Presenter: Mary Fields
Commission Agenda Item No. 19
Request to Exceed Capital Budget Transfer Limitations
April 2006
I. Executive Summary: The Commission is considering the approval of additional capital budget items and requesting approval from the Legislative Budget Board and the Governor to exceed the transfer limitation on capital budget expenditures.
II. Discussion: Request to Exceed Capital Budget Transfer Limitations: The Department is seeking Commission approval to use additional fund 9 revenue authorized from TPWD Rider 27 to purchase capital budget items in excess of the transfer limit. These capital budget items are documented for approval in Exhibit A and are necessary for the Department to continue effective field operations in fiscal year 2006.
To pursue the purchase of these capital budget items, Article IX, Section 6.16 of the General Appropriations Act, 79th Legislature, requires the Commission to request approval from the Legislative Budget Board and the Governor to exceed the 25% transfer limitation on capital budget expenditures. Within the request, as documented in Exhibit B, the Commission must include:
- the date on which the Commission approved the request;
- a statement justifying the need to exceed the limitation;
- the source of funds to be used to make the purchases; and
- an explanation as to why such expenditures cannot be deferred
III. Recommendation: Staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:
"The Commission approves of the capital budget items as reflected in Exhibit A and requests approval from the Legislative Budget Board and the Governor to exceed the 25% transfer limitation on capital budget expenditures as reflected in Exhibit B."
Attachments - 2
- Exhibit A - Capital Budget Expenditures
- Exhibit B - Request for Approval from Legislative Budget Board and the Governor