surveys will be conducted in 2025.
- We will also work with interested partners to complete additional artificial fish habitat projects pending funding sources and reservoir priorities.

Performance Report as required by Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act Texas Federal Aid Project F-221-M-2 Inland Fisheries Division Monitoring and Management Program