Ag Clays Target Shooting

State Ag Clays Shoot June 2-4, 2024 National Shooting Sports Complex San Antonio

Itinerary - Updated 6/1/24


Trap Registration

Sporting Clays Registration

Doubles Trap

Super Sporting

Coach & Alumni

Rules - Edit 12/19

Current & New Teams/Ag Teachers, please click HERE to update your contact information for the 2023-2024 season.

Ag Clays LogoAg Clays Shooting Program

This program introduces Clay Target Shooting, also known as “Ag Clays” to schools and students who participate in Wildlife, Fisheries, and Ecology Management curricula. The curriculum is taught by Ag Science teachers in conjunction with the Future Farmers of America (FFA) class instruction. The program is an extracurricular extension of the classroom time and enhances the Ecology Management portion of the curriculum. The program develops personal skills, teaches laws and ethics related to shooting, hunting, and firearm safety.

Ag Clays is introduced in the classroom, but Ag Science teachers and parent volunteers are the backbone to the program’s success. Shooting sports activities help participants practice procedures in safe firearm handling and shooting.

A variety of annual competitions are held throughout the state and extend invitations to Ag Clays participants. These competitions offer team and individual prizes, as well as cash and/or scholarships. They include, but are not limited to,

  • Texas Parks and Wildlife State Ag Clays Shoot,
  • Texas Stock Show & Rodeo shoots,
  • Future Farmers of America (FFA) Ag Clays fundraisers and/or rodeo qualifier shoots


Ag Science Teacher (AST) /Advisor & School Eligibility:

  • Responsible for implementing the Ag Clays program in school and ensuring students and adult volunteers know and follow Ag Clays rules and requirements.
  • Offer Wildlife, Fisheries, and Ecology Management curriculum
  • Is a certified Hunter Education Instructor.
  • AST / Team leader/Coach know and understand the rules of:
  • National Sporting Clays Association Rules (NSCA)
  • Amateur Trap Association Rules (ATA)
  • Each program must have one or more shooting team leaders/coaches (may be the AST or an approved adult volunteer who has completed Hunter Education).
  • A shooting team leader/coach must be present at all practices and competitions.
  • Teams are responsible for supplies, (eye and ear protection, ammo, firearms, etc.)
  • Teams are responsible for securing adequate ranges (public or private) for practice outside of competition.
  • Schools are encouraged to obtain sponsors and support for their teams through businesses, organizations and individuals.

Ag Clays Students/Athlete Eligibility: Click HERE


Alumni, parents and coaches are invited to participate in the Sporting Clays Fundraiser during the Annual State Ag Clays Tournament each year

Ag Clays Program, established 2007 - Founded by Charlie Wilson, Mobile Shooting Range Coordinator for Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

State Partner – Texas State Rifle Association Foundation, Inc.

Logo Artist – Callan Seale, Dripping Springs HS

Ag Clays Contacts:

 Morgan Harbison

TPWD Mobile Range Coordinator

Phone: 512-413-0194



Angela Gerlich

TSRA Foundation Executive Director

Phone: 512-426-1329
