Commission Agenda Item No. 10
Presenter: Ted Hollingsworth
Acquisition of Land – Bastrop County
Approximately 44 Acres at Bastrop State Park
November 10, 2020
I. Executive Summary: The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) staff has negotiated an option for the purchase of an approximately 44-acre tract adjacent to Bastrop State Park (SP) from a willing seller.
II. Discussion: Bastrop SP consists of approximately 7,433 acres in central Bastrop County and protects a significant example of the Lost Pines ecosystem of Texas. It is located 32 miles southeast of Austin. The state acquired the core of the park in 1933-1935 by deeds from private owners and the City of Bastrop. The Civilian Conservation Corps constructed the earliest park facilities in the 1930s. Bastrop SP is an extremely popular Central Texas destination for hiking, birding, and camping.
The staff has negotiated the acquisition of a high-priority 44-acre tract from a willing seller, contingent upon authorization from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission. The rectangular tract fronts Park Road 1C and is bordered by the park on the north and west. This proposed acquisition would add critical Lost Pines and Houston toad habitat, further protect the park’s viewshed, and offer the ability to expand the recreational trail system.
III. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:
“The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission authorizes the Executive Director to take all necessary steps to acquire approximately 44 acres in Bastrop County for addition to Bastrop State Park.”
Attachments – 4
Commission Agenda Item No. 10
Exhibit A
Location Map for Bastrop State Park in Bastrop County

Commission Agenda Item No. 10
Exhibit B
Vicinity Map for Bastrop State Park (SP),
30 Miles East of Austin

Commission Agenda Item No. 10
Exhibit C
Bastrop State Park Outlined in Red
Map of Acquisition in Yellow

Commission Agenda Item No. 10
Exhibit D
Close-up of Subject 44-Acre Tract
Bastrop State Park Outlined in Red
Map of Acquisition in Yellow