Presenter: Tim Hogsett

Commission Agenda Item No. 11
Local Park Grants Rule Amendments
Chapters 61, Subchapters B–E
January 2005

I. Executive Summary: Administrative and project priority scoring system changes proposed for the Texas Recreation and Parks Account grant programs were posted in the Texas Register in December 2004. The TRPA Grants Manual was also updated to accommodate these changes. The revisions to the Texas Recreation and Parks Account Grants Manual and project priority scoring systems for the Outdoor Grants, Indoor Grants, Community Outdoor Outreach Grants, Regional Grants, and Small Community Grants are proposed for adoption.

II. Discussion: The Seventy-third Legislature, Regular Session, created the Texas Recreation and Parks Account Program (TRPA). TRPA is funded through a dedication of a portion of the state sales tax on sporting goods, effective September 1, 1993. The Texas Recreation and Parks account is incorporated as Chapter 24 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code. The program provides local governments matching funds assistance for outdoor and indoor recreation.

Section 24.005 (b) of the Parks and Wildlife Code states that “in establishing the program of grants under this section, the department shall adopt rules and regulations for grant assistance.” Programs administered as part of TRPA include:

During the last year, staff has been preparing draft rules and regulations for administration of the Texas Recreation and Parks Account Program for consideration by the Commission. The last such general review of program guidelines was in 2000. Since January 2004, the following major activities have taken place in the process of preparing draft rules:

A total of 176 persons registered attendance at these hearings. A mass mailing invitation was sent to all potential sponsors for these grant programs. The 24 regional councils of governments were notified, and TPWD news releases were published. The hearings were designed to be both informative and to facilitate discussions about the grant programs. In a facilitated process, attendees were asked to comment on administrative issues as well as the priority ranking criteria used to evaluate the grant applications. Proposed changes to the programs resulting from this public process include:

Other proposed administrative changes include:

In general, the proposed administrative rules and scoring criteria changes are minor in scope and will not dramatically alter existing procedures.

The draft rules proposal was posted in the Texas Register as a “Proposed Rule” on December 24, 2004. Comments, if any, received from that posting will be summarized with responses and made available to the Commission.

The Texas Recreation and Parks Account Program Grants Manual as proposed for amendment in Exhibit A contains the proposed administrative rules and regulations for operation of the Grant Programs.

The Texas Recreation and Parks Account Grants Programs Project Priority Scoring Systems as proposed for amendment in Exhibit B contains the proposed criteria for evaluation and prioritization of grant applications requesting TRPA assistance.

III. Recommendation: Staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following two motions:

"It is established as a rule for the Texas Recreation and Parks Account Program that the Texas Recreation and Parks Account Grants Manual, as amended by the changes summarized in Exhibit A, is adopted for the administration of the Texas Recreation and Parks Account Outdoor, Indoor, Community Outdoor Outreach, Regional, and Small Communities grant programs, as codified in Chapter 24 of the Parks and Wildlife Code."

"It is established as a rule for the Texas Recreation and Parks Account Program that the Texas Recreation and Parks Account Project Priority Scoring Systems for Outdoor, Indoor, Community Outdoor Outreach, Regional, and Small Communities Grant Programs, as contained in Exhibit B, are adopted for evaluating and prioritizing grant applications requesting grant assistance, as described in the Texas Recreation and Parks Account Grants Manual."

Attachments - 2

  1. Exhibit A - Texas Recreation and Parks Account Grants Manual (available upon request)
  2. Exhibit B - Texas Recreation and Parks Account Project Priority Scoring Systems for Outdoor, Indoor, Community Outdoor Outreach, Regional, and Small Communities Grants

Commission Agenda Item No. 11
Exhibit B

Project Priority Scoring System
Texas Recreation & Parks Account
Outdoor Recreation Grants Program

(Effective for the July 31, 2005 application deadline)

All TRPA Outdoor Recreation Grant Program applications submitted to TPWD are evaluated for program eligibility and prioritized with the criteria, rating factors, and points shown in the following “Project Priority Scoring System.” Each site of a multiple site project will be scored individually using the “Project Priority Scoring System,” and individual site scores will be weighted on a pro-rata share of the total project score.

