Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission
Ad Hoc Infrastructure Committee
April 5, 2000
Commission Hearing RoomTexas Parks & Wildlife Department Headquarters Complex
4200 Smith School Road
Austin, TX 78744
1 7 BE IT REMEMBERED that heretofore on the 8 5th day of April 2000, there came on to be heard 9 matters under the regulatory authority of the 10 Parks and Wildlife Commission of Texas, in the 11 Commission Hearing Room of the Texas Parks and 12 Wildlife Headquarters complex, Austin, Travis 13 County, Texas, beginning at 4:55 p.m., to wit: 14 15 APPEARANCES: 16 THE PARKS AND WILDLIFE COMMISSION: AD HOC INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE: 17 Chair: John Avila, Jr. Lee M. Bass (absent) 18 Carol E. Dinkins Dick W. Heath 19 Nolan Ryan Ernest Angelo, Jr. 20 Alvin L. Henry Katharine Armstrong Idsal 21 Mark E. Watson, Jr. 22 THE PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT: Andrew H. Sansom, Executive Director, and other 23 personnel of the Parks and Wildlife Department 24 25 . 2 1 APRIL 5, 2000 2 3 COMMISSIONER AVILA: Thank you. I 4 call to order the meeting of the Ad Hoc 5 Infrastructure Committee. The first order of 6 business is I need approval of the committee 7 meeting minutes from our last Commissioners 8 Meeting. Do I have motion? 9 COMMISSIONER WATSON: So moved. 10 COMMISSIONER HENRY: Second. 11 COMMISSIONER AVILA: All those in 12 favor, say aye. 13 COMMISSION MEMBERS: Aye. 14 COMMISSIONER AVILA: Those opposed, 15 say nay. The motion carries. 16 Steve Whiston will give us a 17 briefing on our projects and expenditures. 18 ITEM NO. 2 - BRIEFING - CAPITAL PROGRAM UPDATE. 19 MR. WHISTON: Thank you, 20 Mr. Chairman and Members. My name is Steve 21 Whiston. I'm the Deputy Director of the 22 Infrastructure Division. 23 In the interest of time, I'll try 24 to be as brief as possible, but please don't 25 hesitate if you need more detail or have questions . 3 1 to speak. Please speak up. 2 I'm pleased this afternoon to be 3 able to brief you on and share with you a summary 4 of our progress with the $60 million bond program 5 as well as the status of the Department's total 6 capital program. That includes all active 7 projects funded from both bond and non-bond 8 funding sources. 9 As you know, 91 projects were 10 funded with the first issue of $12 million in 11 March of '98. Sixty-one of those projects are now 12 complete, and 26 are nearing the final stages of 13 construction. Only one project still remains in 14 design. And today we've expended from that issue, 15 that original issue, $9.3 million. 16 The '99 bond program was issued in 17 January of last year and consisted of 142 projects 18 for a total of $18 million. $5.3 Million has been 19 expended to date. That represents 13 projects 20 that are now complete, 65 in construction, 53 in 21 design, and 11 projects that are currently being 22 bid are in the pipeline. All these projects that 23 make up this issue are on schedule and should be 24 completed within the 30-month expenditure period 25 for this issue. . 4 1 The third and most recent issue of 2 $20 million that you approved last August as a 3 part of the 2000 capital program was made 4 available this past February. Of the 125 5 projects, already three have been designed and are 6 in construction; five are out for bids currently; 7 and 65 projects are now being designed by outside 8 consultants or by our in-house staff. 9 This, as I'm sure you will note, is 10 the busiest time for us over the course of this 11 bond program, this $60 million issue. We are 12 concurrently managing three separate issues at 13 this point, as our staff does have their hands 14 full, but I feel like they're being very 15 successful with it. 16 Next I'd like to report on the 17 total capital program to date. We currently have 18 a total of 686 active projects budgeted at almost 19 $82 million. If you recall, we set a goal for 20 ourselves to spend $20 million this fiscal year. 21 To meet that goal, we projected an expenditure 22 requirement of $9.8 million by the end of March. 