Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission
Conservation Committee
Jan. 19, 2000
Commission Hearing RoomTexas Parks & Wildlife Department Headquarters Complex
4200 Smith School Road
Austin, TX 78744
6 7 BE IT REMEMBERED that heretofore on the 19th 8 day of January 2000, there came on to be heard 9 matters under the regulatory authority of the 10 Parks and Wildlife Commission of Texas, in the 11 commission hearing room of the Texas Parks and 12 Wildlife Headquarters complex, Austin, Travis 13 County, Texas, beginning at 9:30 a.m., to wit: 14 15 APPEARANCES: 16 THE PARKS AND WILDLIFE COMMISSION: CONSERVATION COMMITTEE: 17 Chair: Carol E. Dinkins Lee M. Bass 18 Dick W. Heath (absent) Nolan Ryan 19 Ernest Angelo, Jr. John Avila, Jr. 20 Alvin L. Henry Katharine Armstrong Idsal 21 Mark E. Watson, Jr. 22 THE PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT: Andrew H. Sansom, Executive Director, and other 23 personnel of the Parks and Wildlife Department. 24 25 .0002 1 JANUARY 19, 2000 2 *-*-*-*-* 3 CONSERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING 4 *-*-*-*-* 5 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: The meeting 6 is called to order. Before proceeding with any 7 of the business, Mr. Sansom has a statement to 8 make. 9 MR. SANSOM: Madam chairman, a 10 public notice to this meeting containing all 11 items on the proposed agenda has been filed in 12 the office of the Secretary of State as required 13 by Chapter 551 of the government code. This is 14 referred to as the Open Meetings Law, and I would 15 like for the action to be noted in the official 16 record of the meeting. 17 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: Thank you. 18 Our first order of business is to approve the 19 committee minutes from the previous meeting. The 20 chair would entertain a motion for approval. 21 COMMISSIONER WATSON: I so move. 22 COMMISSIONER ANGELO: Second. 23 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: Thank you. 24 Is there any discussion, additions, corrections? 25 Hearing none then, all in favor say .0003 1 aye. 2 (Members say aye.) 3 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: Those 4 opposed? Thank you. Motion carries. 5 AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: BRIEFING - CHAIRMAN'S 6 CHARGES. 7 (Motion passed unanimously.) 8 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: Our next item 9 is the chairman's charges, and this is an oral 10 report from Mr. Sansom. 11 MR. SANSOM: Ms. Chairman, I would 12 just like to note that you will be receiving a 13 briefing from State Parks Director Dabney on 14 House Bill 2108 which has to do with the possible 15 transfer of State parks to other political 16 subdivisions of the State, which is a direct 17 component of the chairman's charges. And we have 18 begun discussions with Texas Tech University 19 about continuing a series of studies related to 20 the needs in the 21st Century for parks, 21 recreation, fish and wildlife resources in Texas. 22 And that study is being discussed with Texas 23 Tech at this time. 24 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: Thank you. 25 Any questions or comments? .0004 1 Our next order of business is a 2 briefing on the State park transfer, an update. 3 Walt Dabney. 4 AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: BRIEFING - STATE PARK 5 TRANSFER UPDATE. 6 MR. DABNEY: Good morning. As you 7 know, House Bill 2108 provides a two-year window 8 for us to -- and $2 million a year for us to 9 consider in discussions with local entities, the 10 possible transfer of sites out of the State park 11 system to a subdivision of the State. The 12 actions, to date: We sent out the letters to our 13 employees, to local government officials, and to 14 the members of the legislature, informing them of 15 what our plan was. 16 The criteria that we are considering 17 in any one of these transfers are listed above. 18 The local expertise and ability to protect and 19 manage a site; the financial investment and 20 implications long-term for both Texas Parks & 21 Wildlife and the local entity; the local entity's 22 ability to financially operate and maintain the 23 site. What we sure don't want to do is transfer 24 some place and have it not taken care of and then 25 us get it back. .0005 1 Level of significance -- is it of 2 local interest or is it truly a statewide 3 interest site? It needs to be mutually 4 agreeable. It also needs to have local support 5 for any such transfer. It needs to continue to 6 be used for park purposes, in other words, 7 basically the same as it's being used right now. 8 They need to have the resource management 9 capability to manage specific issues, whether 10 those be cultural or natural resource management 11 issues. They need to have a staffing level that 12 at least equals the current level to be able to 13 continue it, and be able to manage the 14 facilities, some of which are historic in nature. 