Outreach and Education Committee

Wednesday, 9:00 a.m., May 29, 2002

Commission Hearing Room
4200 Smith School Road
Austin, TX 78744
Subject Public Hearing
Agenda Item No.
  Approve previous Committee Meeting minutes  
  Summary of Minutes  
1. Chairman's Charges (Oral Presentation) Committee Only
2. Sunset Recommendation on Education and Outreach
Staff: Steve Hall, Nancy Herron
Committee Only
3. Water Communications Initiative
Staff: Lydia Saldaña
Committee Only
4. Other Business  

Summary of Minutes
Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission
Outreach and Education Committee
April 3, 2002

BE IT REMEMBERED that heretofore on the 3rd day of April 2002, there came on to be heard matters under the regulatory authority of the Parks and Wildlife Commission of Texas, in the commission hearing room of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Headquarters complex, Austin, Travis County, Texas, beginning at 3:30 p.m. to wit:


Katharine Armstrong Idsal, Chairman (in Mr. Henry’s absence)
Al Henry, Committee Chair (absent)
Ernest Angelo, Jr.
John Avila, Jr.
Joseph Fitzsimons
Phil Montgomery, III
Donato Ramos
Kelly Rising
Mark Watson, Jr.

II. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Minutes approved.

Motion: Commissioner Ramos

Second: Commissioner Montgomery


1. BRIEFING – Chairman’s Charges

Mr. Cook introduced Leah Huth to present a briefing addressing the charge to study and prepare a report on all department outreach and education programs.


Presenter: Larry McKinney/Leah Huth – Natural Leader’s Team Chairwoman

Mr. McKinney was called upon by Chairwoman Idsal to introduce the item and Leah Huth. He noted that he was filling in for Steve Hall, Education and Outreach Director, due to Hall’s attendance at a Fish and Wildlife Conference in Dallas.

Ms. Huth introduced herself and an overview of her Natural Leader’s Team project dealing with Sunset Recommendations (S.B. 305) on Education and Outreach (Sec. 6.1-6.4). She noted that this was the second year of the Natural Leaders program that provides training and leadership principles and department-wide project coordination for those who participate.

Education and outreach project team members include Charlie Munger, Inland Fisheries, Paul Chaucair, Coastal Fisheries and herself from Parks. Team mentors include Bobby Faucher, Inland Fisheries, and Jonathan Gray, Law Enforcement. Team advisors include Cynthia Hancock, Internal Audit and Steve Hall and Nancy Herron from Education and Outreach. Project sponsor is Dr. Larry McKinney.

Purpose of the project is to develop responsibilities and authority for each entity in the department dealing with education and outreach and recommend processes for evaluation. Purpose was condensed from Subsection C of the Sunset Report’s recommendations:

1) Ensure programs and efforts are consistent with mission and goals of agency

2) Ensure that programs do not duplicate other programs in/outside of the agency

3) Provide a cost effective means for reaching participants

4) Ensure activities are effectively measured

Roles and responsibilities, the first deliverable of the project, was identified for six entities involved with TPW education and outreach efforts. Results would help TPW avoid duplication of effort (2) and provide reporting mechanisms via organization structure {costs/measurements (3 and 4)}. Members of the education and outreach team are currently conducting education and outreach program, events and activities. She noted that communication and coordination between entities was crucial to meet the recommendations.

Evaluation, the second deliverable, was assessed and a mechanism was developed that would successfully integrate TPW evaluations and reporting numbers for events and activities.

The third deliverable was a database (series of Access templates) that could be used to achieve the second deliverable.

The fourth project deliverable would be the implementation plan (timeline) that called for the completion of the evaluation requirement by December of 2002 and operating database by March 2003.

She thanked the commission for allowing her to present.

Commissioner Fitzsimons congratulated Huth and McKinney added thoughts about the success of the Natural Leaders team working with staff on the issue.

Executive director Cook commented on Ms. Huth being the assistant park manager at McKinney Falls State Park and praised her and the park for exemplifying the leadership principles. He thanked her for presenting and turned it back the Chairwoman Idsal who declared the meeting adjourned.


Committee Agenda Item No. 1

Outreach and Education Committee
Chairman's Charges
May 2002

(This item will be an oral presentation.)

Committee Agenda Item No. 2
Presenters: Steve Hall, Nancy Herron

Outreach and Education Committee
Outreach & Education – Sunset (S.B. 305) Recommendations
Initial Report
May 2002

I. Discussion: The Sunset Report (S.B. 305, Section 16 and 54) mandated that Texas Parks and Wildlife conduct a study of outreach and education and provide a report on recommendations for improving the management and implementation of related programs and activities. Specifically, they asked the department to report on: 1) Program Assessment, 2) Internal Oversight, 3) Evaluation and 4) Partnerships.

The Education and Outreach Branch is preparing a program assessment (Exhibit A - sample) of existing agency outreach and education programs provided by department personnel and/or supporting partnerships. The assessment will be completed in July 2002 and it will include the following factors:

A Natural Leaders team was selected to prepare the Education and Outreach Project Plan and team leader, Leah Huth, briefed this committee on April 3, 2002.

The team reviewed the roles and responsibilities (internal oversight) of all entities inside and outside the agency supporting or conducting outreach and education activities. They have made their initial report (Exhibit B - draft).

Additionally, the Natural Leader’s Team produced the initial report on evaluation (Exhibit C - draft) that will be used in the process of determining the scope and effectiveness of any proposed new education and outreach effort beginning in September 2002.

In June 2002 the agency’s Education and Outreach Team will be seeking reviews and comments regarding these initial reports to be included in the final report and associated commission action item scheduled for August 2002.

The Education and Outreach Advisory Group, an external entity comprised of a diverse, statewide membership will be formed and announced prior to September 2002, specifically to promote and support education and outreach efforts of the department.

Attachments - 3:

1. Exhibit A– Assessment of Existing Programs and Activities, Samples (available upon request)
2. Exhibit B – Roles and Responsibilities (available upon request)
3. Exhibit C - Evaluation (available upon request)

Committee Agenda Item No. 3
Presenter: Lydia Saldaña

Outreach and Education Committee
Water Communications Initiative
May 2002

I. Discussion: Aquatic Resources Director Larry McKinney and Communications Director Lydia Saldaña will discuss a comprehensive communications initiative on water. This integrated communications effort will include the following elements:

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