Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission
Outreach and Education Committee
April 3, 2002
Commission Hearing RoomTexas Parks & Wildlife Department Headquarters Complex
4200 Smith School Road
Austin, TX 78744
1 5 BE IT REMEMBERED, that heretofore on the 3rd day 6 of April, 2002, there came to be heard matters under the 7 regulatory authority of the Parks and Wildlife Commission of 8 Texas, in the Commission Hearing Room of the Texas Parks and 9 Wildlife Headquarters Complex, Austin, Texas, beginning at 10 3:30 p.m., to wit: 11 12 APPEARANCES: 13 THE PARKS AND WILDLIFE COMMISSION: 14 15 EDUCATION AND OUTREACH COMMITTEE: 16 CHAIR: Katharine Armstrong Idsal, San Antonio, Texas Donato D. Ramos, Laredo, Texas 17 Philip Montgomery, III, Dallas, Texas Ernest Angelo, Jr., Midland, Texas 18 John Avila, Jr., Fort Worth, Texas Alvin L. Henry, Houston, Texas, (Absent) 19 Mark E. Watson, Jr., San Antonio, Texas Joseph Fitzsimons, San Antonio, Texas 20 Kelly W. Rising, M.D., Beaumont, Texas 21 22 23 THE TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE COMMISSION: Robert L. Cook, Executive Director, and other personnel of 24 the Parks and Wildlife Department 25 ESQUIRE DEPOSITION SERVICES 3101 Bee Caves Road, Suite 220, Centre II Austin, Texas 78746 (512) 328-5557 FAX: (512) 328-8139 . 2 1 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: The next committee is the 2 Education and Outreach Committee. Do we have minutes to 3 approve from the last minute. Mr. Henry is chairman of the 4 committee. Mr. Henry is still ill unfortunately. So I am 5 standing in for him as chairman of this committee. Do we have 6 minutes to approve from the last meeting? 7 Then the first order of business is the 8 approval of the committee minutes from the previous meeting. 9 Is there a motion for approval? 10 COMMISSIONER RAMOS: So move. 11 COMMISSIONER MONTGOMERY: Second. 12 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: Motion by Commissioner Ramos, 13 second by Commissioner Montgomery. All in favor please say 14 aye. 15 ("AYE.") 16 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: Any opposed? Hearing none, 17 motion carries. 18 The next order of business is the Chairman's 19 Charges. Mr. Cook, would you please make your presentation. 20 MR. COOK: One charge to study and prepare a 21 report on all department outreach and education programs. As 22 part or our natural leaders program, a team of employees have 23 been assigned the task of evaluating the department outreach 24 and education efforts. Leah Huth who is here today, a member 25 of that team will provide you with a status report on that ESQUIRE DEPOSITION SERVICES 3101 Bee Caves Road, Suite 220, Centre II Austin, Texas 78746 (512) 328-5557 FAX: (512) 328-8139 . 3 1 project today. 2 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: Thank you very much. Would 3 you like to make your presentation? 4 MR. McKINNEY: Yes, we're ready. As with -- 5 Larry McKinney, Senior Aquatic Resources. As for Gary, I'm 6 filling in for Steve Hall who is at the International caught 7 in traffic trying to get back. So I'm just here for moral 8 support. Leah, her and her team have done the work and I 9 greatly appreciate what they've been doing. And so Leah. 10 MS. HUTH: Thank you. My name Leah Huth and 11 I'll be providing an overview of the natural leaders team 12 project for education and outreach. This is the second year 13 that the natural leaders training program that provides 14 training and leadership principles and project coordination. 15 The candidates are divided into teams and are assigned a 16 project to complete in order to practice the skills that were 17 being taught. This year each team received a project that 18 relates to recommendation by the Sunset Committee. The 19 education and outreach team members are Charlie Munger, Inland 20 Fisheries; Paul Chaucair, Coastal Fisheries, and myself from 21 Park Operations. Each team receives mentors that guide the 22 candidates in order to facilitate the completion of the 23 project. Our mentors are Bobby Faucher, Inland Fisheries and 24 Jonathan Gray with law enforcement. The teams has access to 25 project advisors who are currently working with our topics. ESQUIRE DEPOSITION SERVICES 3101 Bee Caves Road, Suite 220, Centre II Austin, Texas 78746 (512) 328-5557 FAX: (512) 328-8139 . 4 1 Our advisors are Cynthia Hancock, Steve Hall and Nancy Herron. 2 The project sponsor is Dr. Larry McKinney. The purpose of our 3 natural leaders project to twofold, to develop 4 responsibilities and authority for each entity in the 5 department that currently supports or conducts education and 6 outreach programs, events and activities. Second, to 7 recommend processes for evaluation. This purpose was 8 condensed from Subsection C added by the Sunset Committee and 9 it contains four parts. 1) To ensure that education and 10 outreach activities are consistent with missions and goals. 11 2) Ensure that activities do not duplicate other efforts by 12 department or entities. 3) The activities provide a cost 13 effective method for reaching participants and 4) The 14 activities be effectively measured. 15 To address the first two parts of Subsection C, 16 responsibilities will be identified for six entities currently 17 involved with education and outreach. Defining rules will 18 provide the ability to meet our mission and goals while 19 avoiding duplication and will lend itself to an organizational 20 structure that will identify specific channels for reporting 21 purposes. 