Commission Agenda Item No. 6
John Davis
Blue Ribbon Panel
Funding Wildlife Projects in the Future
November 3, 2016
I. Executive Summary: Staff will provide a briefing on the Blue Ribbon Panel on Sustaining America’s Diverse Fish and Wildlife Resources (Blue Ribbon Panel) convened by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (AFWA). Staff will also present a resolution recognizing the work of the Blue Ribbon Panel.
II. Discussion: During the period of 1937 to 1950, Congress passed several pieces of legislation that collectively are referred to as the Pittman-Robertson and Dingell-Johnson Acts that established funds to support conservation and science-based management of harvestable game and sportfish species financed by hunters, recreational shooters, anglers and boaters. However, a dedicated and sustainable funding mechanism is lacking for the >95 percent of species that are neither hunted nor fished. In 2014, AFWA convened the Blue Ribbon Panel, composed of conservation and business leaders, to provide recommendations for securing reliable funding to advance the national interest in conserving all species of fish and wildlife. A list of Blue Ribbon Panel members is attached as Exhibit A.
The Blue Ribbon Panel has completed its analysis and issued two recommendations:
Recommendation 1: Congress dedicate up to $1.3 billion annually in existing revenue from the development of energy and mineral resources on federal lands and waters to the Wildlife Conservation Restoration Program (16 U.S.C. §669b(a)).
Recommendation 2: The Blue Ribbon Panel will examine the impact of societal changes on the relevancy of fish and wildlife conservation and make recommendations on how programs and agencies can transform to engage and serve broader constituencies.
Since that time, several states have adopted resolutions regarding these recommendations.
III. Recommendation: Staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following Motion:
“The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopts the Resolution attached as Exhibit B.”
Commission Agenda Item No. 6
Exhibit A
The Blue Ribbon Panelists
Dave Freudenthal — Blue Ribbon Panel co-chair, former Governor of Wyoming
Johnny Morris — Blue Ribbon Panel co-chair, Founder and CEO, Bass Pro Shops
Kevin Butt — General Manager and Chief Environmental Officer, Toyota Motor Engineering and Manufacturing North America, Inc. and Board Member, Wildlife Habitat Council
Richard Childress — CEO and Chairman, Richard Childress Racing Enterprises
Jeff Crane — President, Congressional Sportsman’s Foundation
Bruce Culpepper — Executive Vice President, Human Resources & Regional Coordination, Shell Americas
John Doerr — President and CEO, Pure Fishing, Inc. and Board Member, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership and the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation
Jim Faulstich — Owner, Daybreak Ranch and Vice Chairman, Partners for Conservation
John Fitzpatrick — Director, Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Co-inventor, eBird
Greg Hill — President and CEO of Exploration and Production, Hess Corporation
Rebecca Humphries — Chief Conservation Officer, National Wild Turkey Federation
Dr. Stephen Kellert — Professor Emeritus of Social Ecology and Senior Research Scholar, Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and Board Member, Bio-Logical Capital; Founding Partner, Environmental Capital Partners
Jennifer Mull — Chief Executive Officer, Backwoods Equipment, Inc. and Board Chair of the Outdoor Industry Association
John W. Newman — CFO and Treasurer, LLOG Exploration Company, LLC and Board Chairman, Ducks Unlimited
Michael Nussman — President and CEO, American Sportfishing Association
Margaret O’Gorman — President, Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) and Board Member, Stewardship Action Council
Glenn Olson — Donal O’Brien Chair in Bird Conservation and Public Policy, National Audubon Society (NAS) and Member, North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) Council and the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act Advisory Council
Collin O’Mara — President and CEO, National Wildlife Federation
Connie S. Parker — CEO and Founder, CSPARKERGROUP and Board Member, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership and the Wildlife Foundation of Florida
Charlie Potter — CEO, Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation and Founder and Chairman, Great Outdoors, LLC
Steve Sanetti — CEO, National Shooting Sports Foundation
John Tomke — President, Ducks Unlimited de Mexico and Chair, Wildlife and Hunting Heritage Conservation Council
Jeff Trandahl — CEO, National Fish & Wildlife Foundation
Dr. James Walker — Vice Chairman of the Board, EDF Renewable Energy and Board Member, American Wind Energy Association
Dr. Steve Williams — President, Wildlife Management Institute (WMI) and Board President, National Conservation Leadership Institute; Board Member, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Bob Ziehmer — Director, Missouri Department of Conservation
Michael Bean — Ex Officio Member, Principal Deputy Asst. Secretary for Fish, Wildlife and Parks, US Department Interior
Ronald Regan — Ex Officio Member, Executive Director, Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies
Commission Agenda Item No. 6
Exhibit B
A Resolution to Recognize the Work of the Blue Ribbon Panel on Sustaining America’s Diverse Fish and Wildlife Resources
WHEREAS, Texas is home to thousands of species of plants and animals, some of which of which are exclusively found in our state; and
WHEREAS, Congress passed the Pittman-Robertson and Dingell-Johnson Acts that established a fund to support conservation and science-based management of game and sport fish species financed by hunters, recreational shooters, anglers, and boaters; and
WHEREAS, all fish and wildlife resources, including the many species of birds, mammals, fish, amphibians and reptiles that are not hunted or fished, and their associated habitats provide benefits not only to hunters and anglers, but also to hikers, campers, paddlers, birders, nature photographers, and other wildlife and outdoor enthusiasts, as well as the country’s $646 billion outdoor recreation economy; and
WHEREAS, funds generated by Pittman-Robertson and Dingell-Johnson Acts are insufficient to address conservation needs in the 21st century, especially broader needs involving the many species of birds, mammals, fish, amphibians and reptiles that are not hunted or fished; and
WHEREAS, as required by 16 U.S.C. §669b(c), the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, in partnership with the greater Texas conservation community, has created the Texas Conservation Action Plan that has been approved by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service; and identifies Species of Greatest Conservation Need and key habitat types that require prescriptive actions to ensure persistence for future generations; and
WHEREAS, states have long recognized the need for more comprehensive fish and wildlife programs to conserve all species, including Species of Greatest Conservation Need; and
WHEREAS, the Blue Ribbon Panel on Sustaining America’s Diverse Fish and Wildlife Resources (the Blue Ribbon Panel), composed of conservation and business leaders, was convened by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (AFWA) to provide recommendations for securing reliable funding to advance the national interest in conserving all species of wildlife; and
WHEREAS, the Blue Ribbon Panel has made recommendations regarding the future of conservation and conservation funding;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission supports the efforts of the Blue Ribbon Panel to identify broader sources of funding for comprehensive conservation and management of fish and wildlife resources; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission supports the Blue Ribbon Panel’s continuing efforts to examine the impact of societal changes on the relevancy of fish and wildlife conservation and how programs and agencies can evolve to engage and serve broader constituencies.
Adopted and approved this 3rd day of November, 2016.
T. Dan Friedkin, Chairman
Ralph H. Duggins, Vice-Chairman
Anna B. Galo, Member
Bill Jones, Member
Jeanne W. Latimer, Member
James H. Lee, Member
S. Reed Morian, Member
Dick Scott, Member
Kelcy L. Warren, Member