Presenter: Ted Hollingsworth

Commission Agenda Item No. 20
Conveyance of Easement - Aransas County
Goose Island State Park
August 21, 2008

I. Executive Summary: The Lamar Improvement District (LID) requests permission to route utility pipelines under Goose Island State Park.

II. Discussion: The land surrounding Goose Island State Park has experienced intense development pressure in recent years. Developers have acquired the remaining undeveloped lands adjacent to the park and have plans to create a waterfront/canal front subdivision called the Boardwalk. The LID was created to provide water and wastewater services to this subdivision and others on and near Lamar Peninsula. In order to reach the Boardwalk, the LID has few options other than to cross the park.

Earlier this year, the TPW Commission authorized issuance of the requested easement, and instructed staff to reach an agreement based on specific requirements. Representatives of the LID and the developer have subsequently met with TPWD staff and are in the process of preparing a counterproposal. Staff returns to the Commission to discuss the status of negotiations and request authorization to reach agreement with the LID and issue the requested easement based on a new set of negotiated terms.

III. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:

"The Executive Director is authorized to negotiate terms and conditions under which a utility easement may be issued to the Lamar Improvement District for crossing Goose Island State Park with underground water and wastewater lines."

Attachments - 3

  1. Exhibit A - Locator Map
  2. Exhibit B - Area Map
  3. Exhibit C - Site Map

Commission Agenda Item No. 20
Exhibit A

Locator Map - Goose Island State Park, Aransas County

Location of Goose Island State Park, Aransas County in relation to the State of Texas

For help in interpreting this map, please contact Ted Hollingsworth.

Commission Agenda Item No. 20
Exhibit B

Area Map of Goose Island State Park and the Big Tree

Location of Goose Island State Park and Big Tree in relation to Copano Bay, Aransas Bay, City of Rockport, Matagorda Island and Gulf of Mexico

For help in interpreting this map, please contact Ted Hollingsworth.

Commission Agenda Item No. 20
Exhibit C

Map of Proposed Conservation Easement and South Street Closure

Location of Goose Island State Park in relation to proposed conservation easement and south street closure

For help in interpreting this map, please contact Ted Hollingsworth.