Commission Agenda Item No. 1
Carter Smith
Personnel Matters
Selection of New Internal Auditor
January 23, 2020
I. Executive Summary: The position of Director of Internal Audit for TPWD is currently vacant. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (Commission) will consider and possibly vote on the selection of a new TPWD Director of Internal Audit.
II. Discussion: The Texas Internal Auditing Act (Government Code chapter 2102) requires that a state agency’s internal auditor be appointed by and report directly to the agency’s governing board. As a result, the Director of Internal Audit for TPWD must be selected by and report to the Commission. The TPWD Executive Director provides administrative oversight for the TPWD Director of Internal Audit. A recommendation will be presented to the full Commission.
III. Recommendation: The following motion is recommended to appoint a new TPWD Director of Internal Audit:
“The position of Director of Internal Audit for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is offered to __________________.”