The Guide to
Austin-area Birding Sites
Good places to see birds in and around Austin
Central Areas
1. Eastwoods Park* - 3001
Harris Park Ave.
Location: At the northeast
corner of the intersection
of Harris Park Ave. and
East Dean Keeton Street
(East 26th Street), just
north of the University
of Texas campus.
Habitat: The park’s
large trees are traditional
magnets for migrants, especially
in spring.
Facilities: Restrooms, water
fountains, picnic area.
exploration: Waller
Creek, flowing along the
east edge of the park, can
be interesting both upstream
and downstream; nesting
birds include Green
Heron, Yellow-crowned Night
Heron, and Wood
Duck. As many as
400,000 White-winged Doves
reside in Austin, many of
them year-round; during
the nesting season (April
- September) they are especially
numerous in residential
areas bounded by 51st Street
on the south, Burnet Rd.
on the west, Anderson Ln.
on the north, and IH-35
on the east. In recent years,
up to 10,000 Purple
Martins have gathered from mid-July
to early August on the grounds
of Highland
Mall, 6001 Airport
Blvd. (the roost’s
exact location at the Mall
varies from year to year);
numbers peak just before
2. The
Texas State Capitol Grounds
- Capitol Complex
Visitors’ Center,
112 East 11th Street,
Austin TX 78701, (512)
Location: At the head
of Congress Ave. between
11th and 14th streets.
Habitat: Large trees on
the park-like Capitol
grounds formerly attracted
many migrants (still occasionally
the case, especially when
spring migrants encounter
cold fronts). During evenings
of the warmer months,
Nighthawks circle
the spotlighted dome.
Facilities: Restrooms
and water fountains are
inside the Capitol building.
exploration: The
nearby AFL-CIO
Building (1106 Lavaca Street) hosts
a fall Chimney
Swift roost.
Numbers peak during September,
with best viewing shortly
before sunset.
3. Zilker
Park*, Town Lake Metropolitan
Park*, Pleasant Valley
District Park (Krieg Field)*,
and the Colorado River
Greenbelt* (Colorado River
Park) - Zilker
Park: 2100 - 2200 Barton
Springs Rd., (512) 472-4914
Town Lake Metropolitan
Park: (512) 480-8568 Austin
Nature and Science Center:
301 Nature Center Dr.,
(512) 327-8180 Zilker
Botanical Gardens: 2200
Barton Springs Rd., (512)
477-8672 Pleasant Valley
District Park (Krieg Field):
425 South Pleasant Valley
Location: All these parks
are located along or near
Town Lake. To reach Zilker
Park, follow Barton Springs
Rd. along the south shore
of Town Lake. Barton
the Austin
Nature and Science Center*, Zilker
Botanical Gardens*, and
the Zilker Nature Preserve*
are all part of the Zilker
Park complex; look for
directional signs along
Barton Springs Rd.. The
Lake Metropolitan Park complex – which
includes much of the Hike
and Bike Trail* – extends
discontinuously along
both shores of Town Lake,
from Tom
Miller Dam and
Red Bud Trail in the west
to Pleasant Valley Rd.
and Longhorn
Dam in the
east; the Park is accessible
at a number of points.
Also along Town Lake are
a number of smaller parks,
such as Fiesta
and Metz
Park*. Pleasant
Valley District Park (Krieg
Field) lies on the south
bank of the Colorado River
just east of Pleasant
Valley Rd. The most accessible
section of the Colorado
River Greenbelt (Colorado
River Park) – the
least developed and least
crowded of all these areas – extends
along the south shore
of the Colorado River
from Pleasant Valley Park
in the west to the U.S.
Highway 183 bridge in
the east; reach it by
walking east from Krieg
Habitats: Austin’s
favorite parks complex;
often very crowded, especially
on weekends. Parkland,
riparian areas, Town Lake,
the Colorado River, fields,
and thickets. Those areas
which are strictly parkland
are seldom rewarding for
birders (though Monk
Parakeets build their bulky stick
nests in the tall light
towers at Zilker Park,
Krieg Field, and elsewhere).
Wooded creek sides along
Dry Creek – which
runs through the Zilker
Nature Preserve just west
of the Austin Nature and
Science Center – host
resident and summering
species typical of Austin’s
riparian areas, and occasionally
such locally unusual nesters
as Broad-winged
also migrants and wintering
birds in season. Lower
Barton Creek also has
riparian habitat. Hundreds
of Cliff Swallows nest
under the MoPac Bridge.
Trees and other vegetation
fringe much of the lakefront;
search these fringes for
migrants and wintering
birds (rarities such as
Kingfisher sometimes
turn up, while birds such
as Yellow
Warbler are
common during migration).
Ducks nest in the
vicinity, bringing their
broods to Town Lake in late
spring and early summer.
The Lake also hosts thousands
of overwintering waterbirds,
mostly American
Coots and
Scaup (many other
ducks also occur – rarities
have included Oldsquaw);
during winter Double-crested
Cormorants are common, Ospreys are sometimes seen, and
Loons are occasionally
reported. Lou Neff Point
(where Barton Creek enters
Town Lake) and the Town
Lake basin (just above Longhorn
Dam) are two good observational
stops. Least
Bittern has
been found in reed beds at
Fiesta Gardens. Western
Kingbirds nest around ballfields
at the Krieg Field complex.
The Colorado River just
below Longhorn Dam is worth
investigating when water
is low – rarities
found here have included
Dipper (once only).
Cormorants are
usually present in late
spring and summer, as are
a few Northern
Rough-winged Swallows among the many
Swallows. The fields
and thickets of the Colorado
River Greenbelt can be good
during migration – in
early May, Clay-colored
Sparrows are sometimes fairly
common. Nesters here include
Caracara and Painted
Facilities: Zilker Park:
restrooms, water fountains,
picnic areas; year-round
swimming; also the Splash
environmental education
exhibit and a gift shop
in the bath house complex.
Austin Nature and Science
Center: exhibits (including
live animals typical of
Central Texas), environmental
education programs for children,
restrooms, water fountains.
Zilker Botanical Gardens:
butterfly garden, gift shop,
restrooms, water fountains.
Zilker Nature Preserve:
trails. Town Lake Metropolitan
Park and the Hike and Bike
Trail: trails (wheelchair
accessible), widely scattered
water fountains. Fiesta
Gardens, Metz Park, and
the Pleasant Valley Park:
restrooms, water fountains,
picnic areas. Colorado River
Greenbelt: trails.
Parking is available at many
points; there is space here
to name only a few. Toward
the western end of the complex:
under the MoPac Bridge; at
Zilker Park (which has a parking
fee on weekends); also at
City Coliseum, Palmer Auditorium,
and Auditorium Shores (though
in the near future the latter
three areas may be disrupted
by construction). Toward the
eastern end there is parking
at Festival Beach, Fiesta
Gardens, Metz Park, and Pleasant
Valley Park.
Note: As many as 1.5 million
Mexican Free-tailed Bats roost
under the Congress Ave. Bridge
from late March to early November,
emerging around dusk. For
more information, call (512)
416-5700, extension 3636.
Austin-area Birding Sites
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
4200 Smith School Road
Austin, TX 78744
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