Presenter: Ted Hollingsworth
Commission Agenda Item No. 19
Conveyance of Pipeline Easement - Tarrant County
August 21, 2008
I. Executive Summary: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) has a request for a pipeline easement at the Inland Fisheries District Office located in Fort Worth, Texas.
II. Discussion: XTO Energy has requested a pipeline easement for the purposes of installing a gathering line at the Inland Fisheries District Office located in Fort Worth, Texas. This site was formally a state fish hatchery which was closed in 1986. The office complex now provides office and equipment storage space for the Inland Fisheries district biologists and staff. The pond area has been managed for wildlife habitat.
This pipeline easement being 20' wide by 1324.5' long will run along an existing road and levee having very little effect on the habitat. In exchange for granting this easement XTO Energy will renovate a 2.5 acre pond to be used as a kid-fish facility.
III. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:
"The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission authorizes the Executive Director to take all necessary steps to grant a pipeline easement to XTO Energy at the Inland Fisheries District Office located in Fort Worth, Texas."
Attachments - 3
Commission Agenda Item No. 19
Exhibit A
Location Map

For help in interpreting this map, please contact Ted Hollingsworth.
Commission Agenda Item No. 19
Exhibit B
Vicinity Map

For help in interpreting this map, please contact Ted Hollingsworth.
Commission Agenda Item No. 19
Exhibit C
Site Map

For help in interpreting this map, please contact Ted Hollingsworth.