23 Luckily, we have been able to spend $12.2 24 million, which represents a $2.4 million increase 25 over our goal. . 5 1 Based on our progress today, we 2 fully expect we will well exceed our year-end goal 3 of $20 million by this August. And in doing so, I 4 really feel like it's important that I commend my 5 staff and commend, as well, and equally as 6 importantly, the staff of all the other divisions, 7 both at the Headquarters and in the field, who 8 have worked together with our staff as partners in 9 getting this program done and accomplished; and 10 they have all done a very remarkable job. 11 I guess lastly I'd just like to 12 conclude by sharing a couple of brief slides of a 13 couple of upcoming projects. 14 If you're in the neighborhood of 15 the project, we're getting ready to start by a 16 $175,000 cabin roof repair at Bastrop State Park. 17 And, lastly, later this summer by 18 contract we're going to engage in the renovation 19 of the Headquarters at Enchanted Rock State Park. 20 So if you're in the vicinity, I would certainly 21 invite you to stop by and take a look at some of 22 the progress and our opportunity to fix these up 23 right. 24 I'll be happy to answer any 25 questions. . 6 1 COMMISSIONER AVILA: Steve, I only 2 have two, and that was on the next fiscal. Would 3 that be the funding of the remaining $10 million 4 of the $60 million, and then -- 5 MR. WHISTON: Yes, sir. 6 COMMISSIONER AVILA: And the 7 (inaudible) will continue building that, so it may 8 be a year, another year or 18 months, even, to 9 spend it all? 10 MR. WHISTON: Yes, sir, another two 11 and a half years after this final issue, which we 12 anticipate to be made available to us January a 13 year from now. 14 COMMISSIONER AVILA: And, of 15 course, I'm sure we want to go to the Legislature 16 to see whether we can get some -- 17 MR. WHISTON: Yes, sir, that's our 18 hope. 19 COMMISSIONER AVILA: Okay. And 20 then are we currently using outsourcing by CM to 21 help put some of this in place? 22 MR. WHISTON: Yes, sir, we are. In 23 fact, I appreciate the question. We are in the 24 process right now of finalizing an agreement with 25 MHMR, a cooperative agreement, interagency . 7 1 agreement, with that agency to provide us with 2 additional construction management and project 3 management assistance to be concentrated in two 4 geographic areas of the State, primarily up in 5 Northeast and North Central Texas. But yes, sir, 6 we are trying to take full advantage and 7 leveraging these funds to be able to continue to 8 increase the amount of help and outsourcing to get 9 these done. 10 COMMISSIONER AVILA: Andy, do you 11 want to say something? 12 MR. SANSOM: I was just going to 13 say that the other part of this effort that I 14 think it's critical to keep reminding ourselves is 15 that when we went to the Legislature together and 16 got the funding for the critical repairs, we also 17 received additional funding that we are now 18 incorporationing into our annual budget -- 19 COMMISSIONER AVILA: Right. 20 MR. SANSOM: -- for repairs, so 21 that hopefully we will not get back in that 22 situation again where we have such a large backlog 23 of critical repairs. And that funding has been 24 ongoing and is reflected in current capital 25 budget. . 8 1 MR. WHISTON: Yes, sir. 2 COMMISSIONER HENRY: Right. And 3 for my fellow members, that's the last charge that 4 goes with the capital program expenditures. 5 MR. WHISTON: Correct. 6 COMMISSIONER AVILA: So you don't 7 get the $60 million -- it's not just $60 million. 8 It's the other add-on. 9 MR. SANSOM: It's ongoing. 10 MR. WHISTON: Yes, sir. 11 COMMISSIONER AVILA: Okay. Thank 12 you, Steve, for a good briefing and an excellent 13 job reviewing. 14 Any questions? All right. 15 (SESSION ENDS) 16