Presenter: Hal Osburn
Commission Agenda Item No. 11
Shrimp Regulations Assessment
January 2001
I. DISCUSSION: Staff will brief the Commission on the status of the Shrimp Regulations Assessment Study the Commission directed the Coastal Fisheries Division to conduct. Division staffs have been mobilized to address the various components of the study. These components include:
- License Buyback
- Law Enforcement Compliance Rates
- Status of the Habitat
- Water Quality and Quantity
- Bottom Habitat
- Status of the Resource
- Shrimp Fishery trends
- Other aquatic species – crabs, flounder, etc.
- Bio-diversity issues
- Estuaries
- Nearshore Gulf
- Social and Economic Assessments
- Economic Health
- Shrimp Fishery Characterization
- Bait Availability
- Tourism and Recreational
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