Commission Agenda Item No. 12
Presenter: Brent Leisure

Texas State Parks Centennial Plan
November 3, 2016

I.       Executive Summary: State Park Division Director Brent Leisure and Brian Trusty, Chairman of the State Park Advisory Committee, will provide a briefing on the State Park Centennial Plan, outlining actions and investments planned for the next six years.  In 2023, the Texas State Park system will mark its 100th anniversary, and the steps detailed will prepare parks for their second century.

II.     Discussion: In February of 2016, Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission Chairman Friedkin issued a charge for the State Park Advisory Committee to work in partnership with Texas Parks and Wildlife Department staff to develop a plan for the state park system that will provide a framework for utilization of the funds made available through dedication of sporting goods sales tax proceeds and other existing funding sources.

An overview of results of this planning effort will be presented to the commission, including a number of proposed actions that will be taken to prepare for the park system’s centennial anniversary in 2023.  The plan will include details of investments planned to ensure park services, facilities and business systems to achieve quality status while preserving park resources and increasing awareness of parks.