15 Well, we're -- Anthony, can you get 16 that for me? 17 The process that we're undertaking 18 is, again, initial contact, and those have come 19 mainly from the local entities. We've sat down 20 and met with several different local entities and 21 we have some more that I'll tell you about in 22 just a minute. An information exchange period, 23 financial information and that sort of thing, and 24 right on down this list. 25 The areas that we are currently .0006 1 involved in discussing include Casa Navarro in 2 San Antonio, and Commissioner Watson has been 3 involved in working with us on both Casa Navarro 4 and Mission San Jose. Mission San Jose, were 5 that to transfer, is not truly a House Bill 2108 6 issue, in that this would be the National Park 7 service receiving this and there would not be a 8 transfer of funds associated with this. They're 9 managing the site already, and this would be 10 simply a transfer of responsibility. 11 Old Fort Parker; the Salt Palace is 12 not one that we actually own, but we have a 13 long-term agreement in place where we contribute 14 operating monies to that entity, and we're 15 looking at moving out of that obligation and 16 using some of the transfer money to get us out of 17 that annual obligation and turn that over 18 entirely to the City of Grand Saline. 19 Lockhart is still ongoing, as far as 20 discussion. Lubbock Lake Landmark with Texas 21 Tech University is still ongoing. Regional 22 Director Ardoin and I are going to be meeting 23 with the mayors of Galveston and Jamaica Beach 24 related to Galveston Island. Rusk, Jim Hogg, the 25 City of Rusk is being -- we're having a .0007 1 discussion with Jim Hogg, and also recently we, 2 as of -- since this was put together, we're going 3 to be looking at Rita Blanca up in the top of the 4 Texas Panhandle and talking -- doing an 5 initiation there and Big Spring State Park with 6 the local government. 7 Once, if any of these move through 8 the entire process to the point that a county 9 council, county judge, county commission, or city 10 council passes a resolution and says, we want to 11 proceed on this and we've negotiated an agreement 12 that we think is in the interest of Texas Parks & 13 Wildlife, as well as the local entity, we would 14 make a staff recommendation to the commission. 15 And your responsibility, as we see it, would be 16 to approve the conditions of that transfer and to 17 approve the transfer at that time. I don't have 18 one today to submit to you, but that is the 19 process that we're going through and those are 20 the ones that we have currently active. 21 I'd be available for any questions. 22 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: That's not a 23 short list for you to walk through. 24 MR. DABNEY: No, ma'am. 25 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: It's a good .0008 1 list. 2 MR. DABNEY: Yes. 3 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: Is the Jim 4 Hogg Park the one that's got the cabins out in 5 the woods and there's a little museum in one of 6 them? 7 MR. DABNEY: Yes. 8 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: Is that which 9 Jim Hogg it is? 10 Well, those look like you have some 11 good candidates, too, on the list. Any questions 12 or comments? 13 CHAIRMAN BASS: Keep pushing. 14 MR. DABNEY: Keep pushing. Okay. 15 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: Thank you, 16 Walt. 17 MR. DABNEY: Yes, ma'am. 18 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: BRIEFING - WETLANDS 19 CONSERVATION AND DUCKS UNLIMITED. 20 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: Our next item 21 of business is a briefing and our presenter is 22 Vernon Bevill, and this is Ducks Unlimited 23 briefing. 24 DR. GRAHAM: Madam chairman, I'm 25 Gary Graham, director of the wildlife division. .0009 1 And it's my privilege to introduce you to Ken 2 Babcock with Ducks Unlimited. And other than 3 the stigma of being from Arkansas, Ken and I have 4 a lot in common. We both graduated with our 5 master's degree from LSU and Ken has worked with 6 the Missouri Department of Conservation for 27 7 years and during part of that time he was chief 8 of the wildlife division. He ultimately became 9 assistant director of that department and since 10 1997 has been director of operations for Ducks 11 Unlimited. 