Lake Bob Sandlin State Park


Early settlers

Trail leading off among the tree trunks Caddo people occupied East Texas from A.D. 800 to 1860. The French and Spanish periodically lived in the area, and established relations with the Caddo.

Choctaw, Cherokee, Alabama and Coushatta people moved into East Texas in the late 18th to early 19th century.

By 1838, Fort Sherman, a Republic of Texas wooden stockade whose site is in or near the park, was established. Look for the Fort Sherman cemetery in the park near the fishing pier.

Since 1860, settlers used the land for farming and ranching.

Wooded oasis

Today, the 639.8-acre Lake Bob Sandlin State Park sits along the heavily wooded shoreline on the north side of Lake Bob Sandlin. It’s southwest of Mount Pleasant in Titus County.

TPWD acquired the land in 1979, and opened the park in 1987.