Event Registration
Please note: Please read rules, category descriptions, and registration forms closely.
Official Event Registration Form
- Review How-to Participate!
Select a Tournament Category. If participating in a Regional Tournament, refer to the Regional Tournament Map to select your region.
- Review tournament rules.
- Register your team.
- Please make a copy of your registration for your records. The team captain will receive a confirmation email with a link for fee payments.
- Pay your Registration Fee (or have your sponsor pay) for your total team registration fees. (PLEASE NOTE: Teams receive the payment link by email once they submit their online team registration form. The Birding Classic accepts online payment via credit card only. Do not mail a check for registration fees to TPWD.)
- Team registration is complete once you have completed your registration form and paid your registration fee in full.
- You must email the GTBC coordinator with your selected tournament date(s) within 24-hours of your team’s competition day(s). This email with your chosen tournament date(s) is for GTBC record keeping purposes since all team checklists must be entered into eBird within 48-hours of your tournament completion.