22 In addition to field staff, members of the 23 education branch and interdivisional education and outreach 24 team are currently conducting education and outreach program, 25 events, and activities. Communication and coordination ESQUIRE DEPOSITION SERVICES 3101 Bee Caves Road, Suite 220, Centre II Austin, Texas 78746 (512) 328-5557 FAX: (512) 328-8139 . 5 1 between these entities is crucial to be able to meet the 2 objectives of Subsection C. Clearly defined rules and 3 responsibilities, organization structure and communication 4 channels is one of the teams project deliverables. The second 5 deliverable provides the foundation for conducting evaluations 6 of education and outreach. Throughout the department 7 symmetrical evaluations and reporting mechanisms can be 8 integrated in order to address the third and fourth part of 9 Subsection C. Based on a predetermined schedule, evaluations 10 are requested as events and activities are reported. A 11 database will be required in order to facilitate scheduling 12 evaluation and for consistent reporting of events and 13 activities. The teams third project deliverable is a sample 14 of how a database can be achieved to achieve cost comparisons 15 and effective measurements. The success of any project 16 depends on the degree of implementation achieved. Our forth 17 project deliverable will be an implementation plan. For the 18 recommended time line for implementing the project rules and 19 responsibilities by September. Evaluation requirement by 20 December and an operating database by March of 2003. 21 Thank you for allowing me to provide an 22 overview of the natural leader education and outreach team 23 project. May I answer any questions? 24 COMMISSIONER FITZSIMONS: Good work. 25 MR. McKINNEY: This a project that is one of ESQUIRE DEPOSITION SERVICES 3101 Bee Caves Road, Suite 220, Centre II Austin, Texas 78746 (512) 328-5557 FAX: (512) 328-8139 . 6 1 those -- let me start our natural leader program, the project 2 that the natural leaders do are always interested but not 3 necessarily always directly applicable to what we need to get 4 done and we made that change and this is one of the first 5 projects that are not -- that's interesting project but it's 6 really aimed to give some tools and some and we have to come 7 up with and they work with real hard at it in their own 8 schedule just continue with it. 9 MR. COOK: I would like to tell you a little 10 more about Leah. She's our assistance park manager here on 11 McKinney Falls State Park that is immediately next door here 12 and sometime when you're here and have an hour or so I'd 13 encourage you to go over and meet with the folks at the park 14 and tour the park. It is a great park. It fits this mold 15 again that we're talking about of a park in an urban area. 16 Leah is characteristic, great representative of the young 17 people that we have in our leadership program and it is a 18 wonderful program, we're very proud of it and Leah, were proud 19 of you. We thank you for your presentation. 20 MS. HUTH: Thank you. 21 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: Is there any other discussion 22 from the Commission? If not this committee is adjourned. 23 What do we go to now? 24 MR. COOK: We're there, I think. 25 CHAIRMAN IDSAL: Oh boy. ESQUIRE DEPOSITION SERVICES 3101 Bee Caves Road, Suite 220, Centre II Austin, Texas 78746 (512) 328-5557 FAX: (512) 328-8139 . 7 1 Well, then I declare ourselves adjourned. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ESQUIRE DEPOSITION SERVICES 3101 Bee Caves Road, Suite 220, Centre II Austin, Texas 78746 (512) 328-5557 FAX: (512) 328-8139 . 8 1 THE STATE OF TEXAS ) 2 COUNTY OF TRAVIS ) 3 I, KIM SEIBERT, a Certified Court Reporter in and for 4 the State of Texas, do hereby certify that the above and 5 foregoing pages constitute a full, true, and correct 6 transcript of the minutes of the Texas Parks and Wildlife 7 Commission on April 3, 2002, in the Commission hearing room 8 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Headquarters Complex, Austin, 9 Travis County, Texas. 10 I FURTHER CERTIFY that a stenographic record was made by 11 me at the time of the public meeting and said stenographic 12 notes were thereafter reduced to computerized transcription 13 under my supervision and control. 14 WITNESS MY HAND this ____ day of ____________________, 15 2002. 16 17 18 ___________________________ KIM SEIBERT, Texas CSR 4589 19 Expiration Date: 12/2002 3101 Bee Caves Road 20 Suite 220, Centre II Austin, Texas 78701 21 (512) 328-5557 22 23 24 25 ESQUIRE DEPOSITION SERVICES 3101 Bee Caves Road, Suite 220, Centre II Austin, Texas 78746 (512) 328-5557 FAX: (512) 328-8139 . 9 1 2 3 4 ___________________________ KATHARINE ARMSTRONG IDSAL, CHAIRMAN 5 6 ___________________________ PHILIP MONTGOMERY, III 7 8 ___________________________ JOSEPH FITZSIMONS 9 10 ___________________________ KELLY W. RISING, M.D. 11 12 ___________________________ ERNEST ANGELO, JR. 13 14 ___________________________ JOHN AVILA, JR. 15 16 ___________________________ ALVIN L. HENRY 17 18 ___________________________ DONATO D. RAMOS 19 20 ___________________________ MARK E. WATSON, JR. 21 22 23 24 25 ESQUIRE DEPOSITION SERVICES 3101 Bee Caves Road, Suite 220, Centre II Austin, Texas 78746 (512) 328-5557 FAX: (512) 328-8139
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