Government Canyon State Natural Area

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Field Trips

Group of young students posing for a photo at a picnic pavilion.

The outdoors is the best classroom. Government Canyon State Natural Area offers TEKS-aligned learning experiences in nature with ranger-led and self-guided visits.

Schedule in advance to request an entrance fee waiver, which allows free entry for your group.


Ranger-led field trips

We offer ranger-led field trips Tuesdays and Thursdays from February through May and mid-September through December. We do not offer ranger-led field trips during Spring Break or other major holidays.

Groups larger than 100 students will need to schedule a self-guided trip, due to staff/volunteer limitations.

Email Government Canyon SNA with questions and to schedule a ranger-led field trip.

  • Choose from the list of standard programs.
  • Be ready with three preferred dates and times for your field trip.
  • Provide at least two months’ notice to secure your trip. Available dates are limited.
  • If your group needs to cancel its trip, please notify us at least one week before the field trip date.
  • We will send an email confirmation once your trip is booked.

Self-guided field trips

Already have a lesson plan to use at the Natural Area? Self-guided field trips are available year-round on Mondays and Fridays. We provide the space; you provide the activities.

Email Government Canyon SNA with questions and to schedule a self-guided trip.


Please keep in mind that while we do have covered facilities and restrooms, your entire trip will be outside.

Field trips are subject to cancellation due to inclement weather. Also, we close most trails (except the 1.25-mile Discovery Trail) after heavy rain. We will not cancel your visit if the trails are closed, but we may need to adjust the day’s plan.

Directions and maps

Find our location, park facility and trails maps.


With advanced notice, we can issue an entrance fee waiver for all teachers, students and chaperones on a self-guided or ranger-led field trip.

Without advanced notice, regular entrance fees will apply.


We require at least one adult for every 15 students. If you are leading self-guided hikes, please bring enough adults for one at the front of each trail group and one at the back. Chaperones must remain with students during the entire trip.

Note: Parents not serving as chaperones may have to pay full park entry fees.

Can’t Come to Us?

TPWDiscover is Texas Parks and Wildlife Department's free, TEKS-aligned distance learning program about the wild things and wild places of Texas. We offer free, interactive and on-demand resources for students in early childhood through 12th grade as well as educator training.

  • Explore our Classroom Resources page. There you'll find a downloadable, searchable spreadsheet along with many more resources.
  • Visit our YouTube channel for a collection of TEKS-aligned videos from across the state.
  • Create a free account with Connect2Texas to register for virtual, educational programs. To view upcoming events, click the "Events” tab on the Connect2Texas website and search for "Texas Parks and Wildlife Department." You can also request a recording of a virtual program.
  • Check out a wildlife-themed educational trunk and materials free of charge. Trunks or tubs include hands-on activities, presentations and instructions. These materials are available on a first-come, first-served basis, so coordinate early!

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