12 About two months after I took this 13 job, I attended a DU ceremony at a North American 14 Wildlife conference meeting and was very 15 impressed with Ducks Unlimited and the 16 conservation activities that they're involved 17 in. And it occurred to me at that time that with 18 respect to the public-private partnership 19 opportunities that are out there, Ducks Unlimited 20 was a winner, and one that we ought to 21 participate even greater within. And that 22 ultimately led to this presentation. So I'm 23 pleased to have Ken Babcock down here to talk 24 about Ducks Unlimited. 25 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: Welcome to .0010 1 you. It's good to have you. Thanks for coming. 2 MR. BABCOCK: Thank you very much. 3 Madam chairman and members of the conservation 4 committee, Director Sansom, ladies and gentlemen, 5 it is a pleasure for me to be here and I bring 6 you greetings from our national headquarters in 7 Memphis, Tennessee, and our newly appointed 8 executive vice-president Don Young, who I know 9 has been in Texas since his appointment and I'm 10 sure will be coming to visit with you folks later 11 on. 12 I sincerely appreciate the 13 opportunity to visit with you today about our 14 mutual goals concerning the protection, 15 restoration, and enhancement of wetlands in 16 Texas. 17 Ducks Unlimited accomplishes all of 18 our work through partnerships. We do nothing 19 alone. And when we put together our list of 20 valued partners, state fish and wildlife 21 agencies, and specifically the Texas Parks & 22 Wildlife Department is among the top of our list, 23 as far as our valued partners. 24 My objective today in terms of the 25 comments that I want to make is, I want to share .0011 1 with you some of the accomplishments that we have 2 made together. But more importantly, I hope to 3 excite you with the idea that there's probably a 4 lot more that we can do in terms of building on 5 this. I think I can speak for Gary and Vernon 6 and others with the Texas Parks & Wildlife 7 Department when I use the words from the old 8 vaudeville actor Al Jolson, and I say, "You ain't 9 seen nothing yet," to talk about the things that 10 we can do together as we move on down the line. 11 I think generally when people hear 12 Ducks Unlimited their first thought is an image 13 of a group of duck hunters getting together to 14 raise money to send to Canada to protect wetlands 15 in Canada. And certainly that image is 16 justifiable. For most of the first 50 years of 17 our 63-year existence, that's exactly what our 18 core business was. We raised money in the United 19 States and we sent it to Canada. And still today 20 I want to point out, that is a very integral part 21 of what we do in Ducks Unlimited. But during the 22 past two decades, DU has expanded its vision to 23 cover the entire North American continent and we 24 have adopted a slogan recently of "Ducks and 25 More," when we want people to think about Ducks .0012 1 Unlimited. 2 Ducks Unlimited rose from the dust 3 of the dirty '30s, the dust bowl days, and as 4 stated previously, the organization was formed by 5 U.S. hunters concerned about diminishing 6 waterfowl population from prolonged drought, 7 particularly across the Canadian prairies. The 8 duck factories in Canada had become very dry and 9 the desire was to try to restore those very 10 important production areas. This region was the 11 single purpose focus that Ducks Unlimited had 12 until the mid 1980s when our board of directors 13 established a new mission for us that expanded 14 our views of waterfowl to cover the entire life 15 cycle, to give us an opportunity to take the same 16 vigor that we had put in terms of working on 17 production areas, and apply those to migration 18 and wintering areas. 19 The first step toward development of 20 this U.S. conservation program was the MARSH 21 program. This is a program whereby seven and a 22 half percent of all the money that Ducks 23 Unlimited raises in a particular state comes back 24 to that state to do conservation work. MARSH 25 dollars are matched at least one to one, but more .0013 1 often, it's three and four to one. I'm going to 2 have a little more to say about MARSH in Texas a 3 little bit later on. 4 One of the other things that I think 5 is important in terms of the development of the 6 U.S. conservation program by Ducks Unlimited was 7 establishment of regional offices. Our first 8 office outside our national headquarters was 9 established in the great plains region in 10 Bismarck, North Dakota, in the mid 1980s. The 11 great plains region is shown in red on this map. 12 This office was -- allowed us to just extend the 13 work we had done on the nesting areas of Canada 14 southward into the north central United States, 15 and deal with the important prairie pothole 16 production areas of that region. 