TPWD District Fisheries Office

PO Box 835
Canyon, Texas 79015
(806) 655-4341
Caleb Huber, Biologist

About the Area

Local Information


Buffalo Springs Lake

Quick Links: Fishing Regulations | Angling Opportunities | Cover & Structure | Tips & Tactics

Lake Characteristics

Location: 5 miles east of Lubbock on the North Fork of the Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River
Surface area: 241
Maximum depth: 52 ft., mean depth 15 ft.
Impounded: 1960

Water Conditions

Fluctuation: Mild, less than 1 foot
Normal Clarity: Stained, 1-2 feet visibility

Reservoir Controlling Authority

Lubbock County WC&ID No. 1
9999 High Meadow Road
Lubbock, Texas 79404
(806) 747-3353

Aquatic Vegetation

Limited to stands of cattail located around the reservoir

Predominant Fish Species

Lake Records
Stocking History
Latest Survey Report

Lake Maps

Lubbock County and Lubbock City maps provide a general view of the lake area.

Fishing Regulations

All species are currently managed under statewide regulations.

Angling Opportunities
Species Poor Fair Good Excellent
Largemouth Bass     yes  
Flathead Catfish   yes    
Channel Catfish     yes  
Crappie     yes  
Striped Bass   yes    
White Bass yes      
Sunfish   yes    
Fishing Cover/Structure

Working with local partners, TPWD has installed a variety of man-made fish habitat structures in this reservoir. Anglers may use GPS in conjunction with a fish finder to locate these structures.

Use the Habitat Structure Viewer for an interactive map of fish habitat structures and downloadable GPS coordinates.

Tips & Tactics

The reservoir has a dense population of gizzard shad, which is the primary prey for largemouth bass. Your presentation must compete with this natural food base, so accurate casts and a sensitive touch are needed. Try pitching plastic worms into holes in the cattails or floating worms along structure in the mornings. Suspending baits are a good option for keeping your bait in the strike zone longer. Stripers can be caught by downrigging 4-inch white plastic grubs or with live bait. Catfish anglers using cut bait have also been successful at taking stripers. Be aware that the reservoir develops a strong thermocline during the summer so fish will remain in the upper, oxygenated levels during this time. Crappie are effectively caught by noodling live bait along the shoreline in openings in the cattails. Bank anglers can access many of these crappie areas by using an 8-10 ft cane pole and reaching out over the dense shoreline cover.