An online resource for students of nature and the outdoors.
- albino
- an organism exhibiting deficient pigmentation
- analgesic
- pain relief
- anticoagulant
- a substance that hinders the clotting of blood
- arboreal
- inhabiting or frequenting trees
- anterior
- situated near or toward the head or part most nearly corresponding to a head
- articulation
- a movable joint between rigid parts of an animal
- aversion
- a feeling of repugnance toward something with a desire to avoid or turn from it
- carnivorous
- meat-eating
- carrion-
- the dead and rotting body of an animal
- cartilaginous
- composed of cartilage which is a usually translucent somewhat elastic tissue
- chemoreceptor
- a sense organ (as a taste bud) responding to chemical stimuli
- cloaca
- the common chamber into which the intestinal, urinary, and generative canals discharge in reptiles, amphibians, and many fishes
- dichotomous key
- a tool to help identify things - through progressive levels of choices, you can determine a species based on its observable traits
- epidermal
- of the epidermis; skin
- efficacy
- the power to produce an effect
- endemic
- belonging to or native to a particular area
- eradicate
- to do away with as completely as if by pulling up by the roots
- extirpate
- to remove or destroy totally; do away with; exterminate.
- herpetologist
- a person who studies reptiles and amphibians
- invertebrates
- lacking a spinal column; also : of or relating to invertebrate animals
- lethargic
- sluggish; slow to respond
- moribund
- being in the state of dying : approaching death
- morphology
- the form and structure of an organism or any of its parts>the form and structure of an organism or any of its part
- necrosis
- usually localized death of living tissue
- nocturnal
- active at night
- oviducts
- a tube that serves exclusively or especially for the passage of eggs from an ovary
- pectoral girdle
- the bony or cartilaginous arch that supports the forelimbs of a vertebrate
- pelvic girdle
- a bony or cartilaginous arch that supports the hind limbs of a vertebrate
- persecute
- to harass in a manner designed to injure, grieve, or afflict
- retractile
- capable of being drawn back or in
- rut-
- "the rut" is the period when deer breed
- sadism
- excessive cruelty
- sedentary
- not migratory: doing or requiring much sitting
- subterranean
- being, lying, or operating under the surface of the earth
- terrestrial
- animals and plants that dwell on land or the ground
- thespian
- actor; theatrical performer
- vertebrates
- any of a subphylum (Vertebrata) of chordates possessing a spinal column that includes the mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes