Freshwater Fisheries Articles
Texas offers a range of fine freshwater fishing opportunities. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department works to keep it that way through stocking, monitoring, habitat improvement, research and conservation activities. These short articles highlight topics of interest to anglers. Many were written by TPWD staff for publication in Texas Parks & Wildlife and other outdoor magazines.
Finding Good Fishing
When to Go
- March is Big Bass Month - Texas Fish & Game, March 2004
- Dog Days and Cat Nights of Summer - Lone Star Outdoor News, August 11, 2006
Where to Go
- Big Sam is Back - Texas Sportsman, August 2004
- Neighborhood Fishin' - Texas Parks & Wildlife, April 2009
- Urban Fishing in Dallas-Fort Worth - Lone Star Outdoor News, June 2005
- Prince of Bass: Whites on the Sabine River - Texas Parks & Wildlife, January 2006
- Seeing
Red - Texas Parks & Wildlife, April 2006 (also published as
"Fly Fishing the Red River" in Texas Fish & Game, October 2006) - Fishing Hot Spots in State Parks - Texas Parks & Wildlife, June 2006
- Fishing with a Southern Accent - Texas Parks & Wildlife, September 2008
- City Fish - Texas Parks & Wildlife, September 2006
- Top Spots for Fall Bass - Texas Sportsman, October 2006
- Triple Play: Bass in South Texas Reservoirs - Texas Parks & Wildlife, October 2006
What to Fish For
- Bad, Bad Bowfin - Texas Parks & Wildlife, March 2009
- Bass are a Blast - Houston Business Journal, Spring 2005
- Big Jerks (striped and hybrid striped bass) - Texas Parks & Wildlife, September 2007
- The World According to Carp - Texas Parks & Wildlife, March 2006
- Herding Cats - Texas Parks & Wildlife, October 2007
- Crappie Days are Here Again - Texas Parks & Wildlife, May 2006
- Snaring the Red Drum - Texas Parks & Wildlife, August 2006
- Florida or Northern Largemouth? - Texas Parks & Wildlife, January 2007
Tips and Tactics
- Oxygenation of Livewells to Improve Survival of Tournament-Caught Bass
- The Hunt for Big Bass - Texas Parks & Wildlife, February 2005
- The Bobber Did It - Texas Parks & Wildlife, March 2005
- Weighty Matters: Certifying Scales - Texas Parks & Wildlife, October 2005
- Bassin' for Bucks - Texas Parks & Wildlife, December 2005
- Heart of Texas Cats: Fishing with Juglines - Catfish Now, August 2006
- Bass Buffet - Texas Parks & Wildlife, January 2007
- Homemade Baits for Carp
- How to Cook a Carp
- The Electronic Angler - Texas Parks & Wildlife, January 2007
- Tripping the Trinity - Texas Parks & Wildlife, March 2007
Managing Fisheries
Public Reservoirs and Streams
- A Day in the Life of a Fisheries Management Biologist
- A Day in the Life of a Fisheries Research Biologist - Texas Fish & Game, March 2005
- A Day in the Life of a Hatchery Manager - Texas Fish & Game, May 2005
- Bass, Bucks & Brahmas - Texas Wildlife, September 2005
- Bass Under the Microscope - Texas Parks & Wildlife, February 2006
- Catch and Release: Have We Gone Too Far? - Texas Wildlife, March 2006
- Rainbows Over Texas - Texas Parks & Wildlife, December 2007
- Stocking Up - Texas Parks & Wildlife, May 2006
- Hatching a Revolution - Texas Parks & Wildlife, April 2006
- Growing Fish Food - Texas Parks and Wildlife, June 2006
- West Texas Wet - Texas Parks and Wildlife, April 2007
Private Lakes and Ponds
- No Carping Without a Permit - Texas Wildlife, March 2005
- Bossing Your Own Pond - Texas Wildlife, July 2005
Preserving Aquatic Habitats
- Marinas Play Key Role in Invasive Species Fight - Changing Currents, January 2017
- Exotic Aquatics: Manna from Heaven or Weeds from Hell? - Texas Fish & Game, April 2004
- Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: Largemouth Bass Virus - Texas Fish & Game, May 2004
- Golden Mystery: A Killer Lurks in Texas Waters - Texas Parks & Wildlife, May 2004
- Mussel Mystery - Texas Fish & Game, February 2005
- Giant Salvinia Threatens East Texas Reservoirs - Texas Parks & Wildlife, May 2005
- Hungry Hordes to the Rescue - Texas Parks & Wildlife, May 2006
- Don't Dump That Aquarium - Texas Parks & Wildlife, August 2006
Fishing For the Future
- Hatching A New Hatchery - Texas Parks & Wildlife, February 2005
- An East Texas Treasure: Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center - Texas Wildlife, November 2004

Information collection, reporting and research are produced with support from the federal Sport Fish Restoration program.
© Copyright Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. No part of this work may be copied, reproduced, or translated in any form or medium without the prior written consent of Texas Parks Wildlife Department except where specifically noted. If you want to use these articles, see Site Policies.