A project’s priority ranking will depend on its score in relation to the scores of other projects under consideration. Scored applications are presented to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission for approval. Funding of projects will depend on the availability of TRPA funds.

Projects which have been considered twice by the Parks & Wildlife Commission without significant alterations to raise the project score shall be withdrawn from further consideration.

1. Sponsor is in full compliance at previously assisted grant project sites and is progressing on schedule with all active grant projects in accordance with the “Summary of Guidelines for Administration of TRPA or LWCF Acquisition and Development Projects”.

YES. If yes, the application will be scored and presented for award consideration.

NO. If no, the application will not be scored or considered further.

NA. No previous grant funding received.

2. Project will provide priority outdoor recreation needs, as identified in a Department-approved, sponsor-endorsed, jurisdiction-wide parks, recreation, and open space master plan.

#1 priority = 5 points

#2 priority = 4 points

#3 priority = 3 points

#4 priority = 2 points

#5 priority = 1 point

Cumulative total for priorities 1-5: _____


3. Project will provide a diversity of park and recreation opportunities and facilities within the sponsor’s jurisdiction or intended project service area.

1 point will be awarded for each type of facility, up to 10 points. Low impact facilities may be grouped rather than receiving individual points.

# Facilities: _____


4. Project will provide improved water-based park and recreation opportunities.

Project provides for the development of direct and appropriate park and recreation opportunities which do not degrade the resource along existing quality natural water bodies according to the following ranking (only the highest ranking water body will receive points) (1 – 6 points):

Gulf Coast or Lake (6 points)

Bay or Estuary (5 points)

River (4 points)*

Stream – continuous flow (3 points)

Pond (2 points)**

Wetland (1- 3 points, based on size/quality)

*Only water bodies so named as “rivers” may receive points under this category. All others, e.g., creeks, brooks, bayous, branches, etc., are considered “streams.”

**“Ponds” are generally man-made and no larger than five surface acres. Points will not be awarded for constructing ponds under this category.


5. Project will improve the geographic distribution or innovative use of park and recreation lands and facilities in the project’s intended service area or within the sponsor’s jurisdiction.

A. Project provides the first public park in the sponsor’s jurisdiction or intended service area (10 points); or

B. Project provides significantly new and different recreation opportunities (other than school facilities) in the sponsor’s jurisdiction or intended service area (1-10 points). Points awarded based on significance to the community and originality, and calculated based on:

New & different costs X 10 = _____

Total construction costs

Direct recreational facilities costs X 25 = _____

Total construction costs

“Direct Recreational Facilities Costs” include only facilities related directly to recreation as opposed to support facilities, except that trees and drip irrigation may be included as recreational items. “Total Construction Costs” include park and/or recreation as well as support/infrastructure facilities, contingency, and all required program sign costs in excess of $1,000.

COSTS TOTAL RANGE: 1 - 25 points

7. Project improves park and recreation opportunities for low income, minority, elderly, and/or youth at-risk citizens.

A. Project improves opportunities for low income citizens (defined by the “USDA National School Lunch Program Income Eligibility Guidelines” federal poverty definition midpoint). (1 – 4 points)

Low income % X 4 = _____

B. Project improves opportunities for minority citizens (based on most recent U.S. Census figures for the service area). (1 – 4 points)

Minority % X 4 = _____

C. Project improves opportunities for elderly citizens (1 point for each related facility, typically passive activities, except where facilities are designed specifically for an elderly user group). (1 - 4 points)

# Appropriate elderly activities: _____

D. Project improves opportunities for youth-at-risk citizens. (1 point for each documented program designed for youth-at-risk. Sponsor must describe/define youth-at-risk population, programs, and sponsors). (1 - 4 points)

# Youth-at-risk activities: _____


8. Project involves matching funds from sources other than the sponsor and/or additional outside cooperation not involving match.

