Commission Agenda Item No. 8
Presenter: Ted Hollingsworth

Disposition of Land – Montgomery County
Approximately 6 Acres at Lake Houston Wilderness Park
May 22, 2019

I.      Executive Summary: In 2006, the 4,920-acre Lake Houston State Park was transferred to the City of Houston (City) for development and operation, and re-named Lake Houston Wilderness Park. In May 2016, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (Commission) authorized modification of the deed to allow approximately ten acres of land to be transferred to the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) for construction of the Grand Parkway. Of that acreage, approximately six acres has reverted to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) ownership and staff proposes that the six acres be sold to TXDOT.

II.     Discussion: In the 1980s, TPWD acquired 4,920 acres of land straddling the Harris-Montgomery County line and bordered by Peach Creek and the East Fork of the San Jacinto River. Consisting of pine and hardwood forests, creeks, and swamps, Lake Houston State Park was open to the public, but very little development took place. In 2006, with more funding available for development, the City and Harris County, approached TPWD about transferring the park to the City in order that the park might more fully realize its potential to meet the recreational needs of the region. The Commission agreed to the transfer and the site was renamed Lake Houston Wilderness Park. As a condition of the deed, the City is prohibited from using the Lake Houston Wilderness Park for non-recreational purposes.

Segment “H” of the Grand Parkway will run along the northern boundary of the park. TPWD and City staff worked with the Grand Parkway Association, TXDOT, and the Federal Highway Administration on highway siting and development strategies that would minimize impacts to the park and provide safe public access. The final plan negotiated among the parties requires the transfer of approximately ten acres of park land to TXDOT, and this transfer was authorized by the Commission in 2016. Of the ten acres, approximately six acres lying south of FM 1485 was protected by a reversion clause in the original deed and now these six acres have reverted to TPWD ownership. The Resolution passed by the Commission in 2016 did not contemplate that six acres would revert to TPWD ownership prior to transfer to TXDOT, and therefore did not specifically approve the sale of land owned by TPWD. The staff recommends the six-acre tract be sold by TPWD to TXDOT at appraised value to fully implement the transfer approved by the Commission in 2016.

III.   Recommendation: The staff recommends that the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:

“The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopts the Resolution attached as Exhibit A.”

Attachments – 4

  1. Exhibit A – Resolution
  2. Exhibit B – Location Map
  3. Exhibit C – Vicinity Map
  4. Exhibit D – Site Map

Commission Agenda Item No. 8
Exhibit A

A Resolution by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission Regarding the
Disposition of Approximately Ten Acres of Land at Lake Houston Wilderness Park
in Montgomery County


Whereas, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) conveyed 4,920 acres of land now known as Lake Houston Wilderness Park (the Park) to the City of Houston in 2006; and,

Whereas, the Grand Parkway Segment “H” will be a major thoroughfare for the region of Harris and Montgomery Counties where the Park is located; and,

Whereas, TPWD and the City of Houston desire that there be good public access to the Park; and,

Whereas, TPWD and the City of Houston have worked with the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT), the Federal Highways Administration (FHA) and the Grand Parkway Association (GPA) to design the Grand Parkway in such a way as to maximize access to the park while minimizing impacts to the Park’s natural, cultural, and aesthetic resources; and,

Whereas, the design of the Parkway recommended by staff of TPWD, TXDOT, FHA, and the GPA requires the conveyance of approximately ten acres of Park land in Montgomery County to TXDOT; said conveyance of which was approved by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (the Commission) on May 26, 2016; and,

Whereas, pursuant to deed, approximately six of the ten acres has reverted to TPWD ownership due to non-use for public park purposes; and

Whereas, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission finds that as required by Texas Parks and Wildlife Code chapter 26, notices of today’s hearing of this matter were published at least once a week for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation which is published at least six days a week in the community nearest to the subject tract in which such newspapers are published (The Courier of Montgomery County in Montgomery County and Houston Chronicle in Harris County), with the last day of publication being not less than one week or more than two weeks before the date of today’s hearing and that such notices specified the date and time at which the Commission would hear testimony regarding this land transfer; and,

Whereas, the Commission finds, in accordance with Texas Parks and Wildlife Code chapter 26, that (1) there is no feasible and prudent alternative to the use or taking of land; and (2) the program or project that requires the use or taking of land includes all reasonable planning to minimize harm to the land; and,

Now, therefore, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission authorizes the Executive Director to take all necessary steps to sell approximately six acres of land to TXDOT for the purposes and subject to the conditions described herein and in the motion approved in this Resolution.

Adopted and approved this 22nd day of May, 2019.


Commission Agenda Item No. 8
Exhibit B

Location Map for Lake Houston Wilderness Park in Harris and Montgomery Counties

Location Map for Lake Houston Wilderness Park in Harris and Montgomery Counties

Commission Agenda Item No. 8
Exhibit C

Vicinity Map for Lake Houston Wilderness Park, 20 Miles Northeast of Houston

Vicinity Map for Lake Houston Wilderness Park

Commission Agenda Item No. 8
Exhibit D

Site Map Showing Grand Parkway and Subject Land Transfer
Lake Houston Wilderness Park Outlined in Yellow
Grand Parkway Segment H Main Lanes in Black
Grand Parkway Segment H Feeder Road in Blue
Tract Requested for Transfer in Red

Site Map Showing Grand Parkway and Subject Land Transfer