Presenter: Katherine Nichols
Commission Agenda Item No. 11
Land Acquisition – Jack County
January 2000
I. DISCUSSION: In November, 1999, the Commission approved the purchase of a 3.27 tract of land as an addition to Fort Richardson State Historic Park, provided the tract was purchased for appraised value. The seller's asking price had been $75,000, and at the time of the November meeting, the appraisal was not yet complete. The now completed appraisal indicates the property to be worth $35,000, however, due to competing offers, it was necessary for the department to offer $45,000 to secure a contract.
As mentioned last meeting, this tract abuts the park next to the restored commissary building, and its acquisition would allow the department to remove a residence and several unsightly metal buildings, tanks and fences that are visible from the historic fort area. Due to the exceptional value of this property to the park, Staff feels its acquisition merits a purchase price in excess of appraised value.
II. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:
"The Executive Director is authorized to take all necessary steps to consummate the purchase a 3.27-acre tract of land at Fort Richardson State Historical Park at $45,000."
Attachment - 1
1. Exhibit A - Fiscal Note (Exhibit A available upon request.)
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