Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission
Contract Number | Vendor Name | Reason for Change | Original Term Date | Revised Term Date (if applicable) | Original Contract Amount | Revised Contract Amount (if applicable) | Percentage Change | Purchaser | Division |
501092 | O.J.'s Marine, Inc | Internal repair, R/V San Jacinto. After diagnostics it was discovered that many repairs were needed to the shaft assembly on both the port & starboard sides. The vessel is inoperable without these repairs. | 8/31/2018 | N/A | $4,300.00 | $35,059.08 | 715.33% | Carla Roberts | CF |
503144 | Joshua Anderson DBA Coastal Bend Controls | Internal repair, Brood Fish Lighting System damaged by hurricane Harvey. After equipment was disassembled and evaluated it was determined that the PLC controller and enclosure required replacement. | 11/8/2017 | 11/16/2017 | $500.00 | $9,408.74 | 1781.75% | Shanon Quaranta | CF |
503209 | Ag Power, Inc. | Internal repair to transmission & power train for John Deere 5625 tractor. Actual repair costs exceeded original estimate. | 11/15/2017 | N/A | $2,500.00 | $2,751.26 | 10.05% | Jodi Swonke | WL |
503112 | JAM Electrical, Inc. | Internal repair, Wastewater Treatment Plant, San Jacinto. Initial contract amount was for diagnostic work only. After equipment was disassembled and evaluated it was determined that the aerator motor would require removal, repair and replacement. Removal and replacement required the use of a crane and operator. Purchase order term was extended in order to allow the vendor adequate time to complete repair and replace the motor. | 10/4/2017 | 12/8/2017 | $105.00 | $3,919.60 | 3632.95% | Kametria Mattox | SP |
504464 | Weaver's Refrigeration and Electric | Internal repair to electrical wiring at Nails Creek State Park Headquarters. Initial contract amount was for diagnostic work only. After equipment was evaluated it was determined that repairs would require cutting through concrete to repair wiring to the meter can. | 11/13/2017 | 12/31/2017 | $50.00 | $3,150.00 | 6200.00% | Kametria Mattox | SP |
502113 | TIBH Industries | Contract administrative employee for accounts payable as per SPD managed term contract 962-M3. Contract period and hours were extended due to business necessity. Accounts payable does not have a permanent FTE to handle full time administrative duties. As a result, a contracted Administrative Assistant is needed to provide critical administrative functions. | 12/29/2017 | 8/31/2018 | $13,018.32 | $32,144.00 | 146.91% | Judy Ahrens | FR |
494992 | Texas Department of Criminal Justice | Replacement grills needed following Lake Somerville flooding. Contract extended until 2/7/18. Park unable to accept delivery due to park condition. Installation charge was cancelled as park staff will perform installation. | 8/7/2017 | 2/7/2018 | $5,679.57 | $3,345.00 | -41.10% | Anitra Hall | SP |
494401 | Texas Department of Criminal Justice | Replacement picnic tables and fire rings needed following Lake Somerville flooding. Contract extended until 2/7/18. Park unable to accept delivery due to park condition. Installation charge was cancelled as park staff will perform installation. | 8/7/2017 | 2/7/2018 | $57,339.30 | $52,305.00 | -8.78% | Anitra Hall | SP |
Note about Internal Repair and Emergency Purchases
Internal Repair Purchases
An internal repair is a repair to state-owned equipment that cannot be reasonably defined prior to the actual repair and the extent of the repair needed cannot be determined until the equipment is disassembled. Internal repairs are usually the result of an unexpected, basic service outage. For example, the unexpected failure of a building’s air conditioner may result in unanticipated repair to electrical circuitry, which would constitute an internal repair. Internal repairs must include labor and may include parts.
Competitive award is not required for an internal repair. However, internal repairs are reported on the Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD), LBB, and other transparency reports as required by state purchasing policies and procedures.
Internal Repair Procedures:
When a procurement has been identified as an internal repair the purchaser setups a Purchase Order (PO) in our financial system to limit agency liability, the following statement is added as a note to the supplier on the PO:
“Not to exceed {insert reasonable dollar limit} for repair services unless prior authorization is provided by the agency.”
After the equipment is taken apart and the issue identified, the vendor provides a quote to TPWD for review and approval. If approved, the purchaser issues a contract amendment formally approving the additional services and encumbering the funds.
In official recognition of the adoption of this resolution in a lawfully called public meeting of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, we hereby affix our signatures this 25th day of January, 2018.
Emergency Purchases
Emergencies occur as the result of unforeseeable circumstances and may require an immediate response to avert an actual or potential public threat. If a situation arises in which compliance with normal procurement practices is impractical or contrary to the public interest, an emergency purchase may be warranted to prevent a hazard to life, health, safety, welfare, property or to avoid undue additional cost to the state.
Emergency Contract Awards are reported on the Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD), LBB, and other transparency reports as required by state purchasing policies and procedures.
T. Dan Friedkin, Chairman
Ralph H. Duggins, Vice-Chairman
Anna B. Galo, Member
Bill Jones, Member
Jeanne W. Latimer, Member
James H. Lee, Member
S. Reed Morian, Member
Dick Scott, Member
Kelcy L. Warren, Member