A. Project involves the contribution of resources from other public or private entities, including publicly owned non-parkland, which serves as all or part of the sponsor’s matching share of funds. Points are awarded on a percentage basis, dependent on the amount of matching funds provided by outside sources. (1 – 15 points)

Matching funds provided by others X 15 = _____

Total matching funds


B. Project involves cooperation between the project sponsor and other public or private entities where resources are contributed to the overall project for non-grant assisted facilities (Example: The county constructs roads/parking facilities for the city, but no grant funds are requested for roads/parking; 1 point per documented activity). (1-5 points)

# Documented activities: _____


9. Project provides for the ACQUISITION AND PRESERVATION/CONSERVATION of park and recreation lands, including publicly owned non-parkland, which consist of unique or significant natural resources or provide desirable wetlands, open space, water access, or needed parkland. Only the highest rank-order category below for which the criteria are met for the project will be allowed for scoring credit.

A. Project provides for the acquisition and preservation/conservation of a federal, state, or local government identified area which is recognized in an acceptable, published planning document for having valuable or vulnerable natural resources, ecological processes, or rare, threatened, or endangered species of vegetation or wildlife (25-30 points); or

B. Project provides for the acquisition and preservation/conservation of a significant wetland area, recognized by the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department (20-25 points, based on quality and significance of acreage); or

C. Project provides for the acquisition and preservation/conservation of natural open space land or water for human use and enjoyment that is relatively free of man-made structures (including creek corridors, floodways, natural drainage basins, and areas which may be enhanced for native habitat), 2 acres or larger in size, which is identified in an acceptable, published and adopted local jurisdiction-wide open space plan (15-20 points, based on acreage and quality); or

D. Project proposes the acquisition of land which would provide needed public access to park and recreational waters, according to the following ranking (only the highest ranking water body will receive points). (See definitions under criteria 4.) (1 - 5 points)

Gulf Coast or Lake (5 points)

Bay or Estuary (4 points)

River (3 points)

Stream – continuous flow (2 points)

Pond (1 point)


E. Project provides for the acquisition of needed recreational land proposed for future development. (1 - 10 points)


10. Project provides for the renovation or adaptive reuse of an existing obsolete park and recreation area or facilities.

Renovation cost X 20 = _____

Total construction cost


11. Project promotes environmentally responsible activities and development.

One point is awarded (up to a maximum of 5 points) for each budgeted conservation element, such as the use of xeriscape/native plant materials for landscaping, drip or treated effluent irrigation systems, energy efficient lighting systems, recycled materials for facility construction, environmental education and interpretation, significant tree plantings where no trees exist, alternative energy sources, water catchment systems, etc. (1 - 5 points)

# Conservation elements: _____


12. Project provides a significant linkage to other parks and recreation areas, neighborhoods, or public facilities (through means other than streets and sidewalks), based on the number and significance of the linkage(s).

# Significant linkages: _____ ---


13. Project provides park and recreation opportunities which enhance and encourage an appreciation and preservation of site-based cultural (historical and archaeological) resources through interpretation facilities or preservation strategies.

Points are awarded based on the number and significance of the site-based resource(s).

# Site-based resources: _____


Project Priority Scoring System
Texas Recreation & Parks Account
Indoor Recreation Grants Program

(Effective for the July 31, 2005 Application Deadline)

All TRPA Indoor Grant Program applications submitted to TPWD are evaluated for program eligibility and prioritized with the criteria, rating factors, and points shown in the following “Project Priority Scoring System.” Each site of a multiple site project will be scored individually using the “Project Priority Scoring System,” and individual site scores will be weighted on a pro-rata share of the total project score.

A project’s priority ranking will depend on its score in relation to the scores of other projects under consideration. Scored applications are presented to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission for approval. Funding of projects will depend on the availability of TRPA funds.

Projects which have been considered twice by the Parks & Wildlife Commission without significant alterations to raise the project score shall be withdrawn from further consideration.

1. Sponsor is in full compliance at previously assisted grant sites and is progressing on schedule with all active grant projects in accordance with the “Summary of Guidelines for Administration of TRPA or LWCF Acquisition and Development Projects.”