17 The next U.S. office shown in green 18 was established in Sacramento, California, in 19 1987. And that office was the first that 20 actually emphasized wintering areas for 21 waterfowl. It was focused on the highly altered, 22 very, very damaged wetland systems of the 23 California central valley. 24 And many of you all know that that 25 area winters more than 50 percent of all the .0014 1 ducks and geese and a lot of shore birds and 2 other nongame birds that migrate through the 3 entire Pacific flyway. This office continues to 4 be very, very important working on some very 5 imperiled wetlands out in that area. 6 In 1990 the southern regional 7 office, of which Texas is a part of, was opened 8 in Jackson, Mississippi, and this office was 9 opened specifically with the objective of working 10 with state and federal agencies -- to work with 11 private landowners, primarily, but to also work 12 on public lands to secure migration and wintering 13 habitats in the three eastern flyways, namely the 14 central flyway that Texas is in, the Mississippi 15 flyway, and the Atlantic. Within this southern 16 region in any given year, up to two-thirds of 17 North America's waterfowl either migrate through 18 or winter in this region. So it's extremely 19 important from a continental standpoint. 20 In 1998 the fourth regional office 21 shown in green was opened in Ann Arbor, 22 Michigan. That office serves the most highly 23 populated region, probably, of the United States, 24 highly industrialized, but very important. Some 25 of the more imperiled species of Canada geese are .0015 1 associated with that area. This is an extremely 2 important production and migration habitat for 3 the Atlantic flyway, and of course most of the 4 continent's black duck population resides in the 5 Atlantic flyway. 6 In addition to the regional offices, 7 DU also maintains an office in Washington, D.C. 8 I don't have to tell you folks that oftentimes a 9 lot of the hard work that we all do in terms of 10 conservation can be impacted positively or 11 negatively at a stroke of a pen with regard to 12 land use policy that guides particularly 13 agriculture issues. And we saw fit several years 14 ago to establish an office and work with other 15 conservation organizations and congressional 16 leaders to try to make sure that land use policy 17 is consistent with DU's mission. 18 And as I said earlier, our corporate 19 headquarters is located in Memphis, Tennessee, 20 and has been there for about ten years. 21 The southern regional office 22 establishes its priorities on the basis of joint 23 venture areas, which are defined by the North 24 American Waterfowl Management Plan. Portions of 25 three of the top five priority regions in the .0016 1 southern region are located in Texas, and I'm 2 going to have a little bit more to say about that 3 specifically later on. 4 Our flagship project in Texas has 5 been the Texas prairie wetlands project. The 6 partners that are involved in this project 7 include the natural resource conservation 8 service, fish and wildlife service, Ducks 9 Unlimited, and of course the Texas Parks & 10 Wildlife Department. DU and the Texas Department 11 have pooled our financial and our human resources 12 to provide nonfederal match for a series of 13 grants that we have gotten through the North 14 American Wetland Conservation Act that has been 15 the primary financial underpinning for this 16 partnership. 17 The Texas Prairie Wetlands Program 18 is aimed at providing quality wetlands on private 19 lands, in the rice prairies and along coastal 20 marshes. Through this project we provide 21 engineering design for wetland restoration and 22 some funds for levies and water control 23 structures. In turn, the landowners pay any 24 residual costs for the actual development, and 25 they agree to maintain this project for a minimum .0017 1 of 15 years and provide the water annually at 2 their own expense. 