Commission Agenda Item No. 8
Corky Kuhlmann
Land Acquisition – Nacogdoches County
Alazan Bayou Wildlife Management Area
March 26, 2015
I. Executive Summary: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) has been offered an approximate 133 acre tract of land as an addition to the Alazan Bayou Wildlife Management Area (WMA).
II. Discussion: The property is typical of surrounding riparian habitat (60 percent bottomland hardwood and 40 percent scrub-shrub swamp) beneficial to deer, squirrel, turkey, waterfowl, woodcock, various wading birds, furbearers, alligator, timber rattlesnake, southeastern myotis, Rafinesque big-eared bat, and Louisiana black bear, among many others. The property, accessed by land through the existing WMA and by water up Benaldo Bayou from the Angelina River, is the last undeveloped parcel of riparian habitat that can be added to the Blount Unit of the WMA north of the Angelina River in Nacogdoches County.
Given its location there will be no additional burden on existing staff to manage the property while providing perpetual public use and conservation of a significant area of ecologically valuable habitat.
III. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:
“The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission authorizes the Executive Director to take all necessary steps to acquire approximately 133 acres in Nacogdoches County for addition to Alazan Bayou Wildlife Management Area.”
Commission Agenda Item No. 8
Exhibit A
Location of Alazan Bayou WMA
Nacogdoches County
Commission Agenda Item No. 8
Exhibit B
Vicinity Map
Alazan Bayou WMA
Commission Agenda Item No. 8
Exhibit C
Site Map