YES. If yes, the application will be scored and presented for award consideration.

NO. If no, the application will not be scored or considered any further.

N/A. No previous grant funding received.

2. Project will provide priority indoor recreation needs, as identified in a Department approved, sponsor endorsed, jurisdiction wide parks, recreation and open space master plan.

Project provides for the following Master Plan priorities:

#1 priority = 5 points

#2 priority = 4 points

#3 priority = 3 points

#4 priority = 2 points

#5 priority = 1 point

Cumulative total for priorities 1–5: _____


3. Project will provide a diversity of public indoor recreation facilities within the sponsor’s jurisdiction or intended project service area.

1 point will be awarded for each type of facility, up to 10 points. Points may be deducted for projects which propose support facilities which do not provide recreational activities.

# Facilities: _____


4. Project will improve geographic distribution or innovative use of public indoor recreation facilities in the project’s intended service area or within the sponsor’s jurisdiction.

A. Project provides the first public indoor recreation facility in the sponsor’s jurisdiction area (20 points); or

B. Project provides significant new and different indoor recreation facilities, other than school facilities, within the sponsor’s jurisdiction or intended service area (based on 5 points per opportunity, up to 15 points).

# New and different opportunities X 5 = _____


5. Project involves matching funds from sources other than the sponsor and/or additional outside cooperation not involving match.

A. Project involves the documented contribution of resources from other public or private entities, including publicly owned non-parkland, which serves as all or part of the sponsor’s matching share of funds. (1 – 15 points)

Points are awarded on a percentage basis, dependent on the amount of matching funds provided by outside sources:

Matching funds provided by others X 15 = _____

Total matching funds


B. Project involves cooperation between the project sponsor and other public or private entities where resources are contributed to the overall project for non-grant assisted facilities (Example: The county constructs roads/parking facilities for the city, but no grant funds are requested for roads/parking; 1 point per documented activity). (1 – 5 points)

# Documented activities: _____


6. Project provides for the renovation or adaptive reuse of an existing structure.

Points are awarded on a percentage basis, dependent on the amount of the construction budget devoted to renovation.

Renovation cost X 20 = _____

Total construction cost


7. Project improves public indoor recreation opportunities for low-income, minority, elderly, and youth-at-risk citizens.

A. Project improves opportunities for low-income citizens defined by the “USDA National School Lunch Program Income Eligibility Guidelines” federal poverty definition midpoint). (1-4 points)

Low income % X 4 = _____

B. Project improves opportunities for minority citizens, (based on most recent U.S. Census figures for the service area). (1 – 4 points)

Minority % X 4 = _____

C. Project improves opportunities for elderly citizens (1 point for each related facility, typically passive activities, except where facilities are designed specifically for an elderly user group). (1-4 points)

# Appropriate elderly activities: _____

D. Project improves opportunities for youth-at-risk citizens (1 point for each documented program designed for youth-at-risk. Sponsor must describe/define youth-at-risk population, programs, and sponsors). (1-4 points)

# Youth-at-risk activities: _____


8. Project promotes environmentally responsible activities and development.

One point is awarded (up to a maximum of 5 points) for each budgeted activity or technique, such as the use of xeriscape/native plant materials for landscaping, drip or treated effluent irrigation systems, energy efficient lighting systems, recycled materials for facility construction, environmental education and interpretation, significant tree plantings where no trees exist, alternative energy sources, water catchment systems, or other resource conservation measures.

# Conservation elements: _____


Project Priority Scoring System
Texas Recreation & Parks Account
Community Outdoor Outreach Program

(Effective for the October 1, 2005 Application Deadline)

1. Sponsor is in full compliance with previously assisted grant projects in accordance with the “Summary of Guidelines for Administration of Community Outdoor Outreach Program Projects.”

YES. If yes, the application will be scored and presented for award consideration.
NO. If no, the application will not be scored or considered further.
N/A. No previous grant funding received.

