Presenter: Tim Hogsett

Commission Agenda Item No. 4
Indoor Recreation Grants
January 2000

I. DISCUSSION: The Texas Recreation and Parks Account Program (TRPA) is a dedication of a portion of the state sales tax on sporting goods, effective September 1, 1993. This program provides matching fund assistance to local governments for outdoor and indoor recreation.

TRPA funds available include $3,325,000 from Fiscal Year 2000 revenue. Savings generally occur in one or more projects funded during a given fiscal year. If such savings occur, the staff proposes to utilize them to fully fund the lowest recommended project. The aggregate funding for fiscal year 2000 will not exceed appropriation authority.

This review includes applications from 8 sponsors, requesting $3,359,500 in matching funds for all applications submitted by July 31, 1999. Projects have been analyzed by staff and are ranked in descending order of priority. Exhibit A contains the priority listing with funds requested by the sponsors and funds recommended by staff. Exhibit B contains a discussion of individual, eligible project proposals.

II. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:

"Funding for projects listed in Exhibit A in the amount of $3,325,000.00 is approved, as described for individual projects in Exhibit B. Individual project amounts may be adjusted to take advantage of savings in other fiscal year 2000 projects as long as the overall total does not exceed the amount available, and the requirements of the grant program are met."

Attachments – 3

1. Exhibit A – Priority Listing

2. Exhibit B – Discussion of Individual Project Proposals (Exhibit B- Available upon request.)

3. Exhibit C - Fiscal Note (Exhibit C - Available upon request.)

Commission Agenda Item No. 4
Exhibit A

Priority Listing
Indoor Recreation Grants
(Descending Order of Priority)
(A = Acquisition, D = Development)
(*Resubmitted Project)

Item No. Score Applicant and Project Type Requested Recommended Cumulative
1 88 Greenville Recreation Center D $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00
2 82 Yorktown Recreation Center A/D $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $1,000,000.00
3 80 Alton Recreation Center D $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $1,500,000.00
4 80 Brenham Recreation Center D $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $2,000,000.00
5 66 La Grange Randolph Recreation Center A/D $211,000.00 $211,000.00 $2,211,000.00
6 65 Dimmitt County Live Oak Recreation Center A/D $500,000.00 $500,000.00 $2,711,000.00
7 52 Conroe Oscar Johnson, Jr. Community Center D $473,500.00 $473,500.00 $3,184,500.00
8 26 Alamo Boys and Girls Club Gym D $175,000.00 $140,500.00* $3,325,000.00
    TOTAL:   $3,359,500.00 $3,325,000.00  

* If savings occur in other fiscal year 2000 projects, they will be utilized to fully fund this project, as long as the total does not exceed the amount available, and the requirements of the grant program are met.

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