Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission
Ad Hoc Infrastructure Committee
November 6, 2002
Commission Hearing RoomTexas Parks & Wildlife Department Headquarters Complex
4200 Smith School Road
Austin, TX 78744
7 BE IT REMEMBERED, that heretofore on the 6th day of 8 November, 2002, there came on to be heard matters under the 9 regulatory authority of the Parks and Wildlife Commission 10 of Texas, in the Commission Hearing Room of the Texas Parks 11 and Wildlife Headquarters Complex, beginning at 2:15 p.m. 12 to wit: 13 APPEARANCES: 14 THE PARKS AND WILDLIFE COMMISSION: 15 AD HOC INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE: 16 Katharine Armstrong, Austin, Texas, Commission 17 Chair 18 Joseph B.C. Fitzsimons, San Antonio, Texas 19 Ernest Angelo, Jr., Midland, Texas 20 John Avila, Jr., Fort Worth, Texas 21 Alvin L. Henry, Houston, Texas, Committee Chair 22 Philip Montgomery, Dallas, Texas 23 Donato D. Ramos, Laredo, Texas 24 Kelly W. Rising, M.D., Beaumont, Texas 25 Mark W. Watson, Jr., San Antonio, Texas 26 THE TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT: 27 Robert L. Cook, Executive Director, and other personnel of 28 the Parks and Wildlife Department ON THE RECORD REPORTING (512) 450-0342 . 2 1 CHAIRMAN ARMSTRONG: We will now open the Ad 2 Hoc Committee on Infrastructure meeting. 3 COMMISSIONER AVILA: Okay. Thank you. 4 I call the meeting -- to order the meeting of 5 the Ad Hoc Infrastructure Committee this November 6, 2002 6 at 2:10 p.m. 7 The first item of business is the approval of 8 the Committee minutes from May 29, 2002, because I don't 9 believe we had a meeting the last Commission meeting. 10 Do I have a motion? 11 COMMISSIONER ANGELO: I would so move. 12 COMMISSIONER AVILA: Do I have a second? 13 COMMISSIONER RISING: Second. 14 COMMISSIONER AVILA: All in favor say aye. 15 (A chorus of ayes.) 16 COMMISSIONER AVILA: Bob, is there any update 17 to the Chairman's charges? 18 MR. COOK: Yes, sir. 19 On our charge to successfully complete existing 20 bond issue and prepare for and execute our upcoming bond 21 issue, Steve Whiston will report to the Commission on our 22 bond program. 23 We continue to make good progress in all areas 24 of our capital program, and I am particularly proud of 25 our response to the recent flood damage. State parks and ON THE RECORD REPORTING (512) 450-0342 . 3 1 wildlife management areas received over $4.9 million in 2 damages, but, because of quick response by facilities 3 staff, force account crews and the infrastructure staff, 4 we incurred only minimum loss in revenue and in most 5 cases were back up and operational within 48 hours. 6 Also, to track and appropriately manage the 7 Lonestar Legacy Development projects, I am happy to 8 announce that construction contracts for the Bentsen site 9 of the world birding [phonetic] center have been let and 10 that construction will commence as soon as the ground is 11 dry enough to go to work. 12 COMMISSIONER AVILA: Hallelujah. Okay. Thank 13 you, Mr. Cook. 14 Steve Whiston? 15 MR. WHISTON: Yes. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, 16 Chairman Armstrong and Commissioners. For the record, my 17 name is Steve Whiston; I'm the Acting Director of the 18 Infrastructure Division. The purpose of today's 19 Committee briefing is to update you on our current 20 capital program. 21 Our focus for the beginning of this fiscal year 22 has been aimed at completing the $60 million revenue bond 23 program authorized by the 74th Legislature for statewide 24 critical repairs, as well as gearing up for the $36.68 25 million issue of general obligation bond program that was ON THE RECORD REPORTING (512) 450-0342 . 4 1 approved as a part of Proposition 8 last November and 2 initiating the planning for the '04/'05 bond issue that 3 will be considered in the upcoming legislative session 4 beginning in January. 5 Our first revenue bond issue, as you'll recall, 6 was made available to us in FY '98. We've completed the 7 original 89 projects that were funded with that original 8 $12 million issue. Using the savings that we realized 9 from those projects along with another $176,000 in 10 interest income that we earned over the life of those 11 bonds, the Department has funded an additional nine 12 projects that are underway and that we expect to be 13 complete this coming March in 2003. 14 A couple of examples of some of the projects 15 that we completed with the '98 issue include, first, the 16 replacement of seven screen shelters at Blanco State 17 Park. This was an $80,000 project accomplished by our 18 Parks and Wildlife Force Account crew. The existing 19 shelters were completely torn down and then rebuilt, 20 bringing them all into compliance with the Americans with 21 Disabilities Act. 22 We completed, as well, with these funds the 23 renovation of a $300,000 project, the wastewater 24 treatment plant at Huntsville State Park. This project 25 included the replacement of the treatment plant, sewer ON THE RECORD REPORTING (512) 450-0342 . 5 1 lift stations and all the associated piping with that 2 facility. 