2. Project’s primary purpose is to serve the following participants: (2-12 points)

A. Inner city (cities of 100,000 or greater) (2 points)

(Based on population figures of sponsor location - may be inner city or rural or neither, but not both)

B. Rural (cities or counties of 20,000 population or less) (2 points)

(Based on population figures of sponsor location - may be inner-city or rural or neither, but not both)

C. Minority (ethnic minorities within served population greater than or equal to 50% of total served population) (2 points)

D. Female (females within served population greater than or equal to 50% of total served population) (2 points)

E. Low income (based on percentage of qualified households greater than or equal to 50% of total served population; eligibility defined by the “USDA National School Lunch Program Income Eligibility Guidelines” federal poverty definition midpoint.) (2 points)

F. Physically/mentally challenged (includes ADD, ADHD) (2 points)

G. Youth (age 17 and under) (2 points)

3. Project encourages partnerships with organized groups. (1-4 points)

Application must include current written and signed agreements between the project sponsor and the proposed partnership group. Letters of endorsement by themselves will not receive credit.

One point shall be awarded for each partnership agreement that commits cash contributions, volunteer labor, program materials, physical facilities use, transportation, food, etc. Letters must be current, dated, signed, and state what the partner is providing to the program.

4. The number of program participants the proposed project will serve. (1-10 points)

One point awarded for each 25 persons, up to a maximum of 10 points.

5. The extent to which the proposed project prioritizes direct service costs. (1-10 points)

Points shall be awarded on a percentage basis, determined by dividing the direct service delivery costs by the total project cost and multiplying the result by 10.

Direct service delivery cost X 10 = _____

Total project cost

6. The extent to which sponsor funds and resources are committed to the project. (1-4 points)

Points shall be awarded on a percentage basis, determined by dividing the local/sponsor funds by the total project cost and multiplying the result by 4. Sponsor must provide auditable proof of the contribution.

Sponsor resources X 4 = _____

Total project cost

7. Project has a direct relationship with Texas Parks & Wildlife Department programs and/or facilities. (1-5 points)

Maximum of 5 points with one point awarded per:

A. TPWD facility used (name each TPWD facility).

B. Instance of TPWD personnel involved (provide letter of coordination from TPWD staff).

C. Instance of TPWD program provided.

8. Project specifically serves youth at risk. (1-3 points)

A definition of at-risk youth must be included, as well as a description of each activity designed to serve at-risk youth. One point shall be awarded for each activity serving at-risk youth as defined in the project. (Examples: mentoring, tutoring, team building, etc.)

9. Project proposes activities related to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department initiatives. (1–5 points)

One point shall be awarded for each proposed activity related to a TPWD initiative (e.g., fishing, camping, hunting, environmental education, or other outdoor activity).

10. Project promotes outdoor educational activities. (4 points)

Each educational element must be demonstrated by a discussion of the curriculum to be employed. Maximum of 4 points awarded according to the curriculum's potential to increase participants’:

A. Awareness; and/or

B. Knowledge, skills, and abilities; and/or

C. Critical thinking; and/or

D. Behavioral change.

11. Has applicant fulfilled all previous Community Outdoor Outreach Program grant reimbursement requirements?

Yes _____ No _____

If no, please apply the following formula and deduct points from application score:

Remaining balance ($) X .0015 = _____

Project Priority Scoring System
Texas Recreation & Parks Account
Regional Grants Program

(Effective for the January 31, 2006 Application Deadline)

All TRPA Regional Grant Program applications submitted to TPWD are evaluated for program eligibility and prioritized with the criteria, rating factors, and points shown in the following “Project Priority Scoring System.”

A project’s priority ranking will depend on its score in relation to the scores of other projects under consideration. Scored applications are presented to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission for approval. Funding of projects will depend on the availability of TRPA funds.

Projects which have been considered twice by the Parks & Wildlife Commission without significant alterations to raise the project score shall be withdrawn from further consideration.

1. Sponsor is in full compliance at previously assisted grant project sites and is progressing on schedule with all active grant projects in accordance with the “Summary of Guidelines for Administration of TRPA or LWCF Acquisition and Development Projects.”

