Presenter: Ted Hollingsworth

Commission Agenda Item No. 23
Irrigation Easement – Cameron County
Anacua Unit, Las Palomas Wildlife Management Area
November 2007

I. Executive Summary: The Santa Maria/La Feria Irrigation District requests an easement for a 15" water distribution line to replace an irrigation ditch crossing the Anacua Unit of the Las Palomas Wildlife Management Area (WMA) in Cameron County.

II. Discussion: The Anacua Unit of the Las Palomas WMA is a 224-acre unit acquired in 1982 for the primary purpose of providing white-winged dove habitat in the Rio Grande Valley of south Texas. At the time of acquisition, an irrigation ditch bisected the tract. Use of the ditch for distribution of irrigation water over the years has resulted in establishment of a "riparian" vegetation zone, which has high wildlife values.

The Santa Maria/La Feria Irrigation District plans to improve efficiency of water delivery by replacing ditches with water pipelines. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) staff recommends leaving the ditch intact for its habitat values, and relocating the new water line in the adjacent field. The length of the line across the WMA will be approximately 2000 feet. A Surface Use Agreement will ensure that impacts to the site are minimized. Staff recommends the easement be granted at no cost to the Irrigation District.

III. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:

"The Executive Director is authorized to take all necessary measures to negotiate and execute an irrigation easement with the Santa Maria/La Feria Irrigation District for installation and maintenance of a water pipeline across the Anacua Unit of the Las Palomas Wildlife Management Area."

Attachments – 1

  1. Exhibit A – Location Map

Commission Agenda Item No. 23
Exhibit A

Location Map

Location of Anacua Unit in relation to Brownsville, TX

For help in interpreting this map, please contact Ted Hollingsworth.