3 In January of FY '99, the Department was issued 4 $18 million in revenue bonds for the FY '99 program. As 5 with the '98 issue, we are substantially complete with 6 that program. Only eight of the 133 projects that remain 7 are in the final stages of construction and are all 8 scheduled to be closed out in January or February of this 9 coming year, 2003. 10 Some examples of some of the projects from our 11 '99 issue include our boat dock improvement program. 12 Using $400,000 of the '99 bond proceeds and a grant of 13 $900,000 from the U. S. Fish and Wildlife, we replaced 11 14 courtesy boat docks at Fort Parker, shown here, as well 15 as Cedar Hill, Lake Livingston, Lake Ray Roberts and 16 Possum Kingdom State Park, just to name a few, for a 17 total of $1.3 million worth of boat dock repairs. 18 '99 bond funds were also used for the 19 renovation of the GCCA Marine Development Center. This 20 facility is located in Corpus Christi and was a former 21 metal hatchery building. Being in its Gulf Coast 22 location, it was obviously subject to pretty extensive 23 corrosive conditions. The 4,900-square-foot facility 24 was, obviously, pretty badly deteriorated. The building 25 was completely reconstructed. The exterior siding and ON THE RECORD REPORTING (512) 450-0342 . 6 1 doors were then replaced with a fiberglass reinforced 2 plastic material to prevent any further deterioration and 3 protect that building for the long haul. 4 The interior spaces were totally renovated at 5 the facility. We replaced a single restroom in the 6 former building with new men's and women's restrooms and 7 showers and provided a new ADA-accessible lab and kitchen 8 area. 9 As this graph indicates, we are about 52 10 percent complete with our 2000 revenue bond issue. We've 11 completed 58 of the original 111 projects but, at the 12 same time, expended about 82 percent of the funds of that 13 issue, or about $16-1/2 million of that $20 million 14 issue. We are on target with the issue, and we expect to 15 complete all of the 111 projects by mid-summer of next 16 year. 17 Some highlights of that 2000 issue include a 18 new headquarters and visitors center at Lake Somerville 19 State Park. We are really extremely proud of this new 20 facility. If you'll recall, in August of 2001, the 21 headquarters of Lake Somerville was struck by lightning 22 and burned down. This new headquarters was designed and 23 constructed using sustainable building design techniques 24 and standards. 25 Using environmentally appropriate materials, we ON THE RECORD REPORTING (512) 450-0342 . 7 1 tried to focus our efforts on reduced energy consumption, 2 water efficiency and interior and exterior air quality. 3 The images on the left and in the center in this 4 particular slide show some of the rainwater collection 5 tanks that were incorporated into the building in the 6 project. 7 We anticipate, because of our collective 8 efforts on this project on behalf of Parks and Wildlife, 9 to receive a gold rating from the U. S. Green Building 10 Council for innovation and leadership in energy and in 11 environmental design. So we're really, as I said, just 12 very proud and feel really great about the result of that 13 project. 14 In about a week, one of our infrastructure 15 division force account crews is scheduled to complete the 16 renovation of the rec. hall, an historic CCC structure at 17 Caddo Lake State Park in northeast Texas. Our crew 18 replaced the roof, rebuilt the porch and entry, we 19 provided new H/V/AC electrical systems, new fire alarms, 20 and completely gutted and restored the interior to match 21 the original CCC construction, as well as making the 22 building accessible for ADA. 23 At the Devil's Sink Hole State Natural Area in 24 west Texas, our crew there constructed a new observation 25 platform, a really unique project that I thought you ON THE RECORD REPORTING (512) 450-0342 . 8 1 might be interested in seeing a little bit about, a new 2 platform to provide public access to view the sink hole 3 and watch the bat flights coming out of the sink hole. 4 This is a $110,000 project that also included new barrier 5 fencing, trail construction and new toilet facilities. 6 Our last revenue bond issue was made available 7 to us in FY '01 for 13.5 million. All of the 74 projects 8 in that issue are, as well, underway in design and 9 construction; 10 percent are complete, and we expect to 10 complete the remaining projects in early FY '04. 11 A couple of sample projects of the 2001 program 12 include the renovation of the Dickinson Regional Office 13 facility. This is an office facility for coastal 14 fisheries and resource protection divisions in the 15 Department. 16 This project included extensive exterior 17 repairs, as well as ADA improvements. It also included 18 the complete interior renovation of the facility to 19 provide new restrooms, new reception areas and lobbies, 20 conference and classroom space, as well as office space, 21 for a project cost of about $575,000. And this project 22 was completed last -- May of this year. 23 And last, but not least, another project we're 24 real proud of and wanted to share with you is the 25 renovation of the guest rooms at Indian Lodge at Fort ON THE RECORD REPORTING (512) 450-0342 . 