YES. If yes, the application will be scored and presented for award consideration.
NO. If no, the application will not be scored or considered further.
N/A. No previous grant funding received.

2. Project provides for the acquisition of land for the purposes of:

A. Intensive use recreation (based on the nature of the activities, such as playgrounds and ball fields). (1-5 points)

Acreage & facilities: _________________________


B. Significant linear greenways (other than streets and sidewalks). (1-5 points).

Length & significance: _______________________


C. Conservation areas (based on the nature of the proposed use, acreage and value to the project; mostly passive or educational use; dedication required). (1-5 points)

Acreage & significance: _____________________


D. Water access (natural water bodies). (1-5 points)

Type and significance of water body(ies): __________________________________________


E. Natural resource access (such as mature forests, prairies, fault zones, listed species habitat, etc., other than water). (1-5 points)

Type & significance of natural resource access: __________________________________________

A maximum of 25 points will be awarded, with 1-5 points awarded for each type of acquisition, based on size and significance.


3. Project proposes development of significant natural resource-based recreation.

A maximum of 15 points will be awarded as allocated below:

A. The project proposes development of natural water-based recreation (1 point per recreational opportunity, up to a maximum of 5 points).

# Water opportunities: _____


B. The project proposes the development of natural resource-based recreation (1 point per recreational opportunity, up to a maximum of 5 points).

# Natural resource opportunities (other than water): _____


C. The project proposes the conservation of aquatic habitat (1 point per conservation element, up to a maximum of 5 points).

# Aquatic conservation elements: _____


4. Project demonstrates matching fund contributions (land, dedication of publicly owned non-parkland, money, in-kind), and/or additional outside cooperation not involving match from sources other than the sponsor.

A. A maximum of 15 points may be awarded on a percentage basis, depending on the amount of matching funds provided by outside sources as determined by dividing the total contribution value by the total match and multiplying by 15.

Total contributions = ____ X 15 = ____

Total matching funds

B. Project involves cooperation between the project sponsor and other public or private entities where resources are contributed to the overall project for non-grant assisted facilities (Example: The county constructs roads/parking facilities for the sponsor, but no grant funds are requested for roads/parking; 1 point per documented activity, up to a maximum of 5 points).

# Documented activities: _____


5. The extent to which the project fulfills a component of a documented comprehensive conservation or park and recreation master plan for 1 or more political jurisdictions or public service organizations.

A maximum of 5 points will be awarded, with 1 point awarded per documented plan (copy relevant section/map, etc. and discuss relationship between plan and project).

# Plans: _____


6. Project proposes to link significant public assets or destinations with trails and/or greenbelts other than streets and sidewalks.

A maximum of 10 points will be awarded, with 2 points per linkage, based on number and significance of linkages.

# Linkages X 2 = _____

LINKAGE TOTAL RANGE: 2 – 10 points

7. Project promotes conservation of natural resources and sustainable development through the use of activities or techniques such as xeriscape or native plant materials, drip or treated effluent irrigation systems, energy efficient lighting systems, recycled materials for facility construction, environmental education or interpretation, significant tree plantings where no trees exist, alternative energy sources, water catchment systems, or other green building or resource conservation measures.

A maximum of 5 points will be awarded, with 1 point for each conservation element.

# Conservation elements: _____


Project Priority Scoring System
Texas Recreation & Parks Account
Small Community Grants Program
(Effective for the January 31, 2006 Application Deadline

All TRPA Small Community Grant Program applications submitted to TPWD are evaluated for program eligibility and prioritized with the criteria, rating factors, and points shown in the following "Project Priority Scoring System." Each site of a multiple site project will be scored individually using the “Project Priority Scoring System,” and individual site scores will be weighted on a pro-rata share of the total project score.

A project’s priority ranking will depend on its score in relation to the scores of other projects under consideration. Scored applications are presented to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission for approval. Funding of projects will depend on the availability of TRPA funds.

