Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission
Public Hearing

January 2001 Commission Meeting

Committee and Public Hearing Synopsis Reports

Wednesday, January 24, 2001

ITEM 1: BRIEFING – Chairman’s Charges

ITEM 2: ACTION – Exotic Species Rules

Presenter: Joedy Gray

ACTION: Committee consideration for presentation to full Commission in Public Hearing. This item is also located in the Public Hearing Synopsis report.

CONSENT: This item could be eligible for consent agenda.

The purpose of the Action requested by the Commission is to approve publication of the proposed amendments concerning Harmful or Potentially Harmful Exotic Fish, Shellfish and Aquatic Plants rules in the Texas Register for public comment.

These amendments will:

ITEM 3: ACTION – Legislative Regulations Review

Presenter: Suzy Whittenton, Walt Dabney, Robert Sweeney

ACTION: Committee consideration for presentation to full Commission in Public Hearing. This item is also located in the Public Hearing Synopsis report.

CONSENT: This item could be eligible for consent agenda.

This item seeks adoption of proposed rulemaking required by House Bill 1, 75th Legislature, which requires the department to review all regulations and either repeal, amend, or readopt them. The item addresses the suite of regulations including:

ITEM 4: ACTION – 2001-2002 Statewide Hunting and Fishing Proclamation

Presenters: Paul Hammerschmidt, Phil Durocher, Gary Graham

ACTION: Committee consideration for submission to Texas Register for public comment.

CONSENT: This item is not eligible for consent agenda.

This item proposes the 2001-2002 Statewide Hunting and Fishing Proclamation and requests permission to publish the proposal in the Texas Register for public comment. Proposed changes include:


White-tailed deer:

Eastern Wild Turkey:




Regulation Simplification:

Improve/Maintain Fishing Quality:

Regulations standardization:


ITEM 5: ACTION Amendments to the Public Lands Proclamation and Proposed Hunting Activities on State Parks

Presenter: Herb Kothmann

ACTION: Committee consideration for submission to Texas Register for public comment.

CONSENT: This item is not eligible for consent agenda.

This item proposes amendments to the Public Lands Proclamation and apprises the Committee of candidate state parks for public hunting opportunity. The proposed changes to the Public Lands Proclamation include:

ITEM 6: BRIEFING – Seventy-seventh Legislative Overview

Presenter: Joey Park

ACTION: Committee review and discussion

Staff will brief the Commission on legislative procedures for the 77th legislature, which convenes on January 9, 2001.

ITEM 7: ACTION – Endangered, Threatened, and Protected Native Plant Regulations

Presenter: John Herron

ACTION: Committee consideration for presentation to full Commission in Public Hearing. This item is also located in the Public Hearing Synopsis report.

CONSENT: This item could be eligible for consent agenda.

This item seeks adoption of proposed modifications to the Department’s list of endangered, threatened, and protected native plants. The proposed amendments would:

Wednesday, January 24, 2001

ITEM 1: BRIEFING – Chairman’s Charges

ITEM 2: BRIEFING – Financial Review

Presenter: Suzy Whittenton

ACTION: Committee review and discussion.

In this briefing item, staff will:

ITEM 3: ACTION – Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Program Rules

Presenter: Debra Pendley

ACTION: Committee consideration for presentation to full Commission in Public Hearing. This item is also located in the Public Hearing Synopsis report.

CONSENT: This item could be eligible for consent agenda.

Senate Bill 178, 76th Legislature, codified the HUB program under Texas Government Code, Chapter 2161 mandating General Services Commission to develop and adopt new HUB rules under the TAC. Section 2161.003 of Texas Government Code requires state agencies to adopt GSC HUB rules as their own:

ITEM 4: ACTION – Local Park Funding and Indoor Recreation Grants

Presenter: Tim Hogsett

ACTION: Committee consideration for presentation to full Commission in Public Hearing. This item is also located in the Public Hearing Synopsis report.

CONSENT: This item could be eligible for consent agenda.

The purpose of the Action by the Commission is to approve support of local parks and indoor recreation grants:

Local Park Funding

Indoor Recreation Grants

ITEM 5: BRIEFING – Audit Status Report

Presenter: Dennis O’Neal

ACTION: Committee review and discussion

Staff will brief the Commission on the status of audits affecting the Department:

ITEM 6: ACTION – Memorandum of Understanding – Texas Department of Transportation, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Texas Department of Economic Development, Texas Commission on the Arts, and Texas Historical Commission

Presenter: Lydia Saldaña

ACTION: Committee consideration for presentation to full Commission in Public Hearing. This item is also located in the Public Hearing Synopsis report.

CONSENT: This item could be eligible for consent agenda.

The purpose of the Action by the Commission is to approve the adoption of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU):

ITEM 7: ACTION – Amendment to Artwork Approval

Presenter: Frances Stiles

ACTION: Committee consideration for presentation to full Commission in Public Hearing. This item is also located in the Public Hearing Synopsis report.

