Presenter: Royce Wells

Commission Agenda Item No. 11
Game Warden Academy Status Report
April 2002

I. Discussion: This presentation will give an overview of the Game Warden Training Academy’s responsibilities, procedures and services it provides for Texas Parks and Wildlife and the people of Texas. The complex process of selecting and training Texas Game Wardens is critical to ensure our conservation officers are ready to serve the State in both conserving her precious natural resources and providing public safety. The selection and training process must not only comply with Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education (TCLEOSE) it must also prepare our game wardens for a conservation officer position that is heavy in responsibility and high in liability. The process of selection and training of a Texas Game Warden is a process that involves input from experts from all Divisions of TPWD, outside subject matter experts, and a highly trained professional staff of Game Warden trainers at the Academy. The Academy also provides in-service and professional development training to Game Wardens, Park Officers, TPW Security officers, as well as training to other Texas Peace Officers in areas that relate to conservation and Water Safety. The result of this training is a program that is highly regarded throughout Texas, the United States and internationally.