9 1 Davis State Park, another great project executed by our 2 force account program, where they went in and removed all 3 the asbestos, restored all the original ceilings and wood 4 floors in the guest rooms at the lodge, provided new 5 operable wood shutters and remodeled the bathrooms. 6 In addition, our crews restored all the 7 exterior porches to some of the rooms, as well as to the 8 registration and gift shop; we constructed ADA walkways 9 and landscaped the facility with native plants. And it 10 turned out really well, we think. We're really proud of 11 it, as well. 12 To summarize our revenue bond program, we've to 13 date completed 68 percent of the total 409 projects 14 funded out of the revenue bonds totaling 63.5 million 15 that was made available to us. We've expended to date 16 $51 million of that issue. We are on course, as Bob 17 indicated, to complete all of the projects that are 18 currently funded with that issue in revenue bonds in the 19 summer of FY '04, and we'll be able to put that one to 20 bed. 21 I'd like to conclude the presentation with a 22 brief summary of our new general obligation bond program. 23 As you know, with the passage of Proposition 8, the 77th 24 Legislature authorized Parks and Wildlife to receive 25 101.5 million of general obligation bonds for statewide ON THE RECORD REPORTING (512) 450-0342 . 10 1 facility repairs, wastewater system renovations, ADA 2 compliance projects, as well as the construction of some 3 new state park facilities. 4 This matrix illustrates -- and I think you've 5 seen this before in previous presentations -- how that 6 $101.5 million is proposed to be funded out of this 7 current biennium and the two subsequent bienniums, 8 '04/'05 and '06/'07. The Texas Public Finance Authority 9 has issued to us already our first tranche, or the first 10 $430,000, last October -- mid-October for the 36.68 issue 11 that was approved by the legislature for the '02/'03 12 biennium. $31 million of that will be directed, as the 13 top two lines indicate, to infrastructure and facility 14 repairs for '03. 15 The remaining $5.68 million of those GO bonds 16 will be provided to fund the planning and the design and 17 the construction of Levi Jordan Plantation, Admiral 18 Nimitz, Sheldon Lake Environmental Education Center, the 19 San Jacinto Battleground and the Battleship Texas. 20 This is our GO bond expenditure strategy, and I 21 hope it'll give you a better idea of how we anticipate 22 the $101-1/2 million to roll out over the course of the 23 life of this program. We have been approved and are 24 underway with the '02/'03 appropriation of 36.68 million. 25 With the legislative approval this coming ON THE RECORD REPORTING (512) 450-0342 . 11 1 session, we expect to begin rolling out funds in FY '04 2 for a total issue of $16.3 million in revenue bonds 3 beginning in September '03. And then, likewise, 4 beginning each September of each year through FY '07, we 5 anticipate receiving another issue of general obligation 6 bonds, for a total of $101 million. Each subsequent 7 issue will take about three years to fully expend, so we 8 anticipate being able to complete this issue sometime at 9 the end of September in 2009 -- calendar year 2009. 10 With that, that completes my brief presentation 11 this morning [sic], and I'd be more than happy to answer 12 questions. 13 COMMISSIONER AVILA: This gives us a good 14 synopsis. 15 Does anybody have any questions? 16 CHAIRMAN ARMSTRONG: I have a comment. 17 COMMISSIONER AVILA: Okay. 18 CHAIRMAN ARMSTRONG: I was at the Indian Lodge 19 this summer and got to see a lot of what was done out 20 there, and I was very impressed. It looked beautiful, 21 and the new renovations were fantastic. 22 MR. WHISTON: Thank you. We appreciate it. 23 We're proud of what was done. 24 CHAIRMAN ARMSTRONG: Very exciting. 25 MR. WHISTON: I'm glad you had an opportunity ON THE RECORD REPORTING (512) 450-0342 . 12 1 to see them. 2 CHAIRMAN ARMSTRONG: Me, too. 3 MR. WHISTON: I invite everybody to take a 4 look. 5 MR. COOK: I just wish we had enough force 6 account crews to do more. 7 MR. WHISTON: Oh, yes. 8 MR. COOK: When you see the job those guys do, 9 it's incredible and fits the time period, whatever it is. 10 And they've done a great job, Steve, and we really 11 appreciate it. 12 MR. WHISTON: Thank you. 13 CHAIRMAN ARMSTRONG: Thank you. 14 COMMISSIONER AVILA: All right. If there's no 15 other business, this concludes the meeting of the Ad Hoc 16 Infrastructure Committee. 17 (Whereupon, the meeting was concluded.) ON THE RECORD REPORTING (512) 450-0342 . 13 1 C E R T I F I C A T E 2 MEETING OF: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department 3 Ad Hoc Infrastructure Committee 4 LOCATION: Austin, Texas 5 DATE: November 6, 2002 6 I do hereby certify that the foregoing pages, 7 numbers 1 through 13, inclusive, are the true, accurate, 8 and complete transcript prepared from the verbal 9 recording made by electronic recording by Penny Bynum 10 before the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. 11 12/10/02 12 (Transcriber) (Date) 13 On the Record Reporting, Inc. 14 3307 Northland, Suite 315 15 Austin, Texas 78731 ON THE RECORD REPORTING (512) 450-0342