CONSENT: This item could be eligible for consent agenda.

The purpose of this Action by the Commission is to approve a substitution to Nongame artwork previously approved by the Commission:

Wednesday, January 24, 2001

ITEM 1: BRIEFING – Chairman’s Charges

ITEM 2: ACTION – Nomination for Oil and Gas Lease – Sheldon Lake SP

Presenter: Kathy Boydston

ACTION: Committee consideration for presentation to full Commission in Public Hearing. This item is also located in the Public Hearing Synopsis report.

CONSENT: This item could be eligible for consent agenda.

This Action item is:

ITEM 3: ACTION – Land Acquisition – Uvalde County (Garner SP)

Presenter: Karen Leslie

ACTION: Committee consideration for presentation to full Commission in Public Hearing. This item is also located in the Public Hearing Synopsis report.

CONSENT: This item is not eligible for consent agenda.

Acquisition of 35.05 acres from a landowner adjacent to Garner State Park is recommended for additional river frontage.

This item will:

ITEM 4: ACTION – Land Acquisition – Brewster County (Big Bend Ranch SP)

Presenter: Karen Leslie

ACTION: Committee consideration for presentation to full Commission in Public Hearing. This item is also located in the Public Hearing Synopsis report.

CONSENT: This item is not eligible for consent agenda.

The purpose of this item is to seek approval to acquire a 640-acre inholding as an addition to Big Bend Ranch State Park.

This item will:

ITEM 5: ACTION – Land Acquisition – Nacogdoches County (Alazan Bayou WMA)

Presenter: Jack Bauer

ACTION: Committee consideration for presentation to full Commission in Public Hearing. This item is also located in the Public Hearing Synopsis report.

CONSENT: This item is not eligible for consent agenda.

Land acquisition of 101.6 acres at Alazan Bayou WMA is receommended. Benefits to the Department include:

This item will:

ITEM 6: ACTION – Land Acquisition – Anderson County (Big Lake Bottom WMA)

Presenter: Jack Bauer

ACTION: Committee consideration for presentation to full Commission in Public Hearing. This item is also located in the Public Hearing Synopsis report.

CONSENT: This item is not eligible for consent agenda.

Land acquisition of an approximate 100-acre access and inholding tract at Big Lake Bottom WMA

This item will:

ITEM 7: ACTION – Land Acquisition – Brewster County (Black Gap WMA)

Presenter: Jack Bauer

ACTION: Committee consideration for presentation to full Commission in Public Hearing. This item is also located in the Public Hearing Synopsis report.

CONSENT: This item is not eligible for consent agenda.

Land acquisition of a 40-acre inholding tract in the Black Gap Wildlife Management Area is recommended to facilitate public use and access as part of a long-term facility improvement strategy.

This item will:

Wednesday, January 24, 2001

ITEM 1: BRIEFING – Chairman’s Charges

ITEM 2: BRIEFING – Bond and Capital Program Update

Presenter: Scott Boruff

ACTION: Committee review and discussion.

This item will brief the Commission on the status of the Bond and Capital Program. The report will reflect:

Wednesday, January 24, 2001

ITEM 1: BRIEFING – Chairman’s Charges

ITEM 2: BRIEFING – Sheldon Lake Master Plan

Presenter: Laura David

ACTION: Committee review and discussion.

Sheldon Lake State Park has been selected to be the model and prototype for TPW’s outdoor outreach education center utilizing the site’s unique and interesting resources. Sheldon will serve the urban population of Houston, specifically school children with little exposure to the natural environment.

The staff will brief the Commission on the status of:

Thursday, January 25, 2001



PRESENTATION – Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agenices Outstanding Law Enforcement Officer Award

Staff: Jim Robertson


ITEM 1: ACTION - Consent Agenda Items

ITEM 2: ACTION – Local Park Funding

Presenter: Tim Hogsett

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.


ITEM 3: ACTION – Indoor Recreation Grants

Presenter: Tim Hogsett

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.


ITEM 4: BRIEFING – Big Time Texas Hunts/Fish Texas Program and Fee Resolution

Presenters: Gary Graham/Larry McKinney

ACTION: Committee review and discussion.

Big Time Texas Hunts has developed into a successful vehicle to generate funds for wildlife research, while also promoting participation in hunting. A similar opportunity may exist for fishing. Staff from Aquatic Resources (Inland and Coastal Fisheries, Resource Protection, and the Education /Outreach Program) and Conservation Communication jointly has developed a pilot program to evaluate the efficacy of such a promotion.

The pilot program would be launched this spring between March and June to include national fishing week (the first weekend in June is free fishing weekend). The drawing for winners would follow in mid-June so that these winners would be highlighted in the fall Hook and Bullet newsletter, helping to promote entries in Big Time Texas Hunts.

