Commission Agenda Item 9
May 23, 2024

Acquisition of Land – Harrison County – Approximately 1.1 Acres at Caddo Lake State Park

I. Executive Summary:

Staff requests authorization to pursue acquisition of a 1.1-acre tract that is adjacent to Caddo Lake State Park. This tract is available from a willing seller and would add excellent habitat and operational utility to the park and protect the park’s viewshed.

II. Discussion:

Caddo Lake State Park sits approximately 15 miles northeast of  Marshall along the shores of the 26,800-acre Caddo Lake. The park totals approximately 460 acres of land donated by neighboring landowners, including Lady Bird Johnson’s father, TJ Taylor. Caddo Lake State Park was constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corps in 1933 and officially opened in 1934. Today, it provides recreational opportunities to the public like camping, fishing, hiking, nature viewing, and paddling.

Staff has identified a 1.1-acre tract adjacent to and within Caddo Lake State Park, located near the northeast corner of the park, that is available from a willing seller. This acquisition has high operational value, as it would close up part of an inholding and prevent future development. It will also allow for an additional buffer near the riparian zone.

III. Recommendation:

Staff recommends that the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:

“The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission authorizes the Executive Director to take all necessary steps to acquire approximately 1.1 acres in Harrison County adjacent to Caddo Lake State Park.”

Attachments – 4

  1. Exhibit A – Location Map
  2. Exhibit B – Vicinity Map
  3. Exhibit C – Area Map of Proposed Acquisition
  4. Exhibit D – Site Map of Proposed Acquisition

Exhibit A – Commission Agenda Item No. 9

Location Map for Caddo Lake State Park
Harrison County

Exhibit B – Commission Agenda Item No. 9

Vicinity Map for Caddo Lake State Park
Approximately 15 Miles Northeast of Marshall

Exhibit C – Commission Agenda Item No. 9

Area Map of Proposed Acquisition
Subject Tract at Yellow Pin
Caddo Lake State Park in Red

Exhibit D – Commission Agenda Item No. 9

Site Map of Proposed Acquisition
Subject Tract in Yellow
Caddo Lake State Park in Red