Lake Colorado City State Park

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Accessibility Information


Headquarters and its restrooms are not accessible. However, if you arrive during office hours, the office has a service window or you can call for assistance from your car.


All bathrooms have wheelchair accessible cement routes from the parking area. Most have no other accessible features. Doors are heavy and may be difficult to open.

The bathrooms in the cabin area and the Lakeview Camping Area have showers with handrails, fold-down seats, lower shower controls and level floor access. Each of these bathrooms has one small toilet stall with handrails.


Cabins 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 have paved routes from the driveway to the door of the cabin. The cabins have roofed, cement patios with picnic tables and upright grills but do not have bathrooms. Access to the loop bathroom is by paved roadway.

Campsites & Day-use Areas

The park does not have any designated accessible campsites or picnic areas, but most sites are fairly level. However, most picnic tables are on raised concrete slabs and grills are not raised.

Fishing Pier

The fishing pier is wheelchair accessible with a cement route from the parking area. The walkway to the floating pier is steep and not accessible when the lake level is low.

Conditions can change quickly. Contact the park for more information and to ask about the status of particular accessible features. 

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