
We are grateful to the following contributors (over 200 folks!). Without their willingness to contribute their sightings, this report would not exist. In 1998, we printed 4,000 report forms and distributed them to various public facilities within the range of this species. We received 160 back that year, which was a 4% return rate. In 1999, over 350 responses came in (not including hawk watches). We would like to thank:

Liz Acree, Keith Aguillard, Kenneth Alexander, Sarah Alsobrooks, Ronnie and Donna Archer, Helen Arnold, John Arvin, Steve Astrich, Ron Atchison, Mike Austin, Jennifer Backo, Don Barker, Robert Bartlett, Bobby Bean, Patty Beasley, Michael Beathard, Dick Benoit, Jerry Berlett, Maxine Blanton, Tom Bledsoe, Hueber and Juanita Blevins, Nick Block, Thad Boudreaux, DeLaine Briscoe, Charles Brooks, Loretta Broussard, Ray Brown, Dan Bryant, Natasha Buchanan, Winifred Burkett, Lesley Bursnall, Mary Ann Calhoun, Eric Carpenter, Chris Carraway, Alvin Cearly, Ann Chen, Jack Chiles, Lanet Coleman, Fred Collins, Sherry Collins, Alice Cornwall, Dan Cornwall, Lois Cornwall, Caroline Cowry, Mary Cox, Charles Craddock, Carolyn Cuthbertson, John Cys, Rich Damron, David Dauphin, Ethel Davis, Freida Davis, Sue Davison, Mary Dougharty, Joe Drescher, Glen Duggan, Paul Dupree, Dana and Gregg Dziezyc, Kim Eckert, Mr.and Mrs.K.W.Eikenhorst, Joan Ellerbee, Harry Elliott, Paul Fagula, Merriwood Ferguson, Harold Fetter, Richard Fielding, June and Emil Fischer, Tony and Phyllis Frank, Dennis Franklin, Brush Freeman, Stuart R.Gary, Richard Gibbons, Elaine Giessel, Gay Gilbert, G.R. Goodall, Peter Gottschling, Mary Lou Grazier, Steven Grubbs, Jim Hailey, Karl Haller, Ken and Linda Hamm, Mary Hannigan, Michele Hannon, Keith Hansen, Alice and Roger Harbin, Peggy Harding, Siew Bee Hartman, Russell Harwood, John Haynes, Raymon L. Hedges, Rhandy Helton, Jose Hernandez, Charles Hilton, Bates Hobbs, Petra Hockey, Gary Hodne, Michael Hoke, Carroll Holt, Charlotte Holt, Jimmy Hoover, Barbara Hortvet, Ken Howard, Stacey Huffman, Charles Hughes, Crystal Hughes, Lee Hutchins, Marshall Iliff, Glen Monroe Irby, Neil Iverson, Sandy Jesperson, Mack Jones, Shelley Jones, Harrison Jordan, Paula Kennedy, Floyd Killen, Nancy Kirschbaum, Greg Lasley, Dan Leger, Winston Leifester, Ray Little, Ronnie Logan, Robert and Kay Lookingbill, Andy Loranger, Matt Luna, Donna Maddox, Lee Malak, Rob Malone, Deborah Markland, Patrick Markland, Mary Jo Martin, C.H. Mayhood, Suzanne McCandless, Mark and Sharon McClelland, Jerry McKinley, Don McNaughten, Mark McQueary, Jim and Pat McKinley, Ray Milentz, Herman Miller, Trent Miller, R.D. Mitchell, Kelly Mizell, Ellen Montgomery, Angel Montoya, Jack Moody, Jack and Elaine Morman, Gretchen Mueller, Jenna Mueller, Walter Mueller, John Muldrow, Andy Newman, Art and Barbara Olsen, Albert Olson, Brent Ortego, June Osborne, David Paling, John Parsons, R.L.Patterson, Ellen Pickett, Dick Pike, Randy Pinkston, Charles Post, Jackie Post, Jack Pulliam, Mendy Rabicoff, Jo Redden, Brent Reeves, George Regmund, Martin Reid, Larry Rice, Listen Rice, Sherrie Roden, Richard Rosche, Jane Rose, Bob Row, Rod Rylander, David Sarkozi, Willie Sekula, Cliff Shackelford, J.W. Sifford, Gael and Leslie Simons, Grady and Lu Skillern, Jim Smith, Steven Spenser, Johnny Stafford, Judy Stanley, Mark Steuer, Ceal Sterling, Murt Sullivan, Lauren Tierney, Barbara Tilton, Buddy Tilton, Mike Tilton, Shannon Tompkins, Judy Travis, Mary Ann Tucker, Chris and Don Turner, Brenda Tuttle, Jerry Tuttle, John Tuttle, Darrell Vollert, Gary Waggerman, Bill Wagner, Bill Ward, Sam Ward, Lloyd Weaver, Jim Weber, Ron Weeks, John West, Thomas Wharton, Matt Whitbeck, Jane Wicker, Mary Sue Williams, Bennett Willis, Clayton Wolf, Jim Yantis, Tommy Yoes, and Roy Zipp.

A special thanks goes to Dick Benoit who, while doing various hawk watches in 1998, sighted 41 out of the 277 individuals reported that year. That's almost 15% of all the kites reported to the project that year.

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