Presenter: Larry McKinney
Robin Riechers

Commission Agenda Item No. 10
Inshore Shrimp License Buyback Program
November 2007

I. Executive Summary: The inshore shrimp license buyback program, established with the inshore shrimp fishery limited entry plan in 1995, has been buying commercial licenses from the fishery since fall 1996. The program was established to purchase licenses from willing sellers to reduce inshore shrimping effort. The reduction in effort would create a sustainable shrimp fishery for Texas and reduce the fishing pressure on one of the foundation species that supports a tremendous recreational fishery. In addition, shrimp trawl bycatch, which on average is 4 lbs. of bycatch to 1 lb. of shrimp, will be reduced as fishing effort is reduced. To date the inshore shrimp license buyback program has purchased 904 bay and 886 bait licenses. As the current fiscal year (September 1, 2007 to August 31, 2008) starts, 585 bay and 568 bait licenses are estimated to remain in the fishery. Due to the reduction in overall effort in the fishery, the buyback program is expected to meet the desired levels of licenses during this biennium.