Presenter: Ted Hollingsworth
Commission Agenda Item No. 21
Land Sale - Harris County
La Porte Regional Office
August 21, 2008
I. Executive Summary: A developer, working closely with the City of La Porte, has made Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) an offer to buy the La Porte Region 4 Parks Office.
II. Discussion: The La Porte Regional Office (State Parks Region 4) sits on a prominent intersection in the old downtown section of La Porte in Harris County, twenty miles east of downtown Houston. The City of La Porte has been planning a revitalization of the old downtown section of La Porte for a number of years, and is now working with local businesses and developers to try and bring a vision of a revitalized downtown to fruition.
The La Porte Office was purchased in 1962, and was originally a gas station, service station and automotive parts store. The brick building has a flat roof and has suffered repeated water infiltration over the years. It has become a high maintenance facility, especially for its size and utility, and $300,000 was recently earmarked for building upgrades. The building is physically unattractive and sits squarely in the way of any effort to revitalize and beautify old downtown La Porte. A developer, with input and backing from the City, has approached TPWD about buying the facility, which sits on a roughly one-acre lot. The funds would be used to construct a new Region 4 Parks Office at Sheldon Lake State Park, also in east Harris County.
Public opinion has been solicited and a local hearing has been conducted.
III. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:
"The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission finds that ownership of the La Porte Regional Office is no longer in the best interest of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and authorizes the Executive Director to take all necessary measures to sell the La Porte Regional Office property."
Attachments - 2
Commission Agenda Item No. 21
Exhibit A
Locator Map for La Porte Regional Office, Harris County
For help in interpreting this map, please contact Ted Hollingsworth.
Commission Agenda Item No. 21
Exhibit B
Site Map of the Region 4 Office Property
For help in interpreting this map, please contact Ted Hollingsworth.