At Home in the Marsh
Complete this marsh scene by drawing in the animals pictured below. Then, identify the plants in the drawing by writing the correct name by each.

Red-winged blackbirds nest in cattails and bulrushes. The males have bright red shoulder patches.

Muskrats grow to be about 20" long. They build lodges out of cattails.

Dragonflies patrol wetlands in search of smaller insects like flies and midges.

Cattails are eaten by muskrats and provide nesting sites for many marsh birds.

Avocets sweep their long bills through shallow water to capture insects and other tiny animals.

Cinnamon teal are common ducks in the marsh. They are named for their reddish-brown color.

Leopard frogs feed on many insects found in the marsh.

Pondweed seeds can survive long periods of drought.

Tiny midge larvae live underwater feeding on dead plants. Many animals eat midge larvae.

Water boatman can fly and swim. These aquatic insects eat algae.

Duckweed is a tiny floating plant eaten by ducks.

Garter Snakes move easily on land or in water. They eat tadpoles, frogs and small fish.

Bulrushes are plants that grow in water. Their seeds are food for ducks and other marsh birds.