Commission Agenda Item No. 9
Presenters: Justin Dreibelbis
Froylán Hernández

Bighorn Sheep Restoration and Management
March 22, 2018

I.      Executive Summary:  This item provides the Desert Bighorn Sheep Program restoration update, which includes translocation history as well as costs associated with the restoration program.  The update will also highlight the importance of sustainable bighorn hunting on public lands and the conservation funding created through this activity.  The update will cover:

II.        Discussion:  The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, in partnership with numerous state agencies, conservation organizations, landowners and volunteers, has worked diligently to restore desert bighorn sheep to previously occupied West Texas mountain ranges.  Though the program has been successful and there are now several mountain ranges with viable populations, there is still plenty of habitat that continues to be unoccupied.  The goal of the program is to restore bighorn sheep into suitable habitat within the historic range of the species.