3 The Texas Prairie Wetlands Project 4 includes 28 coastal counties. These of course 5 are some of the most important wetland areas in 6 the state of Texas, and I would add in the entire 7 central flyway. In each of six of these counties 8 shown in green on this map, more than a thousand 9 acres of wetland have been restored through this 10 partnership. And in an additional five counties, 11 accomplishments have included between 500 and a 12 thousand acres. And all of these areas are in 13 very important waterfowl and wetland areas in 14 Texas. 15 A diversity of habitat has been 16 provided through this Texas Prairie Wetlands 17 Project. About one-third of the project acreage 18 involves reflooding of rice fields. I'll have 19 something to say a little later on about our work 20 with agriculture and how we view that. An 21 additional third is managed as moist soil and for 22 natural vegetation that's important for waterfowl 23 and other wetland wildlife. More than 20 percent 24 is maintained in fresh marsh, and the remainder 25 is in either permanent open water or a variety of .0018 1 other kinds of wetland habitat. 2 In total, the Texas Prairie Wetlands 3 Project has brought nearly 20,000 acres under 4 management. Equally important, it has brought 5 160 Texas landowners into partnership with your 6 department, with Ducks Unlimited, and the other 7 partners in this effort. And in addition to the 8 direct project acreage that's been involved, our 9 staffs, yours and ours collectively, have 10 provided technical assistance regarding wetland 11 management and other things that will enhance 12 lands not necessarily included in this project to 13 another 280,000 acres; this is certainly very, 14 very significant. 15 Another thing is that we have 16 collectively put our staffs together to monitor 17 these projects, to make sure that we continue to 18 give advice to people, to ensure that the return 19 on the dollars that we invest is certainly 20 maximized. 21 By all measures I think we would 22 agree that the Texas Prairie Wetlands Program has 23 helped us move toward our common goals as far as 24 wetland restoration and enhancement in the state 25 of Texas. And the importance of these wetlands .0019 1 has never been more evident than it was this 2 year, as we have faced the drought. I think that 3 the work on this program has probably helped 4 lessen the blow that this drought is delivering 5 all of us in the wildlife management business. 6 Growth in the program here in Texas 7 is limited only by available funds. And I can 8 tell you that from what we see with our staff and 9 what your staff reports, landowner interest in 10 this region and other parts of Texas is certainly 11 very high. 12 These partnerships with the Texas 13 Parks & Wildlife Department has included publicly 14 owned lands as well. Most of this work has been 15 accomplished through the aforementioned MARSH 16 program. And I would add that "MARSH" is an 17 acronym for "Matching Aid to Restore State 18 Habitat." Very clearly earmarked toward the 19 State. DU has made available about $2 million -- 20 actually it's slightly in excess of $2 million -- 21 through the MARSH program for conservation work 22 on public lands in Texas. Almost 93,000 acres 23 have been conserved on 44 projects in Texas. 24 DU's funds have been matched three and four to 25 one to accomplish about $10 million worth of .0020 1 actual work in Texas wetlands. I think we would 2 all agree that this is the kind of stuff that we 3 want to see done. The Peach Point area is a 4 great example of that kind of work. And there 5 are 43 other projects along that line. 6 Historically Ducks Unlimited -- when 7 we assigned our projects and developed our 8 priorities, we did this on a project-by-project 9 basis. And that served us well for a long time. 10 But in more recent times, we have taken a 11 landscape look -- a landscape approach in 12 determining what priority projects we should 13 deliver and consort with our partners. I don't 14 have to tell you folks that most landscapes that 15 include wetlands and that are important to 16 waterfowl and other wetland wildlife, always 17 includes agriculture as a major land-use. It's 18 some of the most productive soil in the continent 19 and it's only natural that agriculture would 20 become a part of that landscape. 