Presenter: Darcy Bontempo
Commission Agenda Item No. 5
Texas Park and Wildlife Commission Policy Amendments Resolution
April 2006
I. Executive Summary: To ensure that TPW Commission policy addresses issues relating to criteria for naming rights for department facilities; and that the policy also addresses instances where monetary contributions may be an additional consideration for naming rights for department lands and/or features, staff is recommending revisions to Commission Policy No. CP-014 (Naming Department Lands and Features).
II. Discussion: Commission Policy CP-014 was developed to provide guidance about the naming of TPWD lands and features. However, the current policy only includes naming rights for department lands and features and does not include criteria for granting naming rights for department facilities. Staff, therefore, recommends that Commission Policy CP-014 be revised to include facilities and to clearly authorize the granting of naming rights in connection with a sponsorship or donation.
Staff also recommends that monetary contributions be included when considering naming right options for department lands, facilities or features. Staff further recommends that the reference to "John J. Stokes, San Marcos River Park" be deleted as this park is no longer in the TPWD inventory.
III. Recommendation: The staff recommends that Commission Policy CP-014 be revised as set forth in the attached resolution by adoption of the following motion:
"The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopts by resolution (Exhibit A) the revisions to Commission Policy CP-014 (Exhibit B)."
Commission Agenda Item No. 5
Exhibit A
A Resolution by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission Adopting Amendments to Commission Policy
WHEREAS, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) is authorized to adopt policies governing the activities of the Commission;
WHEREAS, the Commission has adopted a policy governing the functions of the Executive Director when considering names for Department land or features and includes criteria for granting naming rights for Department facilities;
WHEREAS, staff further recommends that the Commission policy governing the functions of the Executive Director regarding criteria for granting naming rights be amended to clarify the policy and allow for flexibility in connection with the recognition of monetary contributions;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopts the changes to Commission policy CP-014 as attached hereto.
In official recognition hereof, we hereby affix our signatures as approved the 6th day of April 2006.
Joseph B. C. Fitzsimons, Chairman
Donato D. Ramos, Vice-Chairman
Mark E. Bivins, Member
J. Robert Brown, Member
T. Dan Friedkin, Member
Ned S. Holmes, Member
Peter M. Holt, Member
Philip Montgomery III, Member
John D. Parker, Member
I, the undersigned Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true, full, and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission of the State of Texas on the 6th day of April, 2006.
EXECUTED UNDER MY HAND and seal of said Commission on this the 6th day of April, 2006.
Robert L. Cook
Executive Director
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Commission Agenda Item No. 5
Exhibit B
Naming Department Land, Facilities and Features
The Executive Director shall follow established criteria when considering names for Department land or features in order of preference for:
A. prominent natural geographic features, as Palo Duro Canyon and Elephant Mountain;
B. outstanding natural resources, as Palmetto and Chaparral;
C. significant historic events of personages, in the case of historic sites and parks, as San Jacinto Battleground and Stephen F. Austin;
D. predominant man-made natural resources, such as lakes or impoundments, as Lake Whitney;
E. names of features long established by local custom, as Black Gap or Dinosaur Valley;
F. nationally prominent Texans of contemporary times who have consistently made significant contributions of national or international interest, as Lyndon B. Johnson and Dwight D. Eisenhower;
G. donations of property or money to Department programs when naming is a condition of the gift;
H. former Department employees who lost their lives in the line of duty as Gus Engeling and James Daughtrey; and
I. nearby towns or communities that were influential in establishment of the area, or that would add significant geographical reference as Lockhart and Goliad.
The Executive Director may grant naming rights for Department facilities to corporate sponsors, foundations or individuals when:
A. there is a significant sponsorship fee or donation provided to the Department;
B. the naming right is defined in advance;
C. the naming right becomes null and void if the facility does not continue to be operated by the Department.