Presenter: Robin Riechers
Ken Kurazawski

Commission Agenda Item No. 6
Texas Anglers Attitude and Opinion Surveys
April 2006

I. Executive Summary: A history and summary of the results of attitude and opinion surveys of Texas anglers conducted by the Inland and Coastal Fisheries Divisions will be presented to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission.

II. Discussion: The Inland and Coastal Fisheries Divisions in cooperation with Texas A&M University have a long history of conducting human dimensions research to understand angler tastes, preferences, attitudes, and motivations. Since the mid-1980's, anglers have been routinely surveyed about their fishing experiences in Texas as well as their participation in fishing and the economic effects that fishing has in Texas. In addition to looking holistically at all anglers, there has been considerable research focusing on specific lakes, species, and issues that directly impact coastal and inland fisheries decision making.