21 We at Ducks Unlimited determined a 22 long time ago that we're a lot more successful in 23 terms of achieving our mission if we find ways to 24 work with agriculture instead of working from an 25 adversarial standpoint. .0021 1 In California we developed a program 2 we called Valley CARE, for the central valley of 3 California, and the Great Plains Prairie CARE. 4 And in the Mississippi alluvial valley, we have 5 an ecosystem project we call River CARE. And in 6 each of these landscape programs, "CARE" is, 7 again, an acronym for "Conserving Agriculture 8 Resources in the Environment." We are absolutely 9 convinced that this is the only way we will 10 succeed in terms of restoring wetlands. We find 11 willing partners among agriculture, and we're 12 certainly going to continue to build on that. 13 As stated earlier, there are three 14 of Ducks Unlimited's five top priority areas 15 located in Texas. We think we can apply this 16 CARE concept to each of these or to all of them 17 collectively, as we move on down the line. The 18 strategy of using an ecosystem approach or using 19 this kind of approach has proven very successful 20 for Ducks Unlimited. 21 In 1998 and '99, our most recent 22 fiscal year that we have completed, we generated 23 about two to two and a half million dollars for 24 conservation work each in Louisiana and 25 Arkansas. This is about twice what we have done .0022 1 in Texas, in terms of being able to put 2 conservation work on the ground. The difference 3 in the current fiscal year, I would point out, is 4 even greater than that. The River CARE program 5 has proved to be a very good marketing tool for 6 us in the Mississippi alluvial valley. And we're 7 having another really good year in that regard. 8 We at DU believe that the priorities 9 for wetland conservation in Texas is certainly 10 equal to that in Arkansas and Louisiana. It is 11 the most important wintering area for waterfowl 12 and a lot of other migratory birds in the entire 13 central United States. And we stand ready to 14 work with the department to increase our presence 15 in this fine state. 16 Our partnership with Texas and other 17 states includes not only work within the states 18 that I've talked about, but also Ducks 19 Unlimited's core business of working on the 20 Canadian breeding grounds. Through our state 21 grant program, state conservation agencies 22 contribute money to Ducks Unlimited. We, in 23 turn, match those dollars and then we use those 24 dollars to leverage North American Wetland 25 Conservation Act funds that are, by law, .0023 1 earmarked for expenditure in Canada on wetlands. 2 This was a very important piece of legislation 3 that gave us the opportunity to take U.S. dollars 4 and move them into Canada, and to Mexico, to do 5 good wetland restoration work. If you think 6 about how this money is leveraged, actually by 7 the time a dollar that we get from a state 8 agency, matched by us, then matched again by the 9 North American Wetland Conservation Act, put on 10 the ground in Texas -- or put on the ground in 11 Canada, about every dollar that comes out of the 12 state ends up being increased fivefold by the 13 time it hits the ground in Canada. 14 We set a collective goal about ten 15 years ago of trying to raise $10 million 16 throughout the United States through this 17 program. We have fallen far short. We only do 18 about 2 million a year. But I'm pleased to 19 report that more than half of that comes from the 20 southern regional states and I want to take this 21 opportunity to thank you all for the contribution 22 that Texas has made to that program as well. 23 I'd like to -- maybe conclude my 24 presentation by emphasizing that while DU's 25 priorities relate to wetlands and waterfowl, the .0024 1 work we accomplish does so much more. Our 2 project benefits other game species, song birds, 3 marsh birds, endangered plants and animals. They 4 also improve water quality, help control floods, 5 and provide a great base for recreation in Texas 6 and in other places. And while we at Ducks 7 Unlimited are pleased with the work we have done 8 in Texas, we're not satisfied. I had an old 9 coach one time that used to tell me, "I'm 10 pleased, but not satisfied." I had to live a 11 long, long time to fully understand what he 12 meant. But we don't think you in Texas are 13 particularly satisfied either. 14 DU currently generates about five to 15 six million dollars of revenue from all sources 16 in Texas, including our events, including grants, 17 corporate contributions, and so on. With your 18 help we think we can increase that to more than 19 $10 million a year, with a significant proportion 20 of that being expended right here in Texas. 