Projects which have been considered twice by the Parks & Wildlife Commission without significant alterations to raise the project score shall be withdrawn from further consideration.

1. Sponsor is in full compliance at previously assisted grant project sites and is progressing on schedule with all active grant projects in accordance with the "Summary of Guidelines for Administration of TRPA or LWCF Acquisition and Development Projects."

YES. If yes, the application will be scored and presented for award consideration.
NO. If no, the application will not be considered further.
N/A. No previous grant funding received.

2. Sponsor population is 2,000 or less.

POPULATION TOTAL RANGE: 2 points (not a range)

3. Project provides a diversity of recreation opportunities at the project site.

Maximum of 3 points, with 1 point awarded for each type of facility. Low impact facilities may be grouped rather than receiving individual points.

# Facilities: _____


4. Project improves geographic distribution or innovative use of park and recreation lands and facilities within the sponsor's jurisdiction or intended project service area.

Maximum of 10 points as awarded below:

A. Project provides the first public park in the sponsor's intended service area (10 points); or

B. Project provides significantly new and different recreation opportunities (other than school facilities) at the proposed site(s) (1-3 points, with 1 point per opportunity, based on significance to the community and originality).

# New and different facilities: _____


5. Project maximizes the use of development funds for basic park and recreation opportunities.

Maximum of 10 points, based on percentage as shown below:

Direct recreational facility costs X 10 = ____

Total construction costs

“Direct recreational facility costs” include only facilities related directly to recreation as opposed to support facilities, except that trees and drip irrigation may be included as recreational items. "Total construction costs" include park and/or recreation as well as support/infrastructure facilities, contingency, and all required program sign costs in excess of $1,000.

COSTS TOTAL RANGE: 1 - 10 points

6. Project improves park and recreation opportunities for low income, minority, elderly and/or youth-at-risk citizens.

Maximum of 16 points, as awarded below:

A. Project improves opportunities for low-income citizens (defined by the “USDA National School Lunch Program Income Eligibility Guidelines” federal poverty definition midpoint). (1 - 4 points)

Low income % X 4 = _____

B. Project improves opportunities for minority citizens (based on most recent U.S. Census figures for the service area). (1 - 4 points)

Minority % X 4 = _____

C. Project improves opportunities for elderly citizens (One point for each related facility, typically passive activities, except where facilities are designed specifically for an elderly user group). (1 - 4 points)

# Appropriate elderly activities: _____

D. Project provides opportunities for youth-at-risk citizens (One point for each documented program designed for youth-at-risk. Sponsor must describe/define youth-at-risk population, programs, and sponsors). (1 - 4 points)

# Youth-at-risk activities: _____


7. Project involves documented matching funds from sources other than the sponsor and/or additional outside cooperation not involving match.

Maximum of 10 points as awarded below:

A. Project involves the contribution of land (including publicly owned non-parkland), cash, labor, equipment or materials from other governmental, educational, or private sector entities that serves as all or part of the sponsor’s matching share of funds. Maximum of 5 points awarded based upon percentage of matching funds provided by others.

Matching funds provided by others X 5 = ____

Total matching funds


B. Project involves cooperation between the project sponsor and other public or private entities where resources are contributed to the overall project for non-grant assisted facilities.

Maximum of 5 points awarded based on the type and number of documented contributions, e.g., the county constructs roads/parking facilities for the sponsor, but no grant funds are requested for those facilities.

# Documented contributions = _____


8. Project proposes the renovation of existing obsolete recreation facilities.

Maximum of 10 points awarded based on the percentage of construction dollars allocated for renovation.

Total renovation cost X 10 = _____

Total construction cost


9. Project promotes environmentally responsible activities and development.

Eligible types of activities or techniques include the use of xeriscape/native plant materials for landscaping, drip or treated effluent irrigation systems, energy efficient lighting systems, recycled materials for facility construction, environmental education and interpretation, significant tree plantings where no trees exist, alternative energy sources, water catchment systems, etc.

Maximum of 5 points, with 1 point awarded for each conservation element proposed in the grant budget.

# Conservation elements = _____