Presenter: Emily Armitano

Commission Agenda Item No. 3
Commission Policy Resolution
November 2002

I. Discussion: This item revises the “Travel of Commission Members” Commission Policy, CP-005. Individual Commission members travel to Department meetings statewide and are entitled to reimbursement for expenses they incur. Revision of this policy will eliminate the need for an individual Commission member to receive prior approval for travel to Department meetings.

II. Recommendation: Staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:

“The Parks and Wildlife Commission adopts by resolution (Exhibit A) the revised “Travel of Commission Members” Commission Policy, CP-005 (Exhibit B).”

Attachments – 2
1. Exhibit A – Resolution (to be signed by Commissioners)
2. Exhibit B – Revised Policy (SEE BELOW)

Commission Agenda Item No. 3
Exhibit B

Travel of Commission Members

Members of the commission are entitled to reimbursement for their actual expenses incurred in attending meetings and to the per diem as provided in the general appropriations act - §11.016, Parks and Wildlife Code.

Travel to Regular and Special Commission Meetings

Commission members are entitled to receive reimbursement for their actual expenses, not to exceed $110.00 per day for meals and lodging, plus transportation costs:

In addition, Commission members are entitled to receive compensatory per diem in the amount of $30.00 in accordance with § 11.016, Parks and Wildlife Code, and the appropriations bill.

Travel to Committee Meetings

Each Commission member shall be entitled to attend authorized committee meetings dealing with programs of the Department and receive reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred. No compensatory per diem is allowed.

Additional Travel

Any additional travel at State expense by individual Commission members pertaining to Department programs shall require prior formal approval by the Commission.