21 DU's goals in Texas are to maintain 22 and expand the Texas Wetland Prairie Program. I 23 told you that funds is the only thing that limits 24 our ability to expand that. We want to increase 25 our activity on the coastal marsh areas, which is .0025 1 a part of that Gulf Coast joint venture, but an 2 area that we haven't given the kind of attention, 3 particularly on private lands, that we would like 4 to give. And we want to expand our presence with 5 staff in the playa lakes and in the piney woods 6 regions, again, two other important focus areas 7 for Ducks Unlimited. We want to replicate what 8 we've done in the Texas Prairie Wetlands 9 Program. 10 I would like to just maybe pause at 11 this moment and introduce Ed Ritter of our Ducks 12 Unlimited staff. Ed is the guy that has worked 13 with your people on the ground here in Texas to 14 deliver the Texas Prairie Wetlands Program. We'd 15 like to replicate Ed and his staff in a couple of 16 other areas, namely the playa lakes and the 17 eastern part of Texas where you have a lot of 18 bottomland hardwood areas. 19 We want to work with you and your 20 staff to develop scientifically-based plans for 21 wetland enhancement in Texas. We can call it 22 Texas CARE or maybe it's Lone Star CARE or some 23 other acronym that helps point out the fact that 24 we want to build on the programs that we have. 25 Again, I want to thank you for your .0026 1 time and your attention and all that you-all do 2 in a leadership role for the State of Texas. And 3 I can point out that your staff provides 4 leadership roles far beyond your boundaries in 5 working with other states and our organization. 6 And, finally, I want to thank you-all for your 7 support at Ducks Unlimited in helping us achieve 8 our mission. We cannot succeed in the state of 9 Texas without you. And I mean that sincerely. 10 Thank you. 11 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: Well, thank 12 you. And welcome to you, Mr. Ritter. 13 Gary, did you want to add anything 14 else? 15 DR. GRAHAM: Well, I'm just looking 16 forward with excitement to these future 17 partnership possibilities and we'll be discussing 18 the possibilities of Texas CARE over the next 19 several four or five months. 20 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: That's a very 21 exciting opportunity. I have -- ever since the 22 wetlands restoration project started at Mad 23 Island marsh, which Ducks Unlimited supports, 24 I've gone down every year to see the progress. 25 And it's just remarkable what you can accomplish .0027 1 when you put some money and attention on to land 2 that hasn't really had anybody caring for the 3 wetlands. And that's prairie also down there. 4 It's really great to see what you're doing. 5 MR. BABCOCK: Well, we appreciate 6 that. And certainly, again, that's a great 7 example of how collectively we can do so much 8 more than we can try to do alone. And we think 9 there's even greater opportunities at Mad Island, 10 and we're going to be working toward that as 11 well. 12 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: That's good. 13 Any comments or questions from the other members 14 of the committee? 15 Well, we'll look forward to hearing 16 about progress. And thank you again for coming. 17 MR. BABCOCK: Thank you 18 AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: ACTION - LAND 19 ACQUISITION - JACK COUNTY. 20 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: Our next 21 order of business is the land acquisition in Jack 22 County. Kathryn Nichols, welcome. 23 MS. NICHOLS: Thank you. Good 24 morning, madam chairman and commissioners. This 25 is a revisiting of an acquisition that y'all .0028 1 looked at in November at Fort Richardson. It was 2 one of three small additions. 3 The one we're going to revisit today 4 is the red tract you see on the map. When we 5 brought this up in November, we had not had the 6 property appraised yet. And the owners were 7 offering it at $75,000. When the appraisal came 8 in at $35,000, he ended up offering it to his 9 renters, and came back to us -- the only way we 10 were able to outbid those competing offers was to 11 offer $45,000. So we have a revision to the 12 approval that you had in November, which was at 13 appraised value when we didn't know what that 14 number was, to the contract value at $45,000. 15 And this is one of the abutting 16 tracts with some buildings we would like to 17 remove for the protective viewshed at the fort. 18 And the staff recommends that you approve the 19 contract price of $45,000. 