Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission

Contract Number Vendor Name Type of Contract Reason for Change Original Term Date Revised Term Date (if applicable) Original Contract Amount Revised Contract Amount (if applicable) Percentage Change Purchaser Date Entered
456968 Shannon Well Service Internal Repair Internal repair of #3 Solar Mill and Cow Trap windmill; diagnosis resulted in installation of new solar pump, motor and controller. Matador WMA. 11/15/2014 N/A $250.00 $4,500.00 1700.00% Gwen Sullivan 2/16/2015
461040 Powers Automotive Internal Repair Internal repair of suspension problems in state-owned vehicle; parts and labor to replace defective items resulted in increased cost. EMWMA. 3/31/2015 N/A $1,000.00 $1,747.25 74.73% Gwen Sullivan 2/17/2015
457985 Covington Enterprises Internal Repair Internal repair of HVAC system in onsite residence diagnosis resulted in entire unit replacement, which delayed service end date to 3/31/2015. EMWMA. 1/9/2015 3/31/2015 $2,000.00 $7,050.00 252.50% Gwen Sullivan 2/18/2015