The pilot will test direct mail strategies that have been successful for Big Time Texas Hunts, but with the focus on fishing where that can be determined. Supercombo holders, Combo holders with saltwater stamps, Resident fishing license holders with saltwater stamps, registered boat owners with appropriate boat types, etc.

No name has been adopted for the program, but it is anticipated that four unique fishing opportunities will be offered at $10 per application. One trip will offer a combination of Small and Largemouth Bass fishing on Lake Fork and Texoma. Another will offer a combination of inshore and offshore fishing along the Texas coast. A third trip wile have a family orientation and a fourth will provide a fly-fishing opportunity.

Our goal for the pilot would be to test several marketing concepts and generate sufficient applications to recover the $85,000 budgeted for this project. The goal of a successful program would be to generate funds to promote fishing in Texas. All funds from any ongoing program that might evolve from the pilot would be totally dedicated to that effort.

ITEM 5: ACTION – Legislative Rule Review

Presenters: Suzy Whittenton, Walt Dabney, Robert Sweeney

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

This item seeks adoption of proposed rulemaking required by House Bill 1, 75th Legislature, which requires the department to review all regulations and either repeal, amend, or readopt them. The item addresses the suite of regulations including:

ITEM 6: BRIEFING – Big Horn Sheep Transplant Project

Presenters: Jerry Cooke and Clay Brewer

ACTION: Commission review and discussion.

This item will brief the Commission on the recent successful transfer of 45 desert bighorn sheep from Elephant Mountain WMA to Black Gap WMA. This report will reflect:

ITEM 7: ACTION – Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Rules

Presenter: Debra Pendley

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

Senate Bill 178, 76th Legislature, codified the HUB program under Texas Government Code, Chapter 2161 mandating General Services Commission to develop and adopt new HUB rules under the TAC. Section 2161.003 of Texas Government Code requires state agencies to adopt GSC HUB rules as their own:

ITEM 8: ACTION – Exotic Species Rules

Presenter: Joedy Gray

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

The purpose of the Action requested by the Commission is to approve publication of the proposed amendments concerning Harmful or Potentially Harmful Exotic Fish, Shellfish and Aquatic Plants rules in the Texas Register for public comment.

These amendments will:

ITEM 9: ACTION – Endangered, Threatened, and Protected Native Plant Regulations

Presenter: John Herron

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

This item seeks adoption of proposed modifications to the Department’s list of endangered, threatened, and protected native plants. The proposed amendments would:

ITEM 10: ACTION - Memorandum of Understanding – Texas Department of Transportation, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Texas Department of Economic Development, Texas Commission on the Arts, and Texas Historical Commission

Presenter: Lydia Saldaña

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

The purpose of the Action by the Commission is to approve the adoption of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU):

ITEM 11: BRIEFING – Shrimp Resource Study

Presenter: Hal Osburn

ACTION: Committee review and discussion.

This item briefs the Regulations Committee on the status of the Shrimp Regulations Assessment Study the Commission directed the Coastal Fisheries Division to conduct. Division staff have been mobilized to address the various components of the study.

These components include:

  1. License Buyback
  2. Law Enforcement Compliance Rates
  3. Status of the Habitat
  4. Status of the Resource
  5. Bio-diversity issues
  6. Social and Economic Assessments

ITEM 12: ACTION – Amendment to Artwork Approval

Presenter: Frances Stiles

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

The purpose of this Action by the Commission is to approve a substitution to Nongame artwork previously approved by the Commission:

ITEM 13: ACTION – Nomination for Oil and Gas Lease – Sheldon Lake SP

Presenter: Kathy Boydston

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

This Action item is:

ITEM 14: ACTION – Land Acquisition – Uvalde County (Garner SP)

Presenter: Karen Leslie

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

Acquisition of 35.05 acres from a landowner adjacent to Garner State Park is recommended for additional river frontage.

This item will:

ITEM 15: ACTION – Land Acquisition – Brewster County (Big Bend Ranch SP)

Presenter: Karen Leslie

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

The purpose of this item is to seek approval to acquire a 640-acre inholding as an addition to Big Bend Ranch State Park.

This item will:

ITEM 16: ACTION – Land Acquisition – Nacogdoches County Alazan Bayou WMA

Presenter: Jack Bauer

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

Land acquisition of 101.6 acres at Alazan Bayou WMA is receommended. Benefits to the Department include:

This item will:

ITEM 17: ACTION – Land Acquisition – Anderson County (Big Lake Bottom WMA)

Presenter: Jack Bauer

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

Land acquisition of an approximate 100-acre access and inholding tract at Big Lake Bottom WMA

This item will:

ITEM 18: ACTION – Land Acquisition – Brewster County (Black Gap WMA)

Presenter: Jack Bauer

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

Land acquisition of a 40-acre inholding tract in the Black Gap Wildlife Management Area is recommended to facilitate public use and access as part of a long-term facility improvement strategy.

This item will:

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