20 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: I talked with 21 Mike Herring about this a couple of weeks ago 22 before they prepared the agenda, and he brought 23 me up to date on where they were with this. The 24 appraisal came in substantially lower than what 25 the owner was asking, but so did the size of the .0029 1 tract of land come in lower than what the owner 2 had thought that he had out there. 3 The buildings are quite unsightly. 4 And you really can -- it really does interfere 5 with one's enjoyment of interpreting the 6 historical area. And so I think this is quite an 7 important tract. But we felt it was important 8 for the members of the Commission to realize that 9 although we had approved the acquisition at 10 appraised value, it was not a deal that we could 11 consummate at the appraised value. And this is 12 such a -- this is such a small amount of money in 13 the overall scheme of what it would do for that 14 park, that I really think it's an important 15 acquisition. 16 And, Kathryn, I congratulate you on 17 being able to get a contract at this price. I 18 know it wasn't easy for you. 19 MR. SANSOM: It's still about half 20 what he was wanting for the property. 21 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: Yes, if 22 you'll recall. So Kathryn has done a fine job 23 for us but it just didn't quite come together the 24 way we had hoped it would when we approved it. 25 And so we have it on the agenda for this .0030 1 committee meeting to revisit to make sure that 2 you know where we are. And then it's on for 3 final action tomorrow on the agenda. 4 MS. NICHOLS: And we also would see 5 it as a possibility for a consent item since 6 you've already approved the acquisition once 7 before. 8 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: Very good. 9 Are there any questions or comments? 10 CHAIRMAN BASS: Kathryn, you 11 mentioned that the tenants that he offered it to 12 were willing to pay more than the appraised value 13 also. Do you have any idea of what their top bid 14 was? 15 MS. NICHOLS: $40,000 is what he 16 told me they would do. And, you know, we could 17 have done $40,500 but he just kept insisting 18 on -- that he wasn't going to sign the contract 19 if it wasn't for that dollar figure. 20 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: All right. I 21 think we need a motion to -- 22 COMMISSIONER ANGELO: I want to make 23 a motion for the consent agenda. 24 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: And for the 25 consent agenda. Thank you. .0031 1 Second? 2 COMMISSIONER WATSON: Second. 3 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: Any further 4 discussion? 5 COMMISSIONER HENRY: Just a 6 question. On matters like this, just for 7 information, will this require our rescinding of 8 previous action and reinstituting or is it just 9 up and down. 10 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: I think it's 11 just a motion that we acquire at this price 12 rather than the original -- the original motion. 13 MR. SANSOM: Basically giving us the 14 authorization to exceed the appraised value. 15 COMMISSIONER DINKINS: Yes. And 16 that's how this motion would read, I think. 17 Any further comment or question? 18 All in favor say aye. Those opposed? 19 (Motion passed unanimously.) 20 MS. DINKINS: Motion carries. Thank 21 you. Thank you, Kathryn. 22 That concludes the public portion of 23 our agenda. And the committee, I believe, has an 24 executive session scheduled for later this 25 morning. And so with that, we'll stand in recess .0032 1 until then. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 .0033 1 REPORTER'S CERTIFICATE 2 STATE OF TEXAS ) 3 COUNTY OF TRAVIS ) 4 5 I, MELODY RENEE DeYOUNG, a Certified Court 6 Reporter in and for the State of Texas, do hereby 7 certify that the above and foregoing 31 pages 8 constitute a full, true and correct transcript of 9 the minutes of the Texas Parks and Wildlife 10 Commission on JANUARY 19, 2000, in the commission 11 hearing room of the Texas Parks and Wildlife 12 Headquarters Complex, Austin, Travis County, 13 Texas. 14 I FURTHER CERTIFY that a stenographic record 15 was made by me a the time of the public meeting 16 and said stenographic notes were thereafter 17 reduced to computerized transcription under my 18 supervision and control. 19 WITNESS MY HAND this the 18TH day of 20 FEBRUARY, 2000. 21 22 MELODY RENEE DeYOUNG, RPR, CSR NO. 3226 23 Expiration Date: 12-31-00 3101 Bee Caves Road 24 Centre II, Suite 220 Austin, Texas 78746 25 (512